Non-exhaustive list of interplanetary artificial objects that were either intentionally brought back to Earth intact (e.g. Apollo Command Modules and Surface Sample Return Capsules) or incinerated into the atmosphere after a failed Earth escape burn.

Note that five Venus landers, three Mars landers and two Mars impact probes which were stranded have probably survived their Earth atmospheric reentry but their actual condition and position are unknown.

This list does not include the Earth’s artificial satellites.

Estimated number of artificial objects: 570
Estimated total mass: 403.2 tons

COSPAR IDname typemissionquantitydry mass (kg)statusdate/epoch (UTC)
NONEABLE 1Lunar orbiterPIONEER 0138.5launch failure, destroyedAugust 17, 1958
NONEYe-1 No.1Lunar impact probeLUNA 1A, LUNA 1958A1361launch failure, destroyedSeptember 23, 1958
1958 ETA (1958-007)X-248-A3 ALTAIRBooster (3rd stage)PIONEER 1, PIONEER I130discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryOctober 13, 1958
1958 ETA 1 (1958-007A)ABLE 2Lunar orbiterPIONEER 1, PIONEER I134.2failed to orbit, incinerated upon atmospheric entryOctober 13, 1958
NONEYe-1 No.2Lunar impact probeLUNA 1B, LUNA 1958B1361launch failure, destroyedOctober 11, 1958
NONEX-248-A3 ALTAIRBooster (3rd stage)PIONEER 2, PIONEER II130discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryNovember 8, 1958
NONEABLE 3Lunar orbiterPIONEER 2, PIONEER II139.6failed to orbit, incinerated upon atmospheric entryNovember 8, 1958
NONEYe-1 No.3Lunar impact probeLUNA 1C, LUNA 1958C1361launch failure, destroyedDecember 4, 1958
1958 THE (1958-008)BABY SERGEANTBooster (3rd stage)PIONEER 3, PIONEER III313.95discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryDecember 6, 1958
1958 THE (1958-008)BABY SERGEANTBooster (4th stage)PIONEER 3, PIONEER III14.65discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryDecember 6, 1958
1958 THE (1958-008)HALF CLAMPClampPIONEER 3, PIONEER III2-discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryDecember 6, 1958
1958 THE 1 (1958-008A)PIONEER 3Lunar fly-by probePIONEER 3, PIONEER III15.9failed to orbit, incinerated upon atmospheric entryDecember 7, 1958
NONEYe-1 No.5, Ye-1A No.1Lunar impact probeLUNA 1959A, LUNA 2A1390launch failure, destroyedJune 18, 1959
NONEABLE 4A, P1Lunar orbiterPIONEER 5A, PIONEER W10launch vehicule destroyed before stackingSeptember 24, 1959
1959 THE (1959-008C)BLOK E No.I1-8 Booster (3rd stage)LUNA 311472discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryApril 29, 1960
1959 THE 1 (1959-008A)Ye-2A No.1Circumlunar probeLUNA 31278.5EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryApril 29, 1960
1960 THE 1 (1959-008A)PENNANTS?Commemorative itemsLUNA 3?-fixed to the probeApril 29, 1960
NONEABLE 4B, P3Lunar orbiterPIONEER 5B, PIONEER X1168.7launch failure, destroyedNovember 26, 1959
NONEBLOK E No.L1-9Booster (3rd stage)LUNA 4A, LUNA 1960A11472failed to orbit, incinerated upon atmospheric entryApril 16, 1960
NONEYe-3 No.1Circumlunar probeLUNA 4A, LUNA 1960A1278.5fixed to the boosterApril 16, 1960
NONEYe-3 No.2Circumlunar probeLUNA 4B, LUNA 1960B1278.5launch pad failure, destroyedApril 19, 1960
NONEABLE 5A, P30Lunar orbiterPIONEER 6A, PIONEER Y1175.5launch failure, destroyedSeptember 25, 1960
NONEBLOK L No.L1-4MBooster (3rd stage)MARS 1A, MARS 1960A1999launch failure, destroyedOctober 10, 1960
NONE1M No.1, MARSNIK 1Mars fly-by probeMARS 1A, MARS 1960A1480fixed to the boosterOctober 10, 1960
NONEBLOK L No.L1-5MBooster (3rd stage)MARS 1B, MARS 1960B1999launch failure, destroyedOctober 14, 1960
NONE1M No.2, MARSNIK 2Mars fly-by probeMARS 1B, MARS 1960B1480fixed to the boosterOctober 14, 1960
NONEABLE 5B, P31Lunar orbiterPIONEER 6B, PIONEER Z1175.5launch failure, destroyedDecember 15, 1960
1961-002BBLOK L No.L1-7VBooster (3rd stage)SPUTNIK 7, VENERA 1A, HEAVY SATELLITE1999technical failure, incinerated upon atmospheric entryFebruary 26, 1961
1961-002A1VA No.1Venus impact probeSPUTNIK 7, VENERA 1A, HEAVY SATELLITE1645fixed to the boosterFebruary 26, 1961
1961-002APENNANTS SPHERECommemorative itemsSPUTNIK 7, VENERA 1A, HEAVY SATELLITE1-fixed to the probeFebruary 26, 1961
1961 KAP 1 (1961-010A)P-14, EXPLORER XInterplanetary probeEXPLORER 10135discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJune 15, 1968
1961-021BAGENA B #111DBooster (2nd stage)RANGER 1, RANGER I1867technical failure, incinerated upon atmospheric entryAugust 26, 1961
1961-021AP-32Lunar impact probeRANGER 1, RANGER I1306fixed to the boosterAugust 26, 1961
1961-032BAGENA B #117DBooster (2nd stage)RANGER 2, RANGER II1867technical failure, incinerated upon atmospheric entryNovember 19, 1961
1961-032AP-33Lunar impact probeRANGER 2, RANGER II1306fixed to the boosterNovember 19, 1961
NONEP-37, MARINER R-1Venus fly-by probeMARINER 1, MARINER I1202.8launch failure, destroyedJuly 22, 1962
1962-040BBLOK L No.T103-12Booster (3rd stage)SPUTNIK 19, VENERA 2A1999technical failure, incinerated upon atmospheric entryAugust 28, 1962
1962-040A2MV-1 No.1Venus fly-by probeSPUTNIK 19, VENERA 2A1792fixed to the boosterAugust 28, 1962
1962-040A2MV-1 No.1 SAVenus landerSPUTNIK 19, VENERA 2A1305fixed to the probe, survived reentry?August 28, 1962
1962-043BBLOK L No.T103-13Booster (3rd stage)SPUTNIK 20, VENERA 2B1999technical failure, incinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 6, 1962
1962-043A2MV-1 No.2Venus fly-by probeSPUTNIK 20, VENERA 2B1792fixed to the boosterSeptember 6, 1962
1962-043A2MV-1 No.2 SAVenus landerSPUTNIK 20, VENERA 2B1305fixed to the probe, survived reentry?September 6, 1962
1962-045BBLOK L No.T103-14Booster (3rd stage)SPUTNIK 21, VENERA 2C1999technical failure, incinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 14, 1962
1962-045A2MV-2 No.1Venus fly-by probeSPUTNIK 21, VENERA 2C1890fixed to the boosterSeptember 14, 1962
1962-057BBLOK L No.T103-15Booster (3rd stage)SPUTNIK 22, MARS 1C1999technical failure, incinerated upon atmospheric entryOctober 29, 1962
1962-057BDEBRIS?Debris?SPUTNIK 22, MARS 1C?-ejected from the booster, incinerated upon atmospheric entryOctober 29, 1962
1962-057A2MV-4 No.1 /2MV-4 No.3Mars fly-by probeSPUTNIK 22, MARS 1C1893.5fixed to the boosterOctober 29, 1962
1962-062BBLOK L No.T103-17Booster (3rd stage)SPUTNIK 24, MARS 2A1999technical failure, incinerated upon atmospheric entryDecember 27, 1962
1962-062A2MV-3 No.1Mars fly-by probeSPUTNIK 24, MARS 2A1792fixed to the boosterDecember 27, 1962
1962-062A2MV-3 No.1 SAMars landerSPUTNIK 24, MARS 2A1305fixed to the probe, survived reentry?December 27, 1962
1963-001BBLOK L No.T103-09Booster (3rd stage)SPUTNIK 25, LUNA 4C, LUNA 1963A1999technical failure, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJanuary 11, 1963
1963-001AYe-6 No.2Lunar landerSPUTNIK 25, LUNA 4C, LUNA 1963A1750fixed to the boosterJanuary 11, 1963
NONEYe-6 No.3Lunar landerLUNA 4D, LUNA 1963B1750launch failure, destroyedFebruary 3, 1963
1963-039BERS 12Scientific probeVELA 112.1EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryFebruary 5, 1966
1963-044BBLOK L No.G103-18Booster (3rd stage)KOSMOS 21, ZOND 1A1999technical failure, incinerated upon atmospheric entryNovember 14, 1963
1963-044A3MV-1A No.2Deep space probeKOSMOS 21, ZOND 1A1800fixed to the boosterNovember 14, 1963
1963-046BX-258B2 Altair 2 #RH-60Booster (3rd stage)EXPLORER 18130discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entry
1963-046AIMP-A, IMP-1 (INTERPLANETARY MONITORING PLATFORM-1)Scientific probeEXPLORER 18162EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryDecember 30, 1965
NONE3MV-1 No.2 /3MV-1A No.4AVenus fly-by probeZOND 1B, VENERA 1964A1800launch failure, destroyedFebruary 19, 1964
NONEYe-6 No.6Lunar landerSUPTNIK 27, LUNA 5A, LUNA 1964A1750launch failure, destroyedMarch 21, 1964
1964-014BBLOK L No.Booster (3rd stage)KOSMOS 27, ZOND 1C, VENERA 1964B1999technical failure, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMarch 28, 1964
1964-014A3MV-1 No.3 /3MV-1 No.5Venus fly-by probeKOSMOS 27, ZOND 1C, VENERA 1964B1663fixed to the boosterMarch 28, 1964
1964-014A3MV-1 No.3 SAVenus landerKOSMOS 27, ZOND 1C, VENERA 1964B1285fixed to the probe, survived reentry?March 28, 1964
NONEYe-6 No.5Lunar landerLUNA 5B, LUNA 1964B1750launch failure, destroyedApril 20, 1964
1964-040CERS 13Scientific probeVELA 212.1EOM, defunctJanuary 1, 1966
1964-054AOGO 1, OGO A, EOGO 1Scientific probeOGO 1 (ORBITING GEOPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY)1487EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryAugust 29, 2020
1964-060BX-258 ALTAIR 2 Booster (3rd stage)EXPLORER 21130discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entry
1964-060AIMP-B, IMP-2 (INTERPLANETARY MONITORING PLATFORM-2)Scientific probeEXPLORER 21162EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJanuary 1, 1966
1964-082BCENTAUR C #146DBooster (2nd stage)SURVEYOR MODEL 112024fixed to the probeDecember 12, 1964
1964-082ASURVEYOR MODEL 1Instrumented mass modelSURVEYOR MODEL 11948EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryDecember 12, 1964
NONECENTAUR C #156DBooster (2nd stage)SURVEYOR SD-111652launch pad failure, destroyedMarch 2, 1965
NONESURVEYOR SD-1, SURVEYOR DYNAMIC MODEL-1Instrumented dynamic simulation payloadSURVEYOR SD-11995fixed to the boosterMarch 2, 1965
1965-018BBLOK L No.Booster (3rd stage)KOSMOS 60, LUNA 5C1999technical failure, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMarch 17, 1964
1965-018AYe-6 No.9Lunar landerKOSMOS 60, LUNA 5C1750fixed to the boosterMarch 17, 1964
NONEBLOK L No.R103-26Booster (3rd stage)LUNA 5D, LUNA 1965A1999failed to orbit, incinerated upon atmospheric entryApril 10, 1965
NONEYe-6 No.8Lunar landerLUNA 5D, LUNA 1965A1750fixed to the boosterApril 10, 1965
1965-042BX-258 ALTAIR 2 Booster (3rd stage)EXPLORER 28130discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entry
1965-042AIMP-C, IMP-3 (INTERPLANETARY MONITORING PLATFORM-3)Scientific probeEXPLORER 28158EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJuly 4, 1968
1965-058CORS 3, ERS 17Scientific probeVELA 315.5EOM, defunctNovember 3, 1965
1965-081BAGENA D #6801Booster (2nd stage)OGO 2 (ORBITING GEOPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY)1867discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryNovember 27, 1987
1965-081AOGO 2, OGO CScientific probeOGO 2 (ORBITING GEOPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY)1520EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 17, 1981
1965-092BBLOK L No.Booster (3rd stage)KOSMOS 96, VENERA 4A, VENERA 1965A1999technical failure, incinerated upon atmospheric entryDecember 9, 1965
1965-092A3MV-4 No.4Venus fly-by probeKOSMOS 96, VENERA 4A, VENERA 1965A1950fixed to the boosterDecember 9, 1965
1966-017BBLOK D No.Booster (3rd stage)KOSMOS 111, LUNA 10A1999technical failure, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMarch 3, 1966
1966-017AYe-6S No.204Lunar orbiterKOSMOS 111, LUNA 10A1865fixed to the boosterMarch 3, 1966
1966-030BCENTAUR D #184DBooster (2nd stage)SURVEYOR MODEL 211652fixed to the probeMay 5, 1966
1966-030ASURVEYOR MODEL 2Instrumented mass modelSURVEYOR MODEL 21952EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMay 5, 1966
1966-049BAGENA B #6502Booster (2nd stage)OGO 3 (ORBITING GEOPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY)1867discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 29, 1981
1966-049AOGO 3, OGO B, EOGO 3Scientific probeOGO 3 (ORBITING GEOPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY)1515EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 14, 1981
1966-095ASURVEYOR MODEL 3Instrumented mass modelSURVEYOR MODEL 31952EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryNovember 6, 1966
1966-100BAGENA D #6631Booster (2nd stage)LUNAR ORBITER 2, LUNAR ORBITER II1673discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJanuary 15, 1966
1967-021B7K-L1 No.2P PAOCircumlunar probe service moduleKOSMOS 14615375fixed to the probeMarch 18, 1967
1967-021A7K-L1 No.2PCircumlunar probeKOSMOS 1461-EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMarch 18, 1967
1967-032ABLOK D No.Booster (4th stage)KOSMOS 15411800failed to reach earth escape velocity, incinerated upon atmospheric entryApril 10, 1967
1967-032A7K-L1 No.3P PAOCircumlunar probe service moduleKOSMOS 15415375fixed to the probeApril 10, 1967
1967-032A7K-L1 No.3PCircumlunar probeKOSMOS 1541-missed the Moon, incinerated upon atmospheric entryApril 10, 1967
1967-035ASMSS (SOIL MECHANICS SURFACE SAMPLER) SCOOPSpacecraft partsSURVEYOR 3, SURVEYOR III12.5brought back to earth by Apollo 12 astrounautsNovember 29, 1969
1967-035ATV CAMERASpacecraft partsSURVEYOR 3, SURVEYOR III15brought back to earth by Apollo 12 astrounautsNovember 29, 1969
1967-035AALTITUDE MARKING RADAR SUPPORTING STRUT UNPAINTED ALUMINUM TUBE SECTIONSpacecraft partsSURVEYOR 3, SURVEYOR III11.5brought back to earth by Apollo 12 astrounautsNovember 29, 1969
1967-035AINORGANIC WHITE PAINT COATED ALUMINUM TUBE SECTIONSpacecraft partsSURVEYOR 3, SURVEYOR III11.5brought back to earth by Apollo 12 astrounautsNovember 30, 1969
1967-035AALUMINIZED PLASTIC FILM WRAPPED TV CABLE SEGMENTSpacecraft partsSURVEYOR 3, SURVEYOR III10.5brought back to earth by Apollo 12 astrounautsDecember 1, 1969
1967-046CBLOK L No.Booster (3rd stage)KOSMOS 1591999discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJune 2, 1967
1967-046AYe-6LS No.111Lunar fly-by probeKOSMOS 15911136EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryNovember 11, 1967
1967-051BFW-4D #40101Booster (3rd stage)EXPLORER 34138.3discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entry
1967-051AIMP-F, IMP-4 (INTERPLANETARY MONITORING PLATFORM-4)Scientific probeEXPLORER 34173.7EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMay 3, 1969
1967-063BBLOK VL No.Booster (3rd stage)KOSMOS 167, VENERA 5A11160technical failure, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJune 25, 1967
1967-063A1V/V-67 No.311Venus cruise stageKOSMOS 167, VENERA 5A1723fixed to the boosterJune 25, 1967
1967-063A1V/V-67 No.310 SAVenus landerKOSMOS 167, VENERA 5A1383fixed to the probe, survived reentry?June 25, 1967
1967-073BAGENA D #6802Booster (2nd stage)OGO 4 (ORBITING GEOPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY)1867discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMay 15, 1974
1967-073AOGO 4, OGO D, POGO 2Scientific probeOGO 4 (ORBITING GEOPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY)1562EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryAugust 16, 1972
NONE7K-L1 No.4L PAOCircumlunar probe service moduleZOND 4A, ZOND 1967A14970launch failure, destroyedSeptember 28, 1967
NONE7K-L1 No.4LCircumlunar probeZOND 4A, ZOND 1967A1-parachute landingSeptember 28, 1967
NONE7K-L1 No.5L PAOCircumlunar probe service moduleZOND 4B, ZOND 1967B14970launch failure, destroyedNovember 22, 1967
NONE7K-L1 No.5LCircumlunar probeZOND 4B, ZOND 1967B1-parachute landingNovember 22, 1967
1967-123BTETR A, TETR 1, TTS 1, ERS 30S-band transponder satellitePIONEER 8120EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryApril 28, 1968
NONEBLOK L No.Ya716-57Booster (3rd stage)LUNA 14A, LUNA 1968A1999failed to orbit, incinerated upon atmospheric entryFebruary 7, 1968
NONEYe-6LS No.112Lunar orbiterLUNA 14A, LUNA 1968A11136fixed to the boosterFebruary 7, 1968
1968-013BBLOK D No.14LBooster (4th stage)ZOND 411800discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMarch 4, 1968
1968-013A7K-L1 No.6L PAOCircumlunar probe service moduleZOND 414970EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMarch 7, 1968
1968-013A7K-L1 No.6LCircumlunar probeZOND 41-EOM, self-destruction, scatteredMarch 7, 1968
1968-014BAGENA D #6503Booster (2nd stage)OGO 5 (ORBITING GEOPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY)1867discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJanuary 18, 2011
1968-014AOGO 5, OGO EScientific probeOGO 5 (ORBITING GEOPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY)1611EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJuly 2, 2011
NONE7K-L1 No.7L PAOCircumlunar probe service moduleZOND 5A, ZOND 1968A14970launch failure, destroyedApril 22, 1968
NONE7K-L1 No.7LCircumlunar probeZOND 5A, ZOND 1968A1-parachute landingApril 22, 1968
NONE7K-L1 No.8L PAOCircumlunar probe service moduleZOND 5B, ZOND 1968B14970launch pad failure, recoveredJuly 21, 1968
NONE7K-L1 No.8LCircumlunar probeZOND 5B, ZOND 1968B1-fixed to the booster, recoveredJuly 21, 1968
1968-076BBLOK D No.Booster (4th stage)ZOND 511800discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 14, 1968
1968-076A7K-L1 No.9L PAOCircumlunar probe service moduleZOND 514970discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 21, 1968
1968-076A7K-L1 No.9LCircumlunar probeZOND 51-EOM, earth landingSeptember 21, 1968
1968-100BTETR B, TETR 2, TTS 2, ERS 31Transponder satellitePIONEER 9120EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 19, 1979
1968-101BBLOK D No.19Booster (4th stage)ZOND 611800discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryNovember 15, 1968
1968-101A7K-L1 No.12L PAOCircumlunar probe service moduleZOND 614970fixed to the probeNovember 17, 1968
1968-101A7K-L1 No.12LCircumlunar probeZOND 61-EOM, parachute failure, crashed, scatteredNovember 17, 1968
1968-109BFW-4D #Booster (3rd stage)HEOS 1125discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryOctober 28, 1975
1968-109AS-16 BARIUM CANISTERScientific probeHEOS 113discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryDecember 27, 1968
1968-109AHEOS1, HEOS-A1 (HIGHLY ECCENTRIC ORBITING SATELLITE)Scientific experimentHEOS 11105EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryOctober 20, 1975
1968-118ASM-103Lunar orbital service moduleAPOLLO 816110EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryDecember 27, 1968
1968-118ACM-103Lunar orbital command moduleAPOLLO 814979EOM, earth landingDecember 27, 1968
NONE7K-L1 No.13L PAOCircumlunar probe service moduleZOND 7A, ZOND 1969A14970launch failure, destroyedJanuary 20, 1969
NONE7K-L1 No.13LCircumlunar probeZOND 7A, ZOND 1969A1-parachute landingJanuary 20, 1969
NONEYe-8 No.201 KTLunar landerLUNA 15A, LUNA 1969A11380launch failure, destroyedFebruary 19, 1969
NONE8EL No. 201Lunar roverLUNA 15A, LUNA 1969A1756fixed to the landerFebruary 19, 1969
NONE7K-L1S No.3S PAOLunar orbital service moduleN1-L3 FLIGHT TEST 116900launch failure, destroyedFebruary 21, 1969
NONE7K-L1S No.3SLunar orbital command moduleN1-L3 FLIGHT TEST 11-parachute landingFebruary 21, 1969
NONELK L3 Model No.1Lunar module mass modelN1-L3 FLIGHT TEST 11-fixed to the boosterFebruary 21, 1969
1969-018BSLA PANEL 1CSM/LM Adapter panelAPOLLO 91290discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMarch 3, 1969
1969-018BSLA PANEL 2CSM/LM Adapter panelAPOLLO 91290discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMarch 3, 1969
1969-018BSLA PANEL 3CSM/LM Adapter panelAPOLLO 91290discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMarch 3, 1969
1969-018BSLA PANEL 4CSM/LM Adapter panelAPOLLO 91290discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMarch 3, 1969
1969-018DLM-3 DPS SPIDERLunar Module Descent StageAPOLLO 911984discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMarch 22, 1969
1969-018CLM-3 APS SPIDERLunar Module Ascent Stage + CM docking ringAPOLLO 912189discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryOctober 23, 1981
1969-018ASM-104Lunar orbital service moduleAPOLLO 916110EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMarch 13, 1969
1969-018ACM-104 GUMDROPLunar orbital command moduleAPOLLO 914979EOM, earth landingMarch 13, 1969
NONEBLOK D No.240-01Booster (4th stage)MARS 2A, MARS 1969A11800launch failure, destroyedMarch 27, 1969
NONE2M/M-69P No.521Mars orbiterMARS 2A, MARS 1969A13314fixed to the boosterMarch 27, 1969
NONEBLOK D No.233-01Booster (4th stage)MARS 2B, MARS 1969B11800launch failure, destroyedApril 2, 1969
NONE2M/M-69P No.522Mars orbiterMARS 2B, MARS 1969B13314fixed to the boosterApril 2, 1969
1969-043ASM-106Lunar orbital service moduleAPOLLO 1016110discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMay 26, 1969
1969-043ACM-106 CHARLIE BROWNLunar orbital command moduleAPOLLO 1014979EOM, earth landingMay 26, 1969
1969-051BAGENA D #6803Booster (2nd stage)OGO 6 (ORBITING GEOPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY)1867discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJune 12, 1980
1969-051AOGO 6, OGO F, POGO 3Scientific probeOGO 6 (ORBITING GEOPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY)1632EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryOctober 12, 1979
NONEBLOK D No.238-01Booster (4th stage)LUNA 15B, LUNA 1969B11800failed to orbit, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJune 14, 1969
NONEYe-8-5 No.402 KTLunar landerLUNA 15B, LUNA 1969B11660fixed to the boosterJune 14, 1969
NONEYe-8-5 No.402 VSLunar ascent stageLUNA 15B, LUNA 1969B1236fixed to the landerJune 14, 1969
NONEYe-8-5 No.402 VALunar sample return capsuleLUNA 15B, LUNA 1969B139fixed to the landerJune 14, 1969
1969-053BFW-4D #Booster (3rd stage)EXPLORER 41125discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryDecember 10, 1976
1969-053AIMP-G, IMP-5 (INTERPLANETARY MONITORING PLATFORM-5)Scientific probeEXPLORER 411175EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryDecember 23, 1972
NONE7K-L1S No.5L PAOLunar orbital service moduleN1-L3 FLIGHT TEST 216900launch pad failure, destroyedJuly 3, 1969
NONE7K-L1S No.5LLunar orbital command moduleN1-L3 FLIGHT TEST 21-parachute landingJuly 3, 1969
NONELK L3 Model No.2Lunar module mass modelN1-L3 FLIGHT TEST 21-fixed to the boosterJuly 3, 1969
1969-059ASM-107Lunar orbital service moduleAPOLLO 1116599discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJuly 24, 1969
1969-059ACM-107 COLUMBIALunar orbital command moduleAPOLLO 1115491EOM, earth landingJuly 24, 1969
1969-067BBLOK D No.Booster (4th stage)ZOND 711800discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryAugust 7, 1969
1969-067A7K-L1 No.11 PAOCircumlunar probe service moduleZOND 714970discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryAugust 14, 1969
1969-067A7K-L1 No.11Circumlunar probeZOND 71-EOM, earth landingAugust 14, 1969
NONEPIONEER EInterplanetary probePIONEER E165.4launch failure, destroyedAugust 27, 1969
NONETETR C, TETR 3, TTS 3, ERS 32S-band transponder satellitePIONEER E120fixed to the boosterAugust 27, 1969
1969-080BBLOK D No.Booster (4th stage)KOSMOS 300, LUNA 16A11800technical failure, incinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 27, 1969
1969-080AYe-8-5 No.403 KTLunar landerKOSMOS 300, LUNA 16A11660fixed to the boosterSeptember 27, 1969
1969-080AYe-8-5 No.403 VSLunar ascent stageKOSMOS 300, LUNA 16A1236fixed to the landerSeptember 27, 1969
1969-080AYe-8-5 No.403 VALunar sample return capsuleKOSMOS 300, LUNA 16A139fixed to the landerSeptember 27, 1969
1969-092BBLOK D No.Booster (4th stage)KOSMOS 305, LUNA 16B11800technical failure, incinerated upon atmospheric entryOctober 24, 1969
1969-092AYe-8-5 No.404 KTLunar landerKOSMOS 305, LUNA 16B11660fixed to the boosterOctober 24, 1969
1969-092AYe-8-5 No.404 VSLunar ascent stageKOSMOS 305, LUNA 16B1236fixed to the landerOctober 24, 1969
1969-092AYe-8-5 No.404 VALunar sample return capsuleKOSMOS 305, LUNA 16B139fixed to the landerOctober 24, 1969
1969-099ASM-108Lunar orbital service moduleAPOLLO 1215969discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryNovember 24, 1969
1969-099ACM-108 YANKEE CLIPPERLunar orbital command moduleAPOLLO 1215571EOM, earth landingNovember 24, 1969
NONEYe-8-5 No.405 KTLunar landerLUNA 16C, LUNA 1970A11660launch failure, destroyedFebruary 6, 1970
NONEYe-8-5 No.405 VSLunar ascent stageLUNA 16C, LUNA 1970A1236fixed to the landerFebruary 6, 1970
NONEYe-8-5 No.405 VALunar sample return capsuleLUNA 16C, LUNA 1970A139fixed to the landerFebruary 6, 1970
1970-029CLM-7 AQUARIUSLunar Module Ascent Stage + CM docking ring APOLLO 1315050discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryApril 17, 1970
1970-029CALSEP 2 (ALSEP B)Scientific instrumentsAPOLLO 13174.6discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryApril 17, 1970
1970-029ASM-109Lunar orbital service moduleAPOLLO 1315779discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryApril 17, 1970
1970-029ACM-109 ODYSSEYLunar orbital command moduleAPOLLO 1315609EOM, earth landingApril 17, 1970
1970-065ABLOK MVL No.Booster (3rd stage)KOSMOS 359, VENERA 8A11160technical failure, incinerated upon atmospheric entryNovember 6, 1970
1970-065A3V/V-70 No.631Venus cruise stageKOSMOS 359, VENERA 8A1690fixed to the boosterNovember 6, 1970
1970-065A3V/V-70 No.631 VAVenus landerKOSMOS 359, VENERA 8A1490fixed to the probe, survived reentry?November 6, 1970
1970-072DYe-8-5 No.406 VSLunar sample return ascent stageLUNA 161240discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 24, 1970
1970-072EYe-8-5 No.406 VALunar sample return capsuleLUNA 16135EOM, earth landingSeptember 24, 1970
1970-088BBLOK D No.Booster (4th stage)ZOND 811800discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryOctober 20, 1970
1970-088A7K-L1 No.14 PAOCircumlunar probe service moduleZOND 814970discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryOctober 27, 1970
1970-088A7K-L1 No.14Circumlunar probeZOND 81-EOM, earth landingOctober 27, 1970
1970-099CBLOK L No.Booster (3rd stage)KOSMOS 3791999discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryFebruary 13, 1971
1970-099DLK T2K No.1 LANDING PLATFORM?Lunar lander landing leg structureKOSMOS 3791-released, incinerated upon atmospheric entry?January 2, 1971
1970-099ALK T2K No.1Lunar landerKOSMOS 37915560EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 21, 1983
1971-008ASM-110Lunar orbital service moduleAPOLLO 1415288discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryFebruary 9, 1971
1971-008ACM-110 KITTY HAWKLunar orbital command moduleAPOLLO 1415767EOM, earth landingFebruary 9, 1971
1971-016CBLOK L No.Booster (3rd stage)KOSMOS 3981999discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMay 12, 1971
1971-016DLK T2K LANDING PLATFORM?Lunar lander landing leg structureKOSMOS 3981-released, incinerated upon atmospheric entry?March 28, 1971
1971-016ALK T2K No.2Lunar landerKOSMOS 39815560EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryDecember 10, 1995
1971-019CSTAR 37D #023Booster (3rd stage)EXPLORER 43164.7discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryOctober 1, 1974
1971-019AIMP-I, IMP-6 (INTERPLANETARY MONITORING PLATFORM-6)Scientific probeEXPLORER 431288EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryOctober 2, 1974
NONECENTAUR D #22DBooster (2nd stage)MARINER 8, MARINER VIII11652technical failure, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMay 9, 1971
NONEMARINER H, MARINER 71HMars orbiterMARINER 8, MARINER VIII1997.9fixed to the boosterMay 9, 1971
1971-042BBLOK D No.Booster (4th stage)KOSMOS 419, MARS 2C11800technical failure, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMay 12, 1971
1971-042A3MS/M-71S No.170Mars orbiterKOSMOS 419, MARS 2C12265fixed to the boosterMay 12, 1971
NONE7K-L1E No.1 PAOLunar orbital service module mass modelN1-L3 FLIGHT TEST 319850launch failure, destroyedJune 26, 1971
NONE7K-L1E No.1Lunar orbital command module mass modelN1-L3 FLIGHT TEST 31-launch failure, destroyedJune 26, 1971
NONELK L3 Model No.3Lunar module mass modelN1-L3 FLIGHT TEST 31-launch failure, destroyedJune 26, 1971
1971-063AJETTISON BAGSWaste bagsAPOLLO 152-discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryAugust 5, 1971
1971-063ASM-112Lunar orbital service moduleAPOLLO 1516059discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryAugust 7, 1971
1971-063ACM-112 ENDEAVOURLunar orbital command moduleAPOLLO 1515881EOM, earth landingAugust 7, 1971
1971-069BBLOK L No.Booster (2nd stage)KOSMOS 4341999discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryAugust 18, 1971
1971-069DLK T2K LANDING PLATFORM?Lunar lander landing leg structureKOSMOS 4341-released, incinerated upon atmospheric entry?September 19, 1971
1971-069ALK T2K No.3Lunar landerKOSMOS 43415560EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryAugust 23, 1981
1972-005CFW-4D #Booster (3rd stage)HEOS 2125discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 27, 1978
1972-005AHEOS A2Scientific probeHEOS 21108EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 3, 1974
1972-007DYe-8-5 No.408 VSLunar sample return ascent stageLUNA 201240discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryFebruary 25, 1972
1972-007EYe-8-5 No.408 VALunar sample return capsuleLUNA 20135EOM, earth landingFebruary 25, 1972
1972-023BBLOK MVL No.Booster (3rd stage)KOSMOS 482, VENERA 9A11160technical failure, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMay 5, 1981
1972-023BDEBRIS?Debris?KOSMOS 482, VENERA 9A?-ejected from the booster, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMay 5, 1981
1972-029BBLOK SO-L No.79Booster (3rd stage)PROGNOZ 11999discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMarch 31, 1981
1972-029ASO No.501, SOLAR OBJECT No.1Scientific probePROGNOZ 11872.6EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMarch 15, 1981
1972-031AJETTISON BAGWaste bagAPOLLO 161-discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryApril 26, 1972
1972-031ASM-113Lunar orbital service moduleAPOLLO 1616440discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryApril 27, 1972
1972-031ACM-113 CASPERLunar orbital command moduleAPOLLO 1615908EOM, earth landingApril 27, 1972
1972-046BBLOK SO-L No.Booster (3rd stage)PROGNOZ 21999discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryAugust 1, 1982
1972-046ASO No.503, SOLAR OBJECT No.2Scientific probePROGNOZ 21845EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryDecember 15, 1982
1972-073CSTAR 37C #40018Booster (3rd stage)EXPLORER 47182.8discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryFebruary 20, 1976
NONE7K-LOK No.6A PAOLunar orbital service moduleN1-L3 FLIGHT TEST 419500launch failure, destroyedNovember 23, 1972
NONE7K-LOK No.6ALunar orbital command moduleN1-L3 FLIGHT TEST 41-parachute landingNovember 23, 1972
NONELK L3 Model No.4Lunar module mass modelN1-L3 FLIGHT TEST 41-launch failure, destroyedNovember 23, 1972
1972-096AFELT-TIPPED PENPenAPOLLO 171-discarded and either entered Earth's atmosphere or HEODecember 17, 1972
1972-096AJETTISON BAGWaste bagAPOLLO 171-discarded and either entered Earth's atmosphere or HEODecember 17, 1972
1972-096ASM-114Lunar orbital service moduleAPOLLO 1716126discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryDecember 19, 1972
1972-096ACM-114 AMERICALunar orbital command moduleAPOLLO 1715965EOM, earth landingDecember 19, 1972
1973-009BBLOK SO-L No.Booster (3rd stage)PROGNOZ 31999discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMarch 22, 1973
1973-009ASO No.502, SOLAR OBJECT No.3Scientific probePROGNOZ 31845EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryFebruary 15, 1973
1973-039FSTAR 37D #024Booster (3rd stage)EXPLORER 49164.7discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJune 18, 1973
1973-078CSTAR 37C #40022Booster (3rd stage)EXPLORER 50182.8discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryNovember 29, 1996
NONEBLOK D-1 No.287-02Booster (4th stage)LUNA 24A, LUNA 1975A11800technical failure, incinerated upon atmospheric entry
NONEYe-8-5M No.412 KTLunar landerLUNA 24A, LUNA 1975A11660fixed to the boosterOctober 16, 1975
NONEYe-8-5M No.412 VSLunar ascent stageLUNA 24A, LUNA 1975A1236fixed to the landerOctober 16, 1975
NONEYe-8-5M No.412 VALunar sample return capsuleLUNA 24A, LUNA 1975A139fixed to the landerOctober 16, 1975
1975-122BBLOK SO-L No.Booster (3rd stage)PROGNOZ 41999discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryFebruary 22, 1976
1975-122ASO-M No.504, SOLAR OBJECT MODIFIED No.4Scientific probePROGNOZ 41905EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryDecember 22, 1975
1976-081DYe-8-5M No.413 VSLunar sample return ascent stageLUNA 241236discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryAugust 22, 1976
1976-081EYe-8-5M No.413 VALunar sample return capsuleLUNA 24134EOM, earth landingAugust 22, 1976
1976-112BBLOK SO-L #Booster (3rd stage)PROGNOZ 51999discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJanuary 23, 1977
1976-112ASO-M No.505, SOLAR OBJECT MODIFIED No.5Scientific probePROGNOZ 51930discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJuly 12, 1979
1977-102AISEE-1, ISEE-A (INTERNATIONAL SUN-EARTH EXPLORER-A), IMP-K (INTERPLANETARY MONITORING PLATFORM-K)Solar probeEXPLORER 561340.2EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 26, 1987
1977-102BISEE-2, ISEE-B (INTERNATIONAL SUN-EARTH EXPLORER-B), IMP-K PRIME (INTERPLANETARY MONITORING PLATFORM-K PRIME)Solar probeEXPLORER 561166EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 26, 1987
1978-101BBLOK SO-L #Booster (3rd stage)PROGNOZ 71999discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryNovember 15, 1978
1978-101ASO-M No.507, SOLAR OBJECT MODIFIED No.7Scientific probePROGNOZ 71950discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 22, 1980
1980-103BBLOK SO-L #Booster (3rd stage)PROGNOZ 81999discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJanuary 20, 1981
1980-103ASO-M No.508, SOLAR OBJECT MODIFIED No.8Scientific probePROGNOZ 81910discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryDecember 28, 1984
1983-051BSTAR 37E #40086Booster (3rd stage)EXOSAT183.1discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMay 26, 1983
1983-051AEXOSAT, HELOSScientific probeEXOSAT1510EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMay 6, 1986
1985-033BBLOK SO-L No.Booster (3rd stage)PROGNOZ 10, INTERCOSMOS 231999discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJanuary 20, 1994
1985-033DDEBRISDebris?PROGNOZ 10, INTERCOSMOS 231-discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryDecember 30, 1993
1985-033ASO-M No.510, SOLAR OBJECT MODIFIED No.10Scientific probePROGNOZ 10, INTERCOSMOS 2311000discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJanuary 12, 1994
1989-096BBLOK D-1 No.10LBooster (4th stage)GRANAT, ASTRON 211800discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJuly 25, 1999
1989-096A4MV 1AS No.1Space telescopeGRANAT, ASTRON 212300EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMay 25, 1999
1992-044BDELTA-KBooster (2nd stage)GEOTAIL ISTP (INTERNATIONAL SOLAR TERRESTRIAL PHYSICS)1950discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMarch 16, 1993
1994-004CSTAR 37FM AKM (APOGEE KICK MOTOR)Booster (3rd stage)CLEMENTINE 1181.5discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJune 8, 1994
1994-004CISA (INSTRUMENTED INTER STAGE ADAPTER)Scientific instrumentCLEMENTINE 115fixed to the boosterJune 8, 1994
1994-071CSTAR 48B, PAM-DBooster (3rd stage)WIND1123.8discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryNovember 29, 1994
1995-039BBLOK SO-L No.Booster (3rd stage)PROGNOZ 111999discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryApril 14, 1996
1995-039DDEBRISDebris?PROGNOZ 111-discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryNovember 13, 2000
1995-039FMAGION 4 (INTERBALL S2-X, TAIL PROBE)Scientific probePROGNOZ 11152EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryAugust 2, 1995
1995-039ASO-M2 No.512 (INTERBOL 1)Scientific probePROGNOZ 1111250EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryOctober 16, 2000
1996-064BBLOK D-2 No.244Booster (4th stage)MARS 8, MARS 9611800technical failure, discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryNovember 17, 1996
1996-064AM1 No.520Mars orbiterMARS 8, MARS 9612173failed to reach earth escape velocity, incinerated upon atmospheric entryNovember 17, 1996
1996-064AADUBooster (insertion)MARS 8, MARS 961600fixed to the probeNovember 17, 1996
1996-064AMAS 1 SURFACE STATIONMars landerMARS 8, MARS 96188fixed to the probe, survived reentry?November 17, 1996
1996-064AMAS 2 SURFACE STATIONMars landerMARS 8, MARS 96188fixed to the probe, survived reentry?November 17, 1996
1996-064APENETRATOR 1Mars impact probeMARS 8, MARS 961123fixed to the probe, survived reentry?November 17, 1996
1996-064APENETRATOR 2Mars impact probeMARS 8, MARS 961123fixed to the probe, survived reentry?November 17, 1996
1997-045BDELTA-K #Booster (2nd stage)EXPLORER 711950discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryAugust 25, 1997
1998-001BSTAR 37FM, TLIS (TRANSLUNAR INJECTION STAGE)Booster (4th stage)LUNAR PROSPECTOR (DISCOVERY 3)181.5discarded, probably catalogued as objects WT1190F, 9U01FF6, UDA34A3 and UW8551D, incinerated upon atmospheric entryNovember 13, 1998
1999-003DSTARDUST SRC (SAMPLE RETURN CAPSULE)Comet particles and cosmic dust return capsuleSTARDUST, DISCOVERY 4, NEXT (NEW EXPLORATION OF TEMPEL 1)145.7EOM, earth landingJanuary 15, 2006
2001-027BSTAR 48B, PAM-DBooster (3rd stage)EXPLORER 801123.8discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJuly 8, 2001
2001-034DGENESIS SRC (SAMPLE RETURN CAPSULE)Solar wind particles return capsuleGENESIS, DISCOVERY 51225EOM, parachute failure, crashed, scatteredSeptember 8, 2004
2002-048CBLOK DM-2 No.5LBooster (4th stage)INTEGRAL12300discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryNovember 3, 2010
2003-019AHAYABUSAAsteroid probeHAYABUSA, MUSES C1378EOM, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJune 13, 2010
2003-019AHAYABUSA MARKER 3Target marker with aluminum sheet bearing 880,000 signaturesHAYABUSA, MUSES C10.3never deployed, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJune 13, 2010
2003-019DHAYABUSA SRC (SAMPLE RETURN CAPSULE)Asteroid dust particles return capsuleHAYABUSA, MUSES C117EOM, earth landingJune 13, 2010
2007-039ALE-5BBooster (2nd stage)SELENE (SELENOLOGICAL AND ENGINEERING EXPLORER) 13000discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 14, 2007
2008-051BSTAR 27HBooster (4th stage)EXPLORER 91127discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryOctober 20, 2008
2011-010BCENTAUR III SEC (SINGLE ENGINE CENTAUR) #Booster (2nd stage)USA-226, OTV-2, X-37B #212026discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMarch 5, 2011
2011-065AFREGAT-SB + + Mars cruise stageFOBOS-GRUNT, PHOBOS-GRUNT1735engine malfunction, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJanuary 15, 2012
2011-065AEXTERNAL TANKPropellant tanksFOBOS-GRUNT, PHOBOS-GRUNT1375fixed to the landerJanuary 15, 2012
2011-065GYINGHUO-1 (YH-1)Mars orbiterFOBOS-GRUNT, PHOBOS-GRUNT1115fixed to the landerJanuary 15, 2012
2011-065ATRUSS ADAPTERAdapterFOBOS-GRUNT, PHOBOS-GRUNT1150fixed to the landerJanuary 15, 2012
2011-065FFOBOS-GRUNTAsteroid landerFOBOS-GRUNT, PHOBOS-GRUNT1762fixed to the boosterJanuary 15, 2012
2011-065FPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsFOBOS-GRUNT, PHOBOS-GRUNT?-fixed to the landerJanuary 15, 2012
2011-065FFOBOS-GRUNT RETURN VEHICULEAsteroid lander ascent stageFOBOS-GRUNT, PHOBOS-GRUNT1148fixed to the landerJanuary 15, 2012
2014-065ADFH-3A RRTV (REENTRY RETURN TEST VEHICULE)Lunar fly-by probeCHANG'E 5-T11330EOM, earth landingOctober 31, 2014
2014-076FHAYABUSA2 SRC (SAMPLE RETURN CAPSULE)Asteroid dust particles return capsuleHAYABUSA2116EOM, earth landingDecember 5, 2020
2016-055COSIRIS-REX SRC (SAMPLE RETURN CAPSULE)Asteroid dust particles return capsuleOSIRIS-REX, NEW FRONTIERS 3146EOM, earth landingSeptember 24, 2023
2018-045DCZ-4A-3, L-14 #Y27Booster (3rd stage)QUEQIAO, QUEQIAO-1, CHANG'E RELAY SATELLITE11000discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryMay 20, 2018
2020-087BCZ-5-HO #Booster (2nd stage)CHANG'E 515100discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryNovember 23, 2020
2020-087EFANHUI QILunar sample return capsuleCHANG'E 51320EOM, earth landingDecember 16, 2020
2022-156AEUROPEAN SERVICE MODULE (ESM-1 BREMEN)Lunar orbital service moduleARTEMIS I16.185discarded, incinerated upon atmospheric entryDecember 11, 2022
2022-156AORION CREW MODULE (CM ARTEMIS 1)Lunar orbital command moduleARTEMIS I19.300EOM, earth landingDecember 11, 2022
2024-006APEREGRINE LANDERLunar landerPEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB1420technical failure, missed the Moon, incinerated upon atmospheric entryJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006IRIS LUNAR ROVERLunar roverPEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB12fixed to the landerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006COLMENA ROBOTS CATAPULTContainerPEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB1-fixed to the landerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006COLMENA ROBOTS + CATAPULTLunar roverPEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB50.3inside containerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006LINEAR ENERGY TRANSFER SPECTROMETER (LETS)Scientific instrumentPEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB1-fixed to the landerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006NEAR-INFRARED VOLATILE SPECTROMETER SYSTEM (NIRVSS)Scientific instrumentPEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB1-fixed to the landerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006NEUTRON SPECTROMETER SYSTEM (NSS)Scientific instrumentPEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB1-fixed to the landerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006M-42 RADIATION DETECTORScientific instrumentPEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB1-fixed to the landerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006PEREGRINE ION TRAP MASS SPECTROMETER (PITMS)Scientific instrumentPEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB1-fixed to the landerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006LASER RETROREFLECTOR ARRAY (LRA)Scientific instrumentPEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB1-fixed to the landerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006TERRAIN RELATIVE NAVIGATION (TRN)Scientific instrumentPEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB1-fixed to the landerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006NAVIGATION DOPPLER LIDAR (NDL)Scientific instrumentPEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB1-fixed to the landerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006MEMORIAL CAPSULESBurial ashes space capsulePEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB66?-inside containerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006ELYSIUM SPACE MEMORIAL SERVICES LUNAR 1 PAYLOADContainerPEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB1?-fixed to the landerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006MEMORIAL CAPSULESBurial ashes space capsulePEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB?-inside containerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006THE ARCH MISSION FOUNDATION LUNAR LIBRARY IIDigital time capsulePEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB1?-fixed to the landerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006FOOTSTEPS ON THE MOONDigital time capsulePEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB?-fixed to the landerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006MEMENTOS TO THE MOON (DHL MOONBOX)ContainerPEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB1?-fixed to the landerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006MEMORIAL CAPSULESCommemorative itemsPEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB151?-inside containerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006CODEX PEREGRINE (LUNAR CODEX)Commemorative itemsPEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB1?-inside containerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006SPACEBIT PLAQUE?Commemorative itemsPEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB?-fixed to the landerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006MEMORY OF MANKIND ON THE MOON (PULI SPACE TIME PLAQUE)Commemorative itemsPEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB1-fixed to the landerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006LUNAR DREAM CAPSULE (POCARI SWEAT CAN)Commemorative itemsPEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB1-fixed to the landerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006LUNAR BITCOINCommemorative itemsPEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB1-fixed to the landerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006BITCOIN MAGAZINE GENESIS PLATE (BTC GENESIS BLOCK PLATE)Commemorative itemsPEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB1-fixed to the landerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-006MOONARKartworkPEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB4?-fixed to the landerJanuary 18, 2024
2024-083EFANHUI QILunar sample return capsuleCHANG'E 61320EOM, earth landingJune 25, 2024