Over tablets and phones, the tables are best read in landscape (horizontal) screen mode.

Each table displays the artificial objects in chronological order of deployment.

Estimated number of artificial objects: Total number of identified objects for the table. Note that scattered or incinerated items count for one object.

Estimated total mass: Total dry mass of all identified objects on the table.

COSPAR ID: Stands for ‘Committee on Space Research Identifier’. It is an international number assigned to man-made objects launched in space. It consists of the launch year, a three-digit incrementing launch number of that year and a letter code to distinguish objects between them. Only successful launches are given a COSPAR ID.

name: Official name of the object and alternate known names.

type: Object type. In the case of small objects, it’s identical to its name.

mission: Official name of the mission with alternate known mission names.

quantity: Number of objects identified. A question mark is used if no information is available and ‘scattered’ if the object was destroyed (crash, impact, collision or explosion).

dry mass: Dry mass, given in kilogram, of the object as propellant is assumed to be depleted at EOM (mission rules, leaks, fuel tank ruptures, etc.) and in any case not considered as artificial. A dash sign means that the mass is included into that of the main object.

status: Last known condition of the object, see examples below.

activeobject that is still functioning and communicating with the Earth
assumednot confirmed but highly probable
crashedobject that was supposed to land but was destroyed on its way down
defunctobject that is not active anymore as its energy is now depleted
discardedobject that was seperated and abandoned either in space or on a surface
EOMEnd Of Mission, used only when most or all of the mission goals were achieved
hard landingobject that has not achieved a nominal landing but did not crash either
impactobject that has slammed into a surface: it was either discarded in altitude (e.g. heatshields), or
its goal was to impact (e.g. impactors) or it was intentionally sent to the surface at EOM (e.g. orbiters)
incinerateddestroyed during atmospheric entry
landedobject that has achieved its goal to land
LOSLoss Of Signal: communications were unexpectedly lost with the object
soft landingobject that was not supposed to land but made it intact to the surface (e.g. parachutes)

location (Apollo tables only): Last known location of the object relative to the Lunar Module Descent Stage. For example, ‘SW of LM’ means South-West from the Lunar Module.

date/epoch (UTC): Date of the last known condition of the object, given in Universal Time. Many historical dates could be displayed for each mission (launch, orbit insertion or landing for instance), but we choose to only retain the day of the last event due to the archaeological purpose of the project.