Non-exhaustive list of artificial objects that did not reach the Earth’s escape velocity and are now stranded, intentionally or not, in highly elliptical orbits, or HEO. Not all of the Earth’s HEO objects are listed, but only those linked to interplanetary space missions. It is not precisely known whether some of them have already decayed or not. They are listed for the record. Probes in Cislunar space, or more generally orbiting the the Earth-Moon system, are also listed here.

Note that due to orbital mechanics perturbations, some objects may be ejected to heliocentric orbit and others (re)captured by the Earth. This is the case for object J002E3 which is thought to be Apollo 12’s S-IVB third stage mistakenly sent into an unstable trajectory in 1969 and alterning since then between heliocentric and geocentric (Earth) orbit.

Note also that Earth’s artificial orbital objects (active and derelict satellites, spent stages, debris) are not listed due to their overwhelming number and because they will sooner or later burn up upon reentry. If you’d like to track them, real good websites exist such as StuffInSpace which displays real-time data of each orbital object into an interactive map of the Earth’s orbit.

Estimated number of artificial objects: 200
Estimated total mass: 144 tons

COSPAR IDname typemissionquantitydry mass (kg)statusdate/epoch (UTC)
1958 THE, 1958-008YO-YO DE-SPIN MASSCables w/ weightsPIONEER 3, PIONEER III20.014discarded?December 6, 1958
1959 NU, 1959-013BABY SERGEANTBooster (3rd stage)PIONEER 4, PIONEER IV313.95discarded, earth atmospheric entry?March 3, 1959
1961 KAP, 1961-010ALTAIRBooster (3rd stage)EXPLORER 10130discarded, probably in heliocentric orbitMarch 25, 1961
1963-008AYe-6 No.4Lunar cruise busLUNA 41325missed the Moon, defunct, earth atmospheric entry?April 14, 1963
1963-008AI-100 CRUISE MODULE No.1Astro-navigation equipmentLUNA 41162.5fixed to the cruise busApril 14, 1963
1963-008AI-100 CRUISE MODULE No.2Radio equipment & altimeterLUNA 41162.5fixed to the cruise busApril 14, 1963
1963-008AYe-6 No.4 SALunar landerLUNA 41105fixed to the cruise busApril 14, 1963
1963-008APENNANTSCommemorative itemsLUNA 42?-fixed to the landerApril 14, 1963
1963-039DAGENA D #1801Booster (2nd stage)VELA 11673discarded, earth atmospheric entry?October 17, 1963
1963-039AVELA HEAT SHIELDSHeat shieldsVELA 12?-discarded, earth atmospheric entry?October 17, 1963
1963-039AVELA 1A, VELA 1Scientific probeVELA 11150EOM, defunctOctober 15, 1968
1963-039EBE-3A #7Insertion motorVELA 1128fixed to VELA 1AOctober 17, 1963
1963-039CVELA 1B, VELA 2Scientific probeVELA 11150EOM, defunctOctober 15, 1968
1963-039FBE-3A #4Insertion motorVELA 1128fixed to VELA 1BOctober 17, 1963
1963-046AYO-YO DE-SPIN MASS (IMP-A)Cables w/ weightsEXPLORER 1820.014discardedNovember 27, 1963
1964-040DAGENA D #1802Booster (2nd stage)VELA 21673discarded, earth atmospheric entry?July 17, 1964
1964-040AVELA HEAT SHIELDSHeat shieldsVELA 22?-discarded, earth atmospheric entry?July 17, 1964
1964-040AVELA 2A, VELA 3, OPS 3662Scientific probeVELA 21150EOM, defunctJuly 15, 1969
1964-040EBE-3A #9Insertion motorVELA 2128fixed to VELA 2AJuly 17, 1964
1964-040BVELA 2B, VELA 4, OPS 3674Scientific probeVELA 21150EOM, defunctJuly 15, 1969
1964-040FBE-3A #3Insertion motorVELA 2128fixed to VELA 2BJuly 17, 1964
1964-054BAGENA B #6501Booster (2nd stage)OGO 1 (ORBITING GEOPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY)1867discarded, probably in heliocentric orbitSeptember 5, 1964
1964-060AYO-YO DE-SPIN MASS (IMP-B)Cables w/ weightsEXPLORER 2120.014discardedOctober 4, 1964
1965-042AYO-YO DE-SPIN MASS (IMP-C)Cables w/ weightsEXPLORER 2820.014discardedMay 29, 1965
1965-058DAGENA D #1803Booster (2nd stage)VELA 31673discarded, earth atmospheric entry?July 20, 1965
1965-058AVELA HEAT SHIELDSHeat shieldsVELA 32?-discarded, earth atmospheric entry?July 20, 1965
1965-058AVELA 3A, VELA 5, OPS 6577Scientific probeVELA 31150EOM, defunct
1965-058FBE-3A #8Insertion motorVELA 3128fixed to VELA 3AJuly 20, 1965
1965-058BVELA 3B, VELA 6, OPS 6564Scientific probeVELA 31150EOM, defunct
1965-058EBE-3A #1Insertion motorVELA 3128fixed to VELA 3BJuly 20, 1965
1966-045BCENTAUR D #290DBooster (2nd stage)SURVEYOR 1, SURVEYOR I11652discarded, earth atmospheric entry?May 30, 1966
1966-058CSTAR 13 #7Insertion motorEXPLORER 3314.7discardedJuly 1, 1966
1966-058AIMP-D, AIMP-1 (ANCHORED INTERPLANETARY MONITORING PLATFORM-1)Scientific probeEXPLORER 33158.3EOM, defunctSeptember 21, 1971
1966-073BAGENA D #6630Booster (2nd stage)LUNAR ORBITER 1, LUNAR ORBITER I1673discardedAugust 10, 1966
1966-078BBLOK L No.N103-43Booster (4th stage)LUNA 111999discarded, earth atmospheric entry?August 24, 1966
1966-084BCENTAUR D #194DBooster (2nd stage)SURVEYOR 2, SURVEYOR II12631discarded, probably object 2020 SO, alterning with heliocentric orbitSeptember 20, 1966
1966-094CBLOK L No.N103-44Booster (4th stage)LUNA 121999discarded, earth atmospheric entry?October 22, 1966
1966-095BCENTAUR D #174DBooster (2nd stage)SURVEYOR MODEL 312631discardedOctober 29, 1966
1966-116BBLOK L No.N103-45Booster (4th stage)LUNA 131999discarded, earth atmospheric entry?December 21, 1966
1967-008BAGENA D #6632Booster (2nd stage)LUNAR ORBITER 3, LUNAR ORBITER III1673discarded, earth atmospheric entry?February 9, 1967
1967-021CBLOK D No.10LBooster (4th stage)KOSMOS 14611800discardedMarch 11, 1967
1967-035BCENTAUR D #292DBooster (2nd stage)SURVEYOR 3, SURVEYOR III12631discardedApril 17, 1967
1967-040F3C-10 TRANSTAGE #Booster (3rd stage)VELA 411950discardedApril 28, 1967
1967-040AVELA HEAT SHIELDSHeat shieldsVELA 42?-discarded, earth atmospheric entry?April 28, 1967
1967-040AVELA 4A, VELA 7, OPS 6638Scientific probeVELA 41231EOM, defunctAugust 1, 1972
1967-040DBE-3B1Insertion motorVELA 4139fixed to VELA 4AApril 28, 1967
1967-040BVELA 4B, VELA 8, OPS 6679Scientific probeVELA 41231EOM, defunctAugust 1, 1972
1967-040EBE-3B1-3 Insertion motorVELA 4139fixed to VELA 4BApril 28, 1967
1967-040EOV5-1, ERS 27Scientific probeVELA 416.3EOM, defunctJune 3, 1968
1967-040DOV5-3, ERS 20Scientific probeVELA 418.6EOM, defunctJune 3, 1968
1967-040CORS 4, ERS 28Scientific probeVELA 417.8EOM, defunctJune 3, 1968
1967-041BAGENA D #6633Booster (2nd stage)LUNAR ORBITER 4, LUNAR ORBITER IV1673discardedMay 4, 1967
1967-051AYO-YO DE-SPIN MASS (IMP 4)Cables w/ weightsEXPLORER 3420.014discardedMay 24, 1967
1967-068BCENTAUR D #291DBooster (2nd stage)SURVEYOR 4, SURVEYOR IV12631discardedJuly 14, 1967
1967-070EYO TUMBLING MASS (FW-4D)Cable w/ weightEXPLORER 3510.007discarded, probably in heliocentric orbitJuly 19, 1967
1967-070BFW-4D #00006Booster (3rd stage)EXPLORER 35145.5discarded, earth atmospheric entry?August 31, 1967
1967-070DYO-YO DE-SPIN MASS (IMP-E)Cables w/ weightsEXPLORER 3520.014discarded, probably in heliocentric orbitJuly 19, 1967
1967-075BAGENA D #6634Booster (2nd stage)LUNAR ORBITER 5, LUNAR ORBITER V1673discarded, earth atmospheric entry?August 1, 1967
1967-084BCENTAUR D-1A #5901CBooster (2nd stage)SURVEYOR 5, SURVEYOR V11939discarded, earth atmospheric entry?September 8, 1967
1967-112BCENTAUR D-1A #5902CBooster (2nd stage)SURVEYOR 6, SURVEYOR VI11939discarded, earth atmospheric entry?November 7, 1967
1968-001BCENTAUR D-1A #5903CBooster (2nd stage)SURVEYOR 7, SURVEYOR VII11939discardedJanuary 7, 1968
1968-027CBLOK L No.Ya716-58Booster (4th stage)LUNA 141999discarded, earth atmospheric entry?April 7, 1968
1968-076CBLOK D No.17LBooster (4th stage)ZOND 511800discarded, earth atmospheric entry?September 14, 1968
1968-109AYO-YO DE-SPIN MASS (HEOS A1)Cables w/ weightsHEOS 120.014discarded, probably in heliocentric orbitDecember 5, 1968
1968-118BSLA-11A PANEL 1S-IVB/CSM adapter panelAPOLLO 81290discarded, earth atmospheric entry?December 21, 1968
1968-118BSLA-11A PANEL 2S-IVB/CSM adapter panelAPOLLO 81290discarded, earth atmospheric entry?December 21, 1968
1968-118BSLA-11A PANEL 3S-IVB/CSM adapter panelAPOLLO 81290discarded, earth atmospheric entry?December 21, 1968
1968-118BSLA-11A PANEL 4S-IVB/CSM adapter panelAPOLLO 81290discarded, earth atmospheric entry?December 21, 1968
1969-043BSLA-13A PANEL 1S-IVB/CSM adapter panelAPOLLO 101290discarded, earth atmospheric entry?May 18, 1969
1969-043BSLA-13A PANEL 2S-IVB/CSM adapter panelAPOLLO 101290discarded, earth atmospheric entry?May 18, 1969
1969-043BSLA-13A PANEL 3S-IVB/CSM adapter panelAPOLLO 101290discarded, earth atmospheric entry?May 18, 1969
1969-043BSLA-13A PANEL 4S-IVB/CSM adapter panelAPOLLO 101290discarded, probably impacted the MoonMay 18, 1969
1969-046F3C-10 TRANSTAGE #Booster (3rd stage)VELA 511950discardedMay 23, 1969
1969-046DVELA HEAT SHIELDSHeat shieldsVELA 52?-discarded, earth atmospheric entry?May 23, 1969
1969-046DVELA 5A, VELA 9, OPS 6909Scientific probeVELA 51259EOM, defunctOctober 15, 1972
1969-046GBE-3A7Insertion motorVELA 5139fixed to VELA 5AMay 23, 1969
1969-046EVELA 5B, VELA 10, OPS 6911Scientific probeVELA 51259EOM, defunctOctober 15, 1972
1969-046HBE-3A7 Insertion motorVELA 5139fixed to VELA 5BMay 23, 1969
1969-046AOV5-5, ERS 29, S68-3Scientific probeVELA 5111EOM, defunctOctober 15, 1972
1969-046BOV5-6, ERS 26, S68-3Scientific probeVELA 5111EOM, defunctOctober 15, 1972
1969-046COV5-9, S68-3Scientific probeVELA 5113EOM, defunctOctober 15, 1972
1969-053YO-YO DE-SPIN MASS (IMP-G)Cables w/ weightsEXPLORER 4120.014discarded, probably in heliocentric orbitJune 21, 1969
1969-058CBLOK D No.402LBooster (4th stage)LUNA 1511800discarded, earth atmospheric entry?July 13, 1969
1969-067CBLOK D No.18LBooster (4th stage)ZOND 711800discarded, earth atmospheric entry?August 7, 1969
1969-099BSLA-15 PANEL 1S-IVB/CSM adapter panelAPOLLO 121290discarded, earth atmospheric entry?November 14, 1969
1969-099BSLA-15 PANEL 2S-IVB/CSM adapter panelAPOLLO 121290discarded, earth atmospheric entry?November 14, 1969
1969-099BSLA-15 PANEL 3S-IVB/CSM adapter panelAPOLLO 121290discarded, earth atmospheric entry?November 14, 1969
1969-099BSLA-15 PANEL 4S-IVB/CSM adapter panelAPOLLO 121290discarded, earth atmospheric entry?November 14, 1969
1970-027C3C-10 TRANSTAGE #Booster (3rd stage)VELA 611950discarded, earth atmospheric entry?April 8, 1970
1970-027AVELA HEAT SHIELDSHeat shieldsVELA 62?-discarded, earth atmospheric entry?April 8, 1970
1970-027AVELA 6A, VELA 11, OPS 7033Scientific probeVELA 61261EOM, defunctOctober 15, 1972
1970-027DBE-3A7Insertion motorVELA 6139fixed to VELA 6AApril 8, 1970
1970-027BVELA 6B, VELA 12, OPS 7044Scientific probeVELA 61261EOM, defunctOctober 15, 1972
1970-027EBE-3A7Insertion motorVELA 6139fixed to VELA 6BApril 8, 1970
1970-029ASM-109 SECTOR 4 PANELAluminum panelAPOLLO 13110ejected, earth atmospheric entryApril 13, 1970
1970-029ASM-109 DEBRISDebrisAPOLLO 13??ejected, earth atmospheric entryApril 13, 1970
1970-103BBLOK D No.Booster (4th stage)KOSMOS 38211800EOM, defunctDecember 2, 1970
1970-103A7K-L1E No.2 PAOLunar orbital service module mass modelKOSMOS 38214970fixed to the boosterDecember 7, 1970
1970-103A7K-L1E No.2Lunar orbital command module mass modelKOSMOS 3821-fixed to the boosterDecember 7, 1970
1971-019EYO-YO DE-SPIN MASS (IMP-I)Cables w/ weightsEXPLORER 4320.014discarded, probably in heliocentric orbitMarch 13, 1971
1971-069CBLOK D No.Booster (3rd stage)KOSMOS 4341discardedAugust 12, 1971
1972-005YO-YO DE-SPIN MASS (HEOS A2)Cables w/ weightsHEOS 220.014discarded, probably in heliocentric orbitJanuary 31, 1972
1972-023A3V/V-72 No.671Venus cruise stageKOSMOS 482, VENERA 9A1690ejected from the booster, earth atmospheric entry?May 5, 1981
1972-023A3V/V-72 No.671 SAVenus landerKOSMOS 482, VENERA 9A1495fixed to the probe, survived reentry?May 5, 1981
1972-073ASTAR 17A #Insertion motorEXPLORER 47113.9fixed to the probeOctober 31, 1978
1972-073AIMP-H, IMP-7 (INTERPLANETARY MONITORING PLATFORM-7)Scientific probeEXPLORER 471376EOM, defunctOctober 31, 1978
1973-039GYO TUMBLING MASS (STAR 37D)Cable w/ weightEXPLORER 4910.007discardedJune 15, 1973
1973-078ASTAR 17AInsertion motorEXPLORER 50113.9fixed to the probeOctober 7, 2006
1973-078AIMP-J, IMP-8 (INTERPLANETARY MONITORING PLATFORM-8)Scientific probeEXPLORER 501371EOM, defunctOctober 7, 2006
1974-097BCENTAUR D-1T #E-2Booster (3rd stage)HELIOS 1, HELIOS A11837discarded, earth atmospheric entry?December 10, 1974
1977-093BBLOK SO-L No.Booster (3rd stage)PROGNOZ 61999discarded, earth atmospheric entry?October 29, 1977
1977-093FDEBRISDebris?PROGNOZ 61?-?September 22, 1977
1977-093ASO-M No.506, SOLAR OBJECT MODIFIED No.6Scientific probePROGNOZ 61910discarded, earth atmospheric entry?January 16, 2019
1983-020DBLOK D-1 No.7LBooster (4th stage)ASTRON, ASTRON 111800discardedMarch 23, 1983
1983-020A4MV 1A No.602Space telescopeASTRON, ASTRON 113250EOM, defunctJune 15, 1989
1983-051AYO-YO DE-SPIN MASS (STAR 37E)Cables w/ weightsEXOSAT20.014discardedMay 26, 1983
1983-067BBLOK SO-L No.Booster (3rd stage)PROGNOZ 9, RELIKT1999discarded, earth atmospheric entry?August 5, 1983
1983-067ASO-M No.509, SOLAR OBJECT MODIFIED No.9Scientific probePROGNOZ 9, RELIKT11060EOM, defunctJuly 1, 1983
1990-007CKM-MBooster (4th stage)HITEN, MUSES A1490discarded, earth atmospheric entry?January 26, 1990
1996-050DBLOK 2BL No.Booster (3rd stage)PROGNOZ 121999discarded, earth atmospheric entry?July 26, 1998
1996-050FDEBRISDebris?PROGNOZ 121-?August 29, 1996
1996-050AMUSAT 1, VICTORExperimental microsatellitePROGNOZ 12133EOM, defunct, earth atmospheric entry?November 12, 1999
1996-050BMAGION 5, INTERBALL S2-A, AURORAL PROBEScientific probePROGNOZ 12150EOM, defunctAugust 29, 1996
1996-050CSO-M2 No.513, INTERBOL 2Scientific probePROGNOZ 1211400EOM, defunctAugust 29, 1996
2001-027BDELTA-K #Booster (2nd stage)EXPLORER 801950discarded, earth atmospheric entry?June 30, 2001
2001-027CYO-YO DE-SPIN MASS (STAR 48B)Cables w/ weightsEXPLORER 8020.014discardedOctober 1, 2001
2003-043BEPS L9.7 #516Booster (2nd stage)SMART-112750discarded, earth atmospheric entry?September 27, 2003
2003-043DSPELTRA (STRUCTURE PORTEUSE EXTERNE LANCEMENT TRIPLE ARIANE)Satellite adapterSMART-11704discarded, earth atmospheric entry?September 27, 2003
2003-043FSYLDA (SYSTEME DE LANCEMENT DOUBLE ARIANE)Satellite adapterSMART-11440discarded, earth atmospheric entry?September 27, 2003
2007-004GSTAR 48B, PAM-DBooster (3rd stage)EXPLORER 85-891123.8discardedFebruary 17, 2007
2007-051BCZ H-18 #Booster (3rd stage)CHANG'E 112800discarded, earth atmospheric entry?October 1, 2010
2008-051BIBEX, SMEX-10Scientific probeEXPLORER 91180activeOctober 19, 2008
2008-052BPS4, PSLV-4Booster (4th stage)CHANDRAYAAN-11920discarded, earth atmospheric entry?October 22, 2008
2008-052CDEBRISDebris?CHANDRAYAAN-11?-discarded, earth atmospheric entry?October 22, 2008
2010-050BCZ H-18 #Y7Booster (3rd stage)CHANG'E 212800discardedOctober 1, 2010
2011-037DFREGAT-SB No.2002Booster (3rd stage)RADIO-ASTRON11080discardedAugust 8, 2011
2011-037BDEBRISDebris?RADIO-ASTRON1-?July 18, 2011
2011-037ASPEKTR RScientific probeRADIO-ASTRON13660EOM, defunctMay 30, 2019
2013-047BSTAR 48BVBooster (4th stage)LADEE1123.8discarded, earth atmospheric entry?September 7, 2013
2013-047CSTAR 37FMBooster (5th stage)LADEE181.5discarded, earth atmospheric entry?September 7, 2013
2013-047MNS BOC (BREAKOFF CAP)Dust coverLADEE1-discarded, earth atmospheric entry?September 7, 2013
2013-070BCZ H-18 #23Booster (3rd stage)CHANG'E 312800discardedDecember 1, 2013
2014-048BCENTAUR III SEC (SINGLE ENGINE CENTAUR) #AV-047Booster (2nd stage)WORLDVIEW-3 (WV-3)12026discarded, earth atmospheric entry?August 13, 2014
2015-011ECENTAUR III SEC (SINGLE ENGINE CENTAUR) #AV-062Booster (2nd stage)MMS (MAGNETOSPHERIC MULTISCALE)12026discarded, earth atmospheric entry?August 26, 2017
2015-011DMMS 1 (JOHN)Scientific probeMMS (MAGNETOSPHERIC MULTISCALE)11360activeMarch 13, 2015
2015-011CMMS 2 (PAUL)Scientific probeMMS (MAGNETOSPHERIC MULTISCALE)11360activeMarch 13, 2015
2015-011BMMS 3 (GEORGE)Scientific probeMMS (MAGNETOSPHERIC MULTISCALE)11360activeMarch 13, 2015
2015-011AMMS 4 (RINGO)Scientific probeMMS (MAGNETOSPHERIC MULTISCALE)11360activeMarch 13, 2015
2015-007BFALCON 9 STAGE 2 #015Booster (2nd stage)DEEP SPACE CLIMATE OBSERVATORY (DSCOVR)13900discardedFebruary 11, 2015
2015-019CYZ-1 #Y1Booster (4th stage)BEIDOU I1-S1930discardedMarch 30, 2015
2015-070BAVUM #VV06Booster (4th stage)LISA, SMART-21147discarded, possibly in HEODecember 3, 2015
2015-070CLPF PRM (LISA PATHFINDER PROPULSION MODULE)Insertion motorLISA, SMART-21810discardedJanuary 15, 2016
2016-067BCENTAUR III SEC (SINGLE ENGINE CENTAUR) #AV-062Booster (2nd stage)WORLDVIEW-4, WV-412026discarded, earth atmospheric entry?November 11, 2016
2018-038ATESS (TRANSITING EXOPLANET SURVEY SATELLITE), MIDEX-7Scientific probeEXPLORER 95, TESS, MIDEX-81362activeApril 18, 2018
2018-045BLONGJIANG-1, DSLWP A1Microsatellite lunar orbiterQUEQIAO, QUEQIAO-1, CHANG'E RELAY SATELLITE145LOS, missed the Moon, defunctMay 25, 2018
2018-103BCZ H-18 #Y30Booster (3rd stage)CHANG'E-412800discardedDecember 7, 2018
2019-009BFALCON 9 STAGE 2 #068Booster (2nd stage)BERESHEET13900discarded, earth atmospheric entry?February 22, 2019
2019-042BC25 CUS #Booster (3rd stage)CHANDRAYAAN-215000discarded, earth atmospheric entry?July 22, 2019
2022-156EEQUULEUS (EQUILIBRIUM LUNAR-EARTH 6U SPACECRAFT)Lunar orbiter, 6U CubeSatARTEMIS I112.8active, Earth-Moon L2 Lagrange point?November 16, 2022
2022-156CLUNAR ICECUBELunar orbiter, 6U CubeSatARTEMIS I113.5technical failure, LOS, missed the Moon, defunct in cislunar spaceNovember 16, 2022
2023-098BC25 CUS #Booster (3rd stage)CHANDRAYAAN-315000discarded, earth atmospheric entry?July 14, 2023
2023-098APROPULSION MODULE (PM)Lunar orbiterCHANDRAYAAN-311200EOM, defunctAugust 22, 2024
2023-098AIMA CONE (INTERMODULAR ADAPTER CONE)Docking mechanismCHANDRAYAAN-31-fixed to the probeAugust 22, 2024
2023-118BFREGAT No.122-10Booster (3rd stage)LUNA 25, LUNA-GLOB LANDER1930discarded, earth atmospheric entry?August 10, 2023
2023-132BPS4, PSLV-4Booster (4th stage)ADITYA-L11920discarded, earth atmospheric entry?September 2, 2023
2023-137BLE-5BBooster (2nd stage)SLIM (SMART LANDER FOR INVESTIGATING MOON), XRISM (X-RAY IMAGING AND SPECTROSCOPY MISSION)13000discarded, earth atmospheric entry?September 6, 2023
2024-006DEBRIS?Debris?PEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB?-ejected, earth atmospheric entry?January 8, 2024
2024-048AYZ-1S #Y18Booster (3rd stage)DRO-A/B1930technical failure, discarded, earth atmospheric entry?March 13, 2024
2024-051BCZ H-18 #Booster (2nd stage)QUEQIAO-2, CHANG'E RELAY SATELLITE12800discarded, earth atmospheric entry?March 20, 2024
2024-083BCZ-5-HO #Booster (2nd stage)CHANG'E 615100discardedMay 3, 2024
2025-010CFALCON 9 STAGE 2 #425Booster (2nd stage)BLUE GHOST MISSION ONE, HAKUTO-R M2 RIDESHARE13900discardedJanuary 15, 2025
2025-010CESPA RINGSpacecraft adapterBLUE GHOST MISSION ONE, HAKUTO-R M2 RIDESHARE1136discardedJanuary 15, 2025
2025-010ACOMMERCIAL PAYLOADSCommercial payloadsBLUE GHOST MISSION ONE, BLUE GHOST M1, GHOST RIDERS IN THE SKY, CLPS 7, TO-19Dsee commercial payloads table-fixed to the landerJanuary 15, 2025
2025-010BRESILIENCE LANDER, ISPACELunar landerHAKUTO-R M21340en route to the moonJanuary 15, 2025
2025-010BTENACIOUS ROVER, ISPACELunar roverHAKUTO-R M215fixed to the landerJanuary 15, 2025
2025-010BCOMMERCIAL PAYLOADSCommercial payloadsHAKUTO-R M2see commercial payloads table-fixed to the landerJanuary 15, 2025