Non-exhaustive list of artificial objects that did not reach the Earth’s escape velocity and are now stranded, intentionally or not, in highly elliptical orbits, or HEO. Not all of the Earth’s HEO objects are listed, but only those linked to interplanetary space missions. It is not precisely known whether some of them have already decayed or not. They are listed for the record. Probes in Cislunar space, or more generally orbiting the the Earth-Moon system, are also listed here.
Note that due to orbital mechanics perturbations, some objects may be ejected to heliocentric orbit and others (re)captured by the Earth. This is the case for object J002E3 which is thought to be Apollo 12’s S-IVB third stage mistakenly sent into an unstable trajectory in 1969 and alterning since then between heliocentric and geocentric (Earth) orbit.
Note also that Earth’s artificial orbital objects (active and derelict satellites, spent stages, debris) are not listed due to their overwhelming number and because they will sooner or later burn up upon reentry. If you’d like to track them, real good websites exist such as StuffInSpace which displays real-time data of each orbital object into an interactive map of the Earth’s orbit.
Estimated number of artificial objects: 200
Estimated total mass: 144 tons
COSPAR ID | name | type | mission | quantity | dry mass (kg) | status | date/epoch (UTC) |
1958 THE, 1958-008 | YO-YO DE-SPIN MASS | Cables w/ weights | PIONEER 3, PIONEER III | 2 | 0.014 | discarded? | December 6, 1958 |
1959 NU, 1959-013 | BABY SERGEANT | Booster (3rd stage) | PIONEER 4, PIONEER IV | 3 | 13.95 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | March 3, 1959 |
1961 KAP, 1961-010 | ALTAIR | Booster (3rd stage) | EXPLORER 10 | 1 | 30 | discarded, probably in heliocentric orbit | March 25, 1961 |
1963-008A | Ye-6 No.4 | Lunar cruise bus | LUNA 4 | 1 | 325 | missed the Moon, defunct, earth atmospheric entry? | April 14, 1963 |
1963-008A | I-100 CRUISE MODULE No.1 | Astro-navigation equipment | LUNA 4 | 1 | 162.5 | fixed to the cruise bus | April 14, 1963 |
1963-008A | I-100 CRUISE MODULE No.2 | Radio equipment & altimeter | LUNA 4 | 1 | 162.5 | fixed to the cruise bus | April 14, 1963 |
1963-008A | Ye-6 No.4 SA | Lunar lander | LUNA 4 | 1 | 105 | fixed to the cruise bus | April 14, 1963 |
1963-008A | PENNANTS | Commemorative items | LUNA 4 | 2? | - | fixed to the lander | April 14, 1963 |
1963-039D | AGENA D #1801 | Booster (2nd stage) | VELA 1 | 1 | 673 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | October 17, 1963 |
1963-039A | VELA HEAT SHIELDS | Heat shields | VELA 1 | 2? | - | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | October 17, 1963 |
1963-039A | VELA 1A, VELA 1 | Scientific probe | VELA 1 | 1 | 150 | EOM, defunct | October 15, 1968 |
1963-039E | BE-3A #7 | Insertion motor | VELA 1 | 1 | 28 | fixed to VELA 1A | October 17, 1963 |
1963-039C | VELA 1B, VELA 2 | Scientific probe | VELA 1 | 1 | 150 | EOM, defunct | October 15, 1968 |
1963-039F | BE-3A #4 | Insertion motor | VELA 1 | 1 | 28 | fixed to VELA 1B | October 17, 1963 |
1963-046A | YO-YO DE-SPIN MASS (IMP-A) | Cables w/ weights | EXPLORER 18 | 2 | 0.014 | discarded | November 27, 1963 |
1964-040D | AGENA D #1802 | Booster (2nd stage) | VELA 2 | 1 | 673 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | July 17, 1964 |
1964-040A | VELA HEAT SHIELDS | Heat shields | VELA 2 | 2? | - | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | July 17, 1964 |
1964-040A | VELA 2A, VELA 3, OPS 3662 | Scientific probe | VELA 2 | 1 | 150 | EOM, defunct | July 15, 1969 |
1964-040E | BE-3A #9 | Insertion motor | VELA 2 | 1 | 28 | fixed to VELA 2A | July 17, 1964 |
1964-040B | VELA 2B, VELA 4, OPS 3674 | Scientific probe | VELA 2 | 1 | 150 | EOM, defunct | July 15, 1969 |
1964-040F | BE-3A #3 | Insertion motor | VELA 2 | 1 | 28 | fixed to VELA 2B | July 17, 1964 |
1964-054B | AGENA B #6501 | Booster (2nd stage) | OGO 1 (ORBITING GEOPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY) | 1 | 867 | discarded, probably in heliocentric orbit | September 5, 1964 |
1964-060A | YO-YO DE-SPIN MASS (IMP-B) | Cables w/ weights | EXPLORER 21 | 2 | 0.014 | discarded | October 4, 1964 |
1965-042A | YO-YO DE-SPIN MASS (IMP-C) | Cables w/ weights | EXPLORER 28 | 2 | 0.014 | discarded | May 29, 1965 |
1965-058D | AGENA D #1803 | Booster (2nd stage) | VELA 3 | 1 | 673 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | July 20, 1965 |
1965-058A | VELA HEAT SHIELDS | Heat shields | VELA 3 | 2? | - | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | July 20, 1965 |
1965-058A | VELA 3A, VELA 5, OPS 6577 | Scientific probe | VELA 3 | 1 | 150 | EOM, defunct | |
1965-058F | BE-3A #8 | Insertion motor | VELA 3 | 1 | 28 | fixed to VELA 3A | July 20, 1965 |
1965-058B | VELA 3B, VELA 6, OPS 6564 | Scientific probe | VELA 3 | 1 | 150 | EOM, defunct | |
1965-058E | BE-3A #1 | Insertion motor | VELA 3 | 1 | 28 | fixed to VELA 3B | July 20, 1965 |
1966-045B | CENTAUR D #290D | Booster (2nd stage) | SURVEYOR 1, SURVEYOR I | 1 | 1652 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | May 30, 1966 |
1966-058C | STAR 13 #7 | Insertion motor | EXPLORER 33 | 1 | 4.7 | discarded | July 1, 1966 |
1966-058A | IMP-D, AIMP-1 (ANCHORED INTERPLANETARY MONITORING PLATFORM-1) | Scientific probe | EXPLORER 33 | 1 | 58.3 | EOM, defunct | September 21, 1971 |
1966-073B | AGENA D #6630 | Booster (2nd stage) | LUNAR ORBITER 1, LUNAR ORBITER I | 1 | 673 | discarded | August 10, 1966 |
1966-078B | BLOK L No.N103-43 | Booster (4th stage) | LUNA 11 | 1 | 999 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | August 24, 1966 |
1966-084B | CENTAUR D #194D | Booster (2nd stage) | SURVEYOR 2, SURVEYOR II | 1 | 2631 | discarded, probably object 2020 SO, alterning with heliocentric orbit | September 20, 1966 |
1966-094C | BLOK L No.N103-44 | Booster (4th stage) | LUNA 12 | 1 | 999 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | October 22, 1966 |
1966-095B | CENTAUR D #174D | Booster (2nd stage) | SURVEYOR MODEL 3 | 1 | 2631 | discarded | October 29, 1966 |
1966-116B | BLOK L No.N103-45 | Booster (4th stage) | LUNA 13 | 1 | 999 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | December 21, 1966 |
1967-008B | AGENA D #6632 | Booster (2nd stage) | LUNAR ORBITER 3, LUNAR ORBITER III | 1 | 673 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | February 9, 1967 |
1967-021C | BLOK D No.10L | Booster (4th stage) | KOSMOS 146 | 1 | 1800 | discarded | March 11, 1967 |
1967-035B | CENTAUR D #292D | Booster (2nd stage) | SURVEYOR 3, SURVEYOR III | 1 | 2631 | discarded | April 17, 1967 |
1967-040F | 3C-10 TRANSTAGE # | Booster (3rd stage) | VELA 4 | 1 | 1950 | discarded | April 28, 1967 |
1967-040A | VELA HEAT SHIELDS | Heat shields | VELA 4 | 2? | - | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | April 28, 1967 |
1967-040A | VELA 4A, VELA 7, OPS 6638 | Scientific probe | VELA 4 | 1 | 231 | EOM, defunct | August 1, 1972 |
1967-040D | BE-3B1 | Insertion motor | VELA 4 | 1 | 39 | fixed to VELA 4A | April 28, 1967 |
1967-040B | VELA 4B, VELA 8, OPS 6679 | Scientific probe | VELA 4 | 1 | 231 | EOM, defunct | August 1, 1972 |
1967-040E | BE-3B1-3 | Insertion motor | VELA 4 | 1 | 39 | fixed to VELA 4B | April 28, 1967 |
1967-040E | OV5-1, ERS 27 | Scientific probe | VELA 4 | 1 | 6.3 | EOM, defunct | June 3, 1968 |
1967-040D | OV5-3, ERS 20 | Scientific probe | VELA 4 | 1 | 8.6 | EOM, defunct | June 3, 1968 |
1967-040C | ORS 4, ERS 28 | Scientific probe | VELA 4 | 1 | 7.8 | EOM, defunct | June 3, 1968 |
1967-041B | AGENA D #6633 | Booster (2nd stage) | LUNAR ORBITER 4, LUNAR ORBITER IV | 1 | 673 | discarded | May 4, 1967 |
1967-051A | YO-YO DE-SPIN MASS (IMP 4) | Cables w/ weights | EXPLORER 34 | 2 | 0.014 | discarded | May 24, 1967 |
1967-068B | CENTAUR D #291D | Booster (2nd stage) | SURVEYOR 4, SURVEYOR IV | 1 | 2631 | discarded | July 14, 1967 |
1967-070E | YO TUMBLING MASS (FW-4D) | Cable w/ weight | EXPLORER 35 | 1 | 0.007 | discarded, probably in heliocentric orbit | July 19, 1967 |
1967-070B | FW-4D #00006 | Booster (3rd stage) | EXPLORER 35 | 1 | 45.5 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | August 31, 1967 |
1967-070D | YO-YO DE-SPIN MASS (IMP-E) | Cables w/ weights | EXPLORER 35 | 2 | 0.014 | discarded, probably in heliocentric orbit | July 19, 1967 |
1967-075B | AGENA D #6634 | Booster (2nd stage) | LUNAR ORBITER 5, LUNAR ORBITER V | 1 | 673 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | August 1, 1967 |
1967-084B | CENTAUR D-1A #5901C | Booster (2nd stage) | SURVEYOR 5, SURVEYOR V | 1 | 1939 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | September 8, 1967 |
1967-112B | CENTAUR D-1A #5902C | Booster (2nd stage) | SURVEYOR 6, SURVEYOR VI | 1 | 1939 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | November 7, 1967 |
1968-001B | CENTAUR D-1A #5903C | Booster (2nd stage) | SURVEYOR 7, SURVEYOR VII | 1 | 1939 | discarded | January 7, 1968 |
1968-027C | BLOK L No.Ya716-58 | Booster (4th stage) | LUNA 14 | 1 | 999 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | April 7, 1968 |
1968-076C | BLOK D No.17L | Booster (4th stage) | ZOND 5 | 1 | 1800 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | September 14, 1968 |
1968-109A | YO-YO DE-SPIN MASS (HEOS A1) | Cables w/ weights | HEOS 1 | 2 | 0.014 | discarded, probably in heliocentric orbit | December 5, 1968 |
1968-118B | SLA-11A PANEL 1 | S-IVB/CSM adapter panel | APOLLO 8 | 1 | 290 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | December 21, 1968 |
1968-118B | SLA-11A PANEL 2 | S-IVB/CSM adapter panel | APOLLO 8 | 1 | 290 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | December 21, 1968 |
1968-118B | SLA-11A PANEL 3 | S-IVB/CSM adapter panel | APOLLO 8 | 1 | 290 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | December 21, 1968 |
1968-118B | SLA-11A PANEL 4 | S-IVB/CSM adapter panel | APOLLO 8 | 1 | 290 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | December 21, 1968 |
1969-043B | SLA-13A PANEL 1 | S-IVB/CSM adapter panel | APOLLO 10 | 1 | 290 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | May 18, 1969 |
1969-043B | SLA-13A PANEL 2 | S-IVB/CSM adapter panel | APOLLO 10 | 1 | 290 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | May 18, 1969 |
1969-043B | SLA-13A PANEL 3 | S-IVB/CSM adapter panel | APOLLO 10 | 1 | 290 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | May 18, 1969 |
1969-043B | SLA-13A PANEL 4 | S-IVB/CSM adapter panel | APOLLO 10 | 1 | 290 | discarded, probably impacted the Moon | May 18, 1969 |
1969-046F | 3C-10 TRANSTAGE # | Booster (3rd stage) | VELA 5 | 1 | 1950 | discarded | May 23, 1969 |
1969-046D | VELA HEAT SHIELDS | Heat shields | VELA 5 | 2? | - | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | May 23, 1969 |
1969-046D | VELA 5A, VELA 9, OPS 6909 | Scientific probe | VELA 5 | 1 | 259 | EOM, defunct | October 15, 1972 |
1969-046G | BE-3A7 | Insertion motor | VELA 5 | 1 | 39 | fixed to VELA 5A | May 23, 1969 |
1969-046E | VELA 5B, VELA 10, OPS 6911 | Scientific probe | VELA 5 | 1 | 259 | EOM, defunct | October 15, 1972 |
1969-046H | BE-3A7 | Insertion motor | VELA 5 | 1 | 39 | fixed to VELA 5B | May 23, 1969 |
1969-046A | OV5-5, ERS 29, S68-3 | Scientific probe | VELA 5 | 1 | 11 | EOM, defunct | October 15, 1972 |
1969-046B | OV5-6, ERS 26, S68-3 | Scientific probe | VELA 5 | 1 | 11 | EOM, defunct | October 15, 1972 |
1969-046C | OV5-9, S68-3 | Scientific probe | VELA 5 | 1 | 13 | EOM, defunct | October 15, 1972 |
1969-053 | YO-YO DE-SPIN MASS (IMP-G) | Cables w/ weights | EXPLORER 41 | 2 | 0.014 | discarded, probably in heliocentric orbit | June 21, 1969 |
1969-058C | BLOK D No.402L | Booster (4th stage) | LUNA 15 | 1 | 1800 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | July 13, 1969 |
1969-067C | BLOK D No.18L | Booster (4th stage) | ZOND 7 | 1 | 1800 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | August 7, 1969 |
1969-099B | SLA-15 PANEL 1 | S-IVB/CSM adapter panel | APOLLO 12 | 1 | 290 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | November 14, 1969 |
1969-099B | SLA-15 PANEL 2 | S-IVB/CSM adapter panel | APOLLO 12 | 1 | 290 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | November 14, 1969 |
1969-099B | SLA-15 PANEL 3 | S-IVB/CSM adapter panel | APOLLO 12 | 1 | 290 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | November 14, 1969 |
1969-099B | SLA-15 PANEL 4 | S-IVB/CSM adapter panel | APOLLO 12 | 1 | 290 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | November 14, 1969 |
1970-027C | 3C-10 TRANSTAGE # | Booster (3rd stage) | VELA 6 | 1 | 1950 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | April 8, 1970 |
1970-027A | VELA HEAT SHIELDS | Heat shields | VELA 6 | 2? | - | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | April 8, 1970 |
1970-027A | VELA 6A, VELA 11, OPS 7033 | Scientific probe | VELA 6 | 1 | 261 | EOM, defunct | October 15, 1972 |
1970-027D | BE-3A7 | Insertion motor | VELA 6 | 1 | 39 | fixed to VELA 6A | April 8, 1970 |
1970-027B | VELA 6B, VELA 12, OPS 7044 | Scientific probe | VELA 6 | 1 | 261 | EOM, defunct | October 15, 1972 |
1970-027E | BE-3A7 | Insertion motor | VELA 6 | 1 | 39 | fixed to VELA 6B | April 8, 1970 |
1970-029A | SM-109 SECTOR 4 PANEL | Aluminum panel | APOLLO 13 | 1 | 10 | ejected, earth atmospheric entry | April 13, 1970 |
1970-029A | SM-109 DEBRIS | Debris | APOLLO 13 | ? | ? | ejected, earth atmospheric entry | April 13, 1970 |
1970-103B | BLOK D No. | Booster (4th stage) | KOSMOS 382 | 1 | 1800 | EOM, defunct | December 2, 1970 |
1970-103A | 7K-L1E No.2 PAO | Lunar orbital service module mass model | KOSMOS 382 | 1 | 4970 | fixed to the booster | December 7, 1970 |
1970-103A | 7K-L1E No.2 | Lunar orbital command module mass model | KOSMOS 382 | 1 | - | fixed to the booster | December 7, 1970 |
1971-019E | YO-YO DE-SPIN MASS (IMP-I) | Cables w/ weights | EXPLORER 43 | 2 | 0.014 | discarded, probably in heliocentric orbit | March 13, 1971 |
1971-069C | BLOK D No. | Booster (3rd stage) | KOSMOS 434 | 1 | discarded | August 12, 1971 | |
1972-005 | YO-YO DE-SPIN MASS (HEOS A2) | Cables w/ weights | HEOS 2 | 2 | 0.014 | discarded, probably in heliocentric orbit | January 31, 1972 |
1972-023A | 3V/V-72 No.671 | Venus cruise stage | KOSMOS 482, VENERA 9A | 1 | 690 | ejected from the booster, earth atmospheric entry? | May 5, 1981 |
1972-023A | 3V/V-72 No.671 SA | Venus lander | KOSMOS 482, VENERA 9A | 1 | 495 | fixed to the probe, survived reentry? | May 5, 1981 |
1972-073A | STAR 17A # | Insertion motor | EXPLORER 47 | 1 | 13.9 | fixed to the probe | October 31, 1978 |
1972-073A | IMP-H, IMP-7 (INTERPLANETARY MONITORING PLATFORM-7) | Scientific probe | EXPLORER 47 | 1 | 376 | EOM, defunct | October 31, 1978 |
1973-039G | YO TUMBLING MASS (STAR 37D) | Cable w/ weight | EXPLORER 49 | 1 | 0.007 | discarded | June 15, 1973 |
1973-078A | STAR 17A | Insertion motor | EXPLORER 50 | 1 | 13.9 | fixed to the probe | October 7, 2006 |
1973-078A | IMP-J, IMP-8 (INTERPLANETARY MONITORING PLATFORM-8) | Scientific probe | EXPLORER 50 | 1 | 371 | EOM, defunct | October 7, 2006 |
1974-097B | CENTAUR D-1T #E-2 | Booster (3rd stage) | HELIOS 1, HELIOS A | 1 | 1837 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | December 10, 1974 |
1977-093B | BLOK SO-L No. | Booster (3rd stage) | PROGNOZ 6 | 1 | 999 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | October 29, 1977 |
1977-093F | DEBRIS | Debris? | PROGNOZ 6 | 1? | - | ? | September 22, 1977 |
1977-093A | SO-M No.506, SOLAR OBJECT MODIFIED No.6 | Scientific probe | PROGNOZ 6 | 1 | 910 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | January 16, 2019 |
1983-020D | BLOK D-1 No.7L | Booster (4th stage) | ASTRON, ASTRON 1 | 1 | 1800 | discarded | March 23, 1983 |
1983-020A | 4MV 1A No.602 | Space telescope | ASTRON, ASTRON 1 | 1 | 3250 | EOM, defunct | June 15, 1989 |
1983-051A | YO-YO DE-SPIN MASS (STAR 37E) | Cables w/ weights | EXOSAT | 2 | 0.014 | discarded | May 26, 1983 |
1983-067B | BLOK SO-L No. | Booster (3rd stage) | PROGNOZ 9, RELIKT | 1 | 999 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | August 5, 1983 |
1983-067A | SO-M No.509, SOLAR OBJECT MODIFIED No.9 | Scientific probe | PROGNOZ 9, RELIKT | 1 | 1060 | EOM, defunct | July 1, 1983 |
1990-007C | KM-M | Booster (4th stage) | HITEN, MUSES A | 1 | 490 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | January 26, 1990 |
1992-044A | GEOTAIL ISTP (INTERNATIONAL SOLAR TERRESTRIAL PHYSICS) | Scientific probe | GEOTAIL | 1 | 980 | EOM, defunct | November 28, 2022 |
1996-050D | BLOK 2BL No. | Booster (3rd stage) | PROGNOZ 12 | 1 | 999 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | July 26, 1998 |
1996-050F | DEBRIS | Debris? | PROGNOZ 12 | 1 | - | ? | August 29, 1996 |
1996-050A | MUSAT 1, VICTOR | Experimental microsatellite | PROGNOZ 12 | 1 | 33 | EOM, defunct, earth atmospheric entry? | November 12, 1999 |
1996-050B | MAGION 5, INTERBALL S2-A, AURORAL PROBE | Scientific probe | PROGNOZ 12 | 1 | 50 | EOM, defunct | August 29, 1996 |
1996-050C | SO-M2 No.513, INTERBOL 2 | Scientific probe | PROGNOZ 12 | 1 | 1400 | EOM, defunct | August 29, 1996 |
2001-027B | DELTA-K # | Booster (2nd stage) | EXPLORER 80 | 1 | 950 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | June 30, 2001 |
2001-027C | YO-YO DE-SPIN MASS (STAR 48B) | Cables w/ weights | EXPLORER 80 | 2 | 0.014 | discarded | October 1, 2001 |
2002-048A | INTEGRAL (INTERNATIONAL GAMMA-RAY ASTROPHYSICS LABORATORY) | Scientific probe | INTEGRAL | 1 | 3450 | active | October 17, 2002 |
2003-043B | EPS L9.7 #516 | Booster (2nd stage) | SMART-1 | 1 | 2750 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | September 27, 2003 |
2003-043D | SPELTRA (STRUCTURE PORTEUSE EXTERNE LANCEMENT TRIPLE ARIANE) | Satellite adapter | SMART-1 | 1 | 704 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | September 27, 2003 |
2003-043F | SYLDA (SYSTEME DE LANCEMENT DOUBLE ARIANE) | Satellite adapter | SMART-1 | 1 | 440 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | September 27, 2003 |
2007-004G | STAR 48B, PAM-D | Booster (3rd stage) | EXPLORER 85-89 | 1 | 123.8 | discarded | February 17, 2007 |
2007-004A | THEMIS A (TIME HISTORY OF EVENTS AND MACROSCALE INTERACTIONS DURING SUBSTORMS-A), THEMIS-P5, MIDEX-5A | Scientific probe | EXPLORER 85 | 1 | 77 | active | February 17, 2007 |
2007-004D | THEMIS D (TIME HISTORY OF EVENTS AND MACROSCALE INTERACTIONS DURING SUBSTORMS-D), THEMIS-P3, MIDEX-5D | Scientific probe | EXPLORER 88 | 1 | 77 | active | February 17, 2007 |
2007-004E | THEMIS E (TIME HISTORY OF EVENTS AND MACROSCALE INTERACTIONS DURING SUBSTORMS-E), THEMIS-P4, MIDEX-5E | Scientific probe | EXPLORER 89 | 1 | 77 | active | February 17, 2007 |
2007-051B | CZ H-18 # | Booster (3rd stage) | CHANG'E 1 | 1 | 2800 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | October 1, 2010 |
2008-051B | IBEX, SMEX-10 | Scientific probe | EXPLORER 91 | 1 | 80 | active | October 19, 2008 |
2008-052B | PS4, PSLV-4 | Booster (4th stage) | CHANDRAYAAN-1 | 1 | 920 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | October 22, 2008 |
2008-052C | DEBRIS | Debris? | CHANDRAYAAN-1 | 1? | - | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | October 22, 2008 |
2010-050B | CZ H-18 #Y7 | Booster (3rd stage) | CHANG'E 2 | 1 | 2800 | discarded | October 1, 2010 |
2011-037D | FREGAT-SB No.2002 | Booster (3rd stage) | RADIO-ASTRON | 1 | 1080 | discarded | August 8, 2011 |
2011-037B | DEBRIS | Debris? | RADIO-ASTRON | 1 | - | ? | July 18, 2011 |
2011-037A | SPEKTR R | Scientific probe | RADIO-ASTRON | 1 | 3660 | EOM, defunct | May 30, 2019 |
2013-047B | STAR 48BV | Booster (4th stage) | LADEE | 1 | 123.8 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | September 7, 2013 |
2013-047C | STAR 37FM | Booster (5th stage) | LADEE | 1 | 81.5 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | September 7, 2013 |
2013-047 | MNS BOC (BREAKOFF CAP) | Dust cover | LADEE | 1 | - | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | September 7, 2013 |
2013-070B | CZ H-18 #23 | Booster (3rd stage) | CHANG'E 3 | 1 | 2800 | discarded | December 1, 2013 |
2014-048B | CENTAUR III SEC (SINGLE ENGINE CENTAUR) #AV-047 | Booster (2nd stage) | WORLDVIEW-3 (WV-3) | 1 | 2026 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | August 13, 2014 |
2015-011E | CENTAUR III SEC (SINGLE ENGINE CENTAUR) #AV-062 | Booster (2nd stage) | MMS (MAGNETOSPHERIC MULTISCALE) | 1 | 2026 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | August 26, 2017 |
2015-011D | MMS 1 (JOHN) | Scientific probe | MMS (MAGNETOSPHERIC MULTISCALE) | 1 | 1360 | active | March 13, 2015 |
2015-011C | MMS 2 (PAUL) | Scientific probe | MMS (MAGNETOSPHERIC MULTISCALE) | 1 | 1360 | active | March 13, 2015 |
2015-011B | MMS 3 (GEORGE) | Scientific probe | MMS (MAGNETOSPHERIC MULTISCALE) | 1 | 1360 | active | March 13, 2015 |
2015-011A | MMS 4 (RINGO) | Scientific probe | MMS (MAGNETOSPHERIC MULTISCALE) | 1 | 1360 | active | March 13, 2015 |
2015-007B | FALCON 9 STAGE 2 #015 | Booster (2nd stage) | DEEP SPACE CLIMATE OBSERVATORY (DSCOVR) | 1 | 3900 | discarded | February 11, 2015 |
2015-019C | YZ-1 #Y1 | Booster (4th stage) | BEIDOU I1-S | 1 | 930 | discarded | March 30, 2015 |
2015-070B | AVUM #VV06 | Booster (4th stage) | LISA, SMART-2 | 1 | 147 | discarded, possibly in HEO | December 3, 2015 |
2015-070C | LPF PRM (LISA PATHFINDER PROPULSION MODULE) | Insertion motor | LISA, SMART-2 | 1 | 810 | discarded | January 15, 2016 |
2016-067B | CENTAUR III SEC (SINGLE ENGINE CENTAUR) #AV-062 | Booster (2nd stage) | WORLDVIEW-4, WV-4 | 1 | 2026 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | November 11, 2016 |
2018-038A | TESS (TRANSITING EXOPLANET SURVEY SATELLITE), MIDEX-7 | Scientific probe | EXPLORER 95, TESS, MIDEX-8 | 1 | 362 | active | April 18, 2018 |
2018-045B | LONGJIANG-1, DSLWP A1 | Microsatellite lunar orbiter | QUEQIAO, QUEQIAO-1, CHANG'E RELAY SATELLITE | 1 | 45 | LOS, missed the Moon, defunct | May 25, 2018 |
2018-103B | CZ H-18 #Y30 | Booster (3rd stage) | CHANG'E-4 | 1 | 2800 | discarded | December 7, 2018 |
2019-009B | FALCON 9 STAGE 2 #068 | Booster (2nd stage) | BERESHEET | 1 | 3900 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | February 22, 2019 |
2019-042B | C25 CUS # | Booster (3rd stage) | CHANDRAYAAN-2 | 1 | 5000 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | July 22, 2019 |
2022-156E | EQUULEUS (EQUILIBRIUM LUNAR-EARTH 6U SPACECRAFT) | Lunar orbiter, 6U CubeSat | ARTEMIS I | 1 | 12.8 | active, Earth-Moon L2 Lagrange point? | November 16, 2022 |
2022-156C | LUNAR ICECUBE | Lunar orbiter, 6U CubeSat | ARTEMIS I | 1 | 13.5 | technical failure, LOS, missed the Moon, defunct in cislunar space | November 16, 2022 |
2023-098B | C25 CUS # | Booster (3rd stage) | CHANDRAYAAN-3 | 1 | 5000 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | July 14, 2023 |
2023-098A | PROPULSION MODULE (PM) | Lunar orbiter | CHANDRAYAAN-3 | 1 | 1200 | EOM, defunct | August 22, 2024 |
2023-098A | IMA CONE (INTERMODULAR ADAPTER CONE) | Docking mechanism | CHANDRAYAAN-3 | 1 | - | fixed to the probe | August 22, 2024 |
2023-118B | FREGAT No.122-10 | Booster (3rd stage) | LUNA 25, LUNA-GLOB LANDER | 1 | 930 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | August 10, 2023 |
2023-132B | PS4, PSLV-4 | Booster (4th stage) | ADITYA-L1 | 1 | 920 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | September 2, 2023 |
2023-137B | LE-5B | Booster (2nd stage) | SLIM (SMART LANDER FOR INVESTIGATING MOON), XRISM (X-RAY IMAGING AND SPECTROSCOPY MISSION) | 1 | 3000 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | September 6, 2023 |
2024-006 | DEBRIS? | Debris? | PEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS1, TO2-AB | ? | - | ejected, earth atmospheric entry? | January 8, 2024 |
2024-048A | YZ-1S #Y18 | Booster (3rd stage) | DRO-A/B | 1 | 930 | technical failure, discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | March 13, 2024 |
2024-051B | CZ H-18 # | Booster (2nd stage) | QUEQIAO-2, CHANG'E RELAY SATELLITE | 1 | 2800 | discarded, earth atmospheric entry? | March 20, 2024 |
2024-083B | CZ-5-HO # | Booster (2nd stage) | CHANG'E 6 | 1 | 5100 | discarded | May 3, 2024 |
2025-010C | FALCON 9 STAGE 2 #425 | Booster (2nd stage) | BLUE GHOST MISSION ONE, HAKUTO-R M2 RIDESHARE | 1 | 3900 | discarded | January 15, 2025 |
2025-010C | ESPA RING | Spacecraft adapter | BLUE GHOST MISSION ONE, HAKUTO-R M2 RIDESHARE | 1 | 136 | discarded | January 15, 2025 |
2025-010A | BLUE GHOST LUNAR LANDER, FIREFLY AEROSPACE | Lunar lander | BLUE GHOST MISSION ONE, BLUE GHOST M1, GHOST RIDERS IN THE SKY, CLPS 7, TO-19D | 1 | 150 | en route to the moon | January 15, 2025 |
2025-010A | COMMERCIAL PAYLOADS | Commercial payloads | BLUE GHOST MISSION ONE, BLUE GHOST M1, GHOST RIDERS IN THE SKY, CLPS 7, TO-19D | see commercial payloads table | - | fixed to the lander | January 15, 2025 |
2025-010B | RESILIENCE LANDER, ISPACE | Lunar lander | HAKUTO-R M2 | 1 | 340 | en route to the moon | January 15, 2025 |
2025-010B | TENACIOUS ROVER, ISPACE | Lunar rover | HAKUTO-R M2 | 1 | 5 | fixed to the lander | January 15, 2025 |
2025-010B | COMMERCIAL PAYLOADS | Commercial payloads | HAKUTO-R M2 | see commercial payloads table | - | fixed to the lander | January 15, 2025 |