Non-exhaustive list of items sent to deep space aboard national space agencies probes and landers. They are mainly scientific instruments and experiments, geological tools, commemorative items, nuclear power plants and nuclear heaters.

Payloads hauled by private space missions are listed on the Commercial Payloads table.

Over 2260 items have been identified.

COSPAR IDname typemissionquantitypositionstatusdate/epoch (UTC)location
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsLUNA 1A, LUNA 1958A?fixed to the probescatteredSeptember 23, 1958eastern siberia
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsLUNA 1B, LUNA 1958B?fixed to the probescatteredOctober 11, 1958eastern siberia
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsLUNA 1C, LUNA 1958C?fixed to the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entry?December 4, 1958pacific ocean
1959 MU 1, 1959-012A7.5 CM CRUSHABLE PENNANTS SPHERECommemorative itemsLUNA 11?fixed to the probeintactJanuary 5, 1959solar orbit
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsLUNA 1959A, LUNA 2A?fixed to the probescatteredJune 18, 1959eastern siberia
1959 XI 1, 1959-014A7.5 CM + 12CM PENNANTS SPHERESCommemorative itemsLUNA 22fixed to the probescatteredSeptember 13, 1959moon surface
1959 XI 1, 1959-014APENNANTS SPHERECommemorative itemsLUNA 21fixed to the boosterscatteredSeptember 13, 1959moon surface
1959 THE 1, 1959-008APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsLUNA 3?fixed to the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entryApril 29, 1960earth's atmosphere
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsLUNA 4A, LUNA 1960A?fixed to the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entryApril 15, 1960earth's atmosphere
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsLUNA 4B, LUNA 1960B?fixed to the probescatteredApril 19, 1960baikonur, kazakhstan
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsMARS 1A, MARS 1960A?fixed to the probescatteredOctober 10, 1960eastern siberia
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsMARS 1B, MARS 1960B?fixed to the probescatteredOctober 14, 1960eastern siberia
1961-002APENNANTS SPHERECommemorative itemsSPUTNIK 7, VENERA 1A, HEAVY SATELLITE?fixed to the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entryFebruary 26, 1961earth's atmosphere
1961 GAM 1, 1961-003A7 CM EARTH-SHAPED BUOYANT SPHERE WITH USSR MEDALLION INSIDECommemorative itemsVENERA 1, SPUTNIK 81fixed to the probeintactMay 19, 1961solar orbit
1962 ALP 1, 1962-001ASEISMOMETERScientific instrumentRANGER 3, RANGER III1inside landing capsuleEOM, defunctJanuary 31, 1962solar orbit
1962 MU 1, 1962-012ASEISMOMETERScientific instrumentRANGER 4, RANGER IV1inside landing capsulescatteredApril 26, 1962moon surface
1962-040APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsSPUTNIK 19, VENERA 2A?fixed to the lander, survived reentry?intact?August 28, 1962entry location unknown
1962-043APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsSPUTNIK 20, VENERA 2B?fixed to the lander, survived reentry?intact?September 6, 1962entry location unknown
1962-045APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsSPUTNIK 21, VENERA 2C?fixed to the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 14, 1962earth's atmosphere
1962 B ETA 1, 1962-055ASEISMOMETERScientific instrumentRANGER 5, RANGER V1inside landing capsuleEOM, defunctOctober 19, 1962solar orbit
1962-057APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsSPUTNIK 22, MARS 1C?fixed to the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entryOctober 29, 1962earth's atmosphere
1962 B NU 3, 1962-061CPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsMARS 1, SPUTNIK 23?fixed to the probeintactMarch 21, 1963solar orbit
1962-062APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsSPUTNIK 24, MARS 2A?fixed to the lander, survived reentry?intact?December 27, 1962entry location unknown
1963-001APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsSPUTNIK 25, LUNA 4C, LUNA 1963A?fixed to the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entryJanuary 11, 1963earth's atmosphere
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsLUNA 4D, LUNA 1963B?fixed to the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entry?February 3, 1963pacific ocean
1963-008APENNANTSCommemorative itemsLUNA 42?fixed to the landerintactApril 14, 1963HEO
1963-044APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsKOSMOS 21, ZOND 1A?fixed to the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entryNovember 14, 1963earth's atmosphere
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsZOND 1B, VENERA 1964A?fixed to the probescatteredFebruary 19, 1964eastern siberia
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsSPUTNIK 27, LUNA 5A, LUNA 1964A?fixed to the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entry?March 21, 1964pacific ocean
1964-014APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsKOSMOS 27, ZOND 1C, VENERA 1964B?fixed to the lander, survived reentry?intact?March 28, 1964entry location unknown
1964-016DBUOYANT PENNANTS SPHERE?Commemorative itemsZOND 11?fixed to the landerintactMay 24, 1964solar orbit
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsLUNA 5B, LUNA 1964B?fixed to the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entryApril 20, 1964earth's atmosphere
1964-078CPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsZOND 21?fixed to the probeintactMay 5, 1965solar orbit
1965-018APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsKOSMOS 60, LUNA 5C?fixed to the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entryMarch 17, 1965earth's atmosphere
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsLUNA 5D, LUNA 1965A?fixed to the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entry?April 10, 1965pacific ocean
1965-036APENNANTSCommemorative itemsLUNA 52?fixed to the landerscatteredMay 12, 1965moon surface
1965-044APENNANTSCommemorative itemsLUNA 62?fixed to the landerintactJune 8, 1965solar orbit
1965-056APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsZOND 31?fixed to the probeintactMarch 3, 1966solar orbit
1965-077APENNANTSCommemorative itemsLUNA 72?fixed to the landerscatteredOctober 7, 1965moon surface
1965-091APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsVENERA 2?fixed to the probeintactMarch 4, 1966solar orbit
1965-092ABUOYANT PENNANTS SPHERE?Commemorative itemsVENERA 31?fixed to the lander?March 1, 1966venus surface
1965-094APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsKOSMOS 96, VENERA 4A, VENERA 1965A?fixed to the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entryDecember 9, 1965earth's atmosphere
1965-099APENNANTSCommemorative itemsLUNA 82?fixed to the landerscatteredDecember 6, 1965moon surface
1966-006APENNANTSCommemorative itemsLUNA 92?fixed to the landerintactFebruary 3, 1966moon surface
1966-017APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsKOSMOS 111, LUNA 10A?fixed to the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entryMarch 3, 1966earth's atmosphere
1966-027APENNANTSCommemorative itemsLUNA 102?fixed to the orbiterscatteredMay 30, 1966moon surface
1966-078APENNANTSCommemorative itemsLUNA 112?fixed to the orbiterscatteredOctober 1, 1966moon surface
1966-094APENNANTSCommemorative itemsLUNA 122?fixed to the orbiterscatteredJanuary 19, 1967moon surface
1966-116APENNANTSCommemorative itemsLUNA 132?fixed to the landerintactDecember 28, 1966moon surface
1966-116AGAMMA-RAY SOIL DENSITOMETER (PLOTNOMER)Scientific instrumentLUNA 131fixed to the lander, deployed on the surface?EOM, defunctDecember 28, 1966moon surface
1966-116APrOP-V SOIL PENETROMETER (GRUNTOMER, GR-1 EXPERIMENT)Scientific instrumentLUNA 131fixed to the lander, deployed on the surface?EOM, defunctDecember 28, 1966moon surface
1966-116ASOIL-PENETRATING PROBEScientific instrumentLUNA 131fixed to the lander, forced into the surfaceEOM, defunctDecember 28, 1966moon surface
1967-021APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsKOSMOS 146?fixed to the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entryMarch 18, 1967earth's atmosphere
1967-032APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsKOSMOS 154?fixed to the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entryApril 10, 1967earth's atmosphere
1967-046APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsKOSMOS 159?fixed to the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entryNovember 11, 1967earth's atmosphere
1967-058ABUOYANT PENNANTS SPHERE?Commemorative itemsVENERA 41?fixed to the lander?October 18, 1967venus surface
1967-063APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsKOSMOS 167, VENERA 5A?fixed to the lander, survived reentry?intact?June 25, 1967entry location unknown
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsZOND 4A, ZOND 1967A1fixed to the probeintactSeptember 28, 1967current location unknown
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsZOND 4B, ZOND 1967B?fixed to the probeintactNovember 22, 1967current location unknown
1968-001ASMSS (SOIL MECHANICS SURFACE SAMPLER)Geological toolSURVEYOR 7, SURVEYOR VII1fixed to the landerEOM, defunctJanuary 10, 1968moon surface
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsLUNA 14A, LUNA 1968A?fixed to the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entryFebruary 7, 1968earth's atmosphere
1968-013APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsZOND 4?fixed to the probescatteredMarch 7, 1968gulf of guinea, atlantic ocean
1968-027APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsLUNA 14?fixed to the orbiterscatteredJune 24, 1968moon surface
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsZOND 5A, ZOND 1968A?fixed to the probeintactApril 22, 1968current location unknown
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsZOND 5B, ZOND 1968B?fixed to the probeintactJuly 21, 1968baikonur, kazakhstan
1968-076APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsZOND 5?fixed to the probeintactSeptember 21, 1968displayed in a museum
1968-101APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsZOND 6?fixed to the probeintactNovember 17, 1968current location unknown
1969-001APENNANTSCommemorative itemsVENERA 52?fixed to the lander?March 16, 1969venus surface
1969-002APENNANTSCommemorative itemsVENERA 62?fixed to the lander?May 17, 1969venus surface
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsZOND 7A, ZOND 1969A?fixed to the probeintact?January 20, 1969eastern siberia
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsLUNA 15A, LUNA 1969A?fixed to the landerscatteredFebruary 19, 1969kazakhstan
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsLUNA 15A, LUNA 1969A?fixed to the roverscatteredFebruary 19, 1969kazakhstan
NONERHU (RADIOISOTOPE HEATING UNIT)Nuclear power sourceLUNA 15A, LUNA 1969A1?fixed to the roverscatteredFebruary 19, 1969kazakhstan
NONEPOLONIUM-210 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelLUNA 15A, LUNA 1969A1?inside RHUscatteredFebruary 19, 1969kazakhstan
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsN1-L3 FLIGHT TEST 1?fixed to the probescatteredFebruary 21, 1969kazakhstan
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsMARS 2A, MARS 1969A?fixed to the probescatteredMarch 27, 1969eastern siberia
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsMARS 2B, MARS 1969B?fixed to the probescatteredApril 2, 1969kazakhstan
1969-043MISCELLANEOUS ITEMSVarious items and gearAPOLLO 10?left inside LM-4intactMay 23, 1969solar orbit
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsLUNA 15B, LUNA 1969B?fixed to the landerincinerated upon atmospheric entry?June 14, 1969pacific ocean
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsN1-L3 FLIGHT TEST 2?fixed to the probescatteredJuly 3, 1969baikonur, kazakhstan
1969-058APENNANTSCommemorative itemsLUNA 151fixed to the landerscatteredJuly 21, 1969moon surface
1969-059CMISCELLANEOUS ITEMSVarious items and gearAPOLLO 11?left inside LM-5 ascent stage?moon surface
1969-067APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsZOND 7?fixed to the probeintactAugust 14, 1969displayed in a museum
1969-080APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsKOSMOS 300, LUNA 16A?fixed to the landerincinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 27, 1969earth's atmosphere
1969-092APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsKOSMOS 305, LUNA 16B?fixed to the landerincinerated upon atmospheric entryOctober 24, 1969earth's atmosphere
1969-099CMISCELLANEOUS ITEMSVarious items and gearAPOLLO 12?left inside LM-6 ascent stagescatteredNovember 20, 1969moon surface
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsLUNA 16C, LUNA 1970A?fixed to the landerscatteredFebruary 6, 1970kazakhstan
1970-029CALSEP 2 (ALSEP B)Scientific instrumentsAPOLLO 131fixed to the landerincinerated upon atmospheric entryApril 17, 1970earth's atmosphere
1970-029CSNAP-27 RTG (SYSTEMS FOR NUCLEAR AUXILIARY POWER, RADIOISOTOPIC THERMOELECTRIC GENERATOR)Nuclear power sourceAPOLLO 131fixed to the landerincinerated upon atmospheric entryApril 17, 1970earth's atmosphere
1970-029C3.8 KG PLUTONIUM-238 FUEL MICROSPHERESNuclear fuelAPOLLO 13?inside RTGincinerated upon atmospheric entryApril 17, 1970earth's atmosphere
1970-060APENNANTSCommemorative itemsVENERA 72?fixed to the landerintactDecember 15, 1970venus surface
1970-065APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsKOSMOS 359, VENERA 8A?fixed to the lander, survived reentry?intact?November 6, 1970entry location unknown
1970-072ASURFACE SAMPLING DRILLGeological toolLUNA 161fixed to the landerEOM, defunctSeptember 20, 1970moon surface
1970-072APENNANTSCommemorative itemsLUNA 162?fixed to the landerintactSeptember 20, 1970moon surface
1970-088APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsZOND 8?fixed to the probeintactOctober 27, 1970current location unknown
1970-095APENNANTSCommemorative itemsLUNA 17, LUNOKHOD 12?fixed to the landerintactNovember 17, 1970moon surface
1970-095CRHU (RADIOISOTOPE HEATING UNIT)Nuclear power sourceLUNA 17, LUNOKHOD 11?fixed to the roverEOM, defunctSeptember 14, 1971moon surface
1970-095CPOLONIUM-210 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelLUNA 17, LUNOKHOD 11?inside RHUEOM, defunctSeptember 14, 1971moon surface
1970-095CROVER SOIL PENETROMETERScientific instrumentLUNA 17, LUNOKHOD 11fixed to the roverEOM, defunctSeptember 14, 1971moon surface
1970-095CPENNANTSCommemorative itemsLUNA 17, LUNOKHOD 12?fixed to the roverintactSeptember 14, 1971moon surface
1970-099APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsKOSMOS 379?fixed to the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entryJanuary 2, 1971earth's atmosphere
1971-008CMISCELLANEOUS ITEMSVarious items and gearAPOLLO 14?left inside LM-8 ascent stagescatteredFebruary 7, 1971moon surface
1971-016APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsKOSMOS 398?fixed to the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entryDecember 10, 1995earth's atmosphere
1971-042APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsKOSMOS 419, MARS 2C?fixed to the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entryMay 12, 1971earth's atmosphere
1971-045DPENNANTSCommemorative itemsMARS 22?fixed to the landerscatteredNovember 27, 1971mars surface
1971-049EPENNANTSCommemorative itemsMARS 32?fixed to the landerintactDecember 2, 1971mars surface
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsN1-L3 FLIGHT TEST 3?fixed to the probescatteredJune 26, 1971kazakhstan
1971-063CMISCELLANEOUS ITEMSVarious items and gearAPOLLO 15?left inside LM-10 ascent stagescatteredAugust 3, 1971moon surface
1971-069APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsKOSMOS 434?fixed to the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entryAugust 23, 1981earth's atmosphere
1971-073ASURFACE SAMPLING DRILLGeological toolLUNA 181fixed to the landerscatteredSeptember 11, 1971moon surface
1971-073APENNANTSCommemorative itemsLUNA 182?fixed to the landerscatteredSeptember 11, 1971moon surface
1971-082APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsLUNA 19?fixed to the orbiterscatteredNovember 1, 1972moon surface
1972-007ASURFACE SAMPLING DRILLGeological toolLUNA 201fixed to the landerEOM, defunctFebruary 21, 1972moon surface
1972-007APENNANTSCommemorative itemsLUNA 202?fixed to the landerintactFebruary 21, 1972moon surface
1972-012AHELIUM VECTOR MAGNETOMETER (HVM)Scientific instrumentPIONEER 101fixed to the probeEOM, defunctJanuary 23, 2003solar escape trajectory
1972-012AQUADRISPHERICAL PLASMA ANALYZERScientific instrumentPIONEER 101fixed to the probeEOM, defunctJanuary 23, 2003solar escape trajectory
1972-012ACHARGED PARTICLE INSTRUMENT (CPI)Scientific instrumentPIONEER 101fixed to the probeEOM, defunctJanuary 23, 2003solar escape trajectory
1972-012ACOSMIC RAY TELESCOPE (CRT)TelescopePIONEER 101fixed to the probeEOM, defunctJanuary 23, 2003solar escape trajectory
1972-012AGEIGER TUBE TELESCOPE (GTT)TelescopePIONEER 101fixed to the probeEOM, defunctJanuary 23, 2003solar escape trajectory
1972-012ATRAPPED RADIATION DETECTOR (TRD)Scientific instrumentPIONEER 101fixed to the probeEOM, defunctJanuary 23, 2003solar escape trajectory
1972-012AMETEOROID DETECTORSScientific instrumentPIONEER 101fixed to the probeEOM, defunctJanuary 23, 2003solar escape trajectory
1972-012AULTRAVIOLET PHOTOMETERScientific instrumentPIONEER 101fixed to the probeEOM, defunctJanuary 23, 2003solar escape trajectory
1972-012AINFRARED RADIOMETERScientific instrumentPIONEER 101fixed to the probeEOM, defunctJanuary 23, 2003solar escape trajectory
1972-012AASTEROID/METEOROID DETECTOR (AMD)CameraPIONEER 101fixed to the probeEOM, defunctJanuary 23, 2003solar escape trajectory
1972-012AIMAGING PHOTOPOLARIMETER (IPP)CameraPIONEER 101fixed to the probeEOM, defunctJanuary 23, 2003solar escape trajectory
1972-012ASNAP-19 RTG (SYSTEMS FOR NUCLEAR AUXILIARY POWER, RADIOISOTOPIC THERMOELECTRIC GENERATOR)Nuclear power sourcePIONEER 104fixed to the probeintactJanuary 23, 2003solar escape trajectory
1972-012APLUTONIUM-238 FUEL DISCSNuclear fuelPIONEER 1068inside RTGsintactJanuary 23, 2003solar escape trajectory
1972-012ARHU (RADIOISOTOPE HEATER UNIT)Nuclear heat sourcePIONEER 1012inside the probeintactJanuary 23, 2003solar escape trajectory
1972-012APLUTONIUM-238 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelPIONEER 1012inside RHUsintactJanuary 23, 2003solar escape trajectory
1972-012APIONEER PLAQUE 1Commemorative itemsPIONEER 101fixed to the probeintactJanuary 23, 2003solar escape trajectory
1972-021APENNANTSCommemorative itemsVENERA 82?fixed to the landerintactJuly 22, 1972venus surface
1972-023EPENNANTSCommemorative itemsKOSMOS 482, VENERA 9A?fixed to the landerintactMay 5, 1981HEO
1972-031CMISCELLANEOUS ITEMSVarious items and gearAPOLLO 16?left inside LM-11 ascent stagescattered
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsN1-L3 FLIGHT TEST 4?fixed to the probescatteredNovember 23, 1972kazakhstan
1972-096CMISCELLANEOUS ITEMSVarious items and gearAPOLLO 17?left inside LM-12 ascent stagescatteredDecember 15, 1972moon surface
1973-001APENNANTSCommemorative itemsLUNA 21, LUNOKHOD 22?fixed to the landerintactJanuary 15, 1973moon surface
1973-001CRHU (RADIOISOTOPE HEATING UNIT)Nuclear power sourceLUNA 21, LUNOKHOD 21?fixed to the roverEOM, defunctMay 11, 1973moon surface
1973-001CPOLONIUM-210 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelLUNA 21, LUNOKHOD 21?inside RHUEOM, defunctMay 11, 1973moon surface
1973-001CROVER SOIL PENETROMETERScientific instrumentLUNA 21, LUNOKHOD 21fixed to the rover, deployed on the surface?EOM, defunctMay 11, 1973moon surface
1973-001CPENNANTSCommemorative itemsLUNA 21, LUNOKHOD 22?fixed to the roverintactMay 11, 1973moon surface
1973-019AHELIUM VECTOR MAGNETOMETER (HVM)Scientific instrumentPIONEER 111fixed to the probeEOM, defunctSeptember 30, 1995solar escape trajectory
1973-019AQUADRISPHERICAL PLASMA ANALYZERScientific instrumentPIONEER 111fixed to the probeEOM, defunctSeptember 30, 1995solar escape trajectory
1973-019ACHARGED PARTICLE INSTRUMENT (CPI)Scientific instrumentPIONEER 111fixed to the probeEOM, defunctSeptember 30, 1995solar escape trajectory
1973-019ACOSMIC RAY TELESCOPE (CRT)TelescopePIONEER 111fixed to the probeEOM, defunctSeptember 30, 1995solar escape trajectory
1973-019AGEIGER TUBE TELESCOPE (GTT)TelescopePIONEER 111fixed to the probeEOM, defunctSeptember 30, 1995solar escape trajectory
1973-019ATRAPPED RADIATION DETECTOR (TRD)Scientific instrumentPIONEER 111fixed to the probeEOM, defunctSeptember 30, 1995solar escape trajectory
1973-019AMETEOROID DETECTORSScientific instrumentPIONEER 111fixed to the probeEOM, defunctSeptember 30, 1995solar escape trajectory
1973-019AULTRAVIOLET PHOTOMETERScientific instrumentPIONEER 111fixed to the probeEOM, defunctSeptember 30, 1995solar escape trajectory
1973-019AINFRARED RADIOMETERScientific instrumentPIONEER 111fixed to the probeEOM, defunctSeptember 30, 1995solar escape trajectory
1973-019ATRIAXIAL FLUXGATE MAGNETOMETERScientific instrumentPIONEER 111fixed to the probeEOM, defunctSeptember 30, 1995solar escape trajectory
1973-019AASTEROID/METEOROID DETECTOR (AMD)CameraPIONEER 111fixed to the probeEOM, defunctSeptember 30, 1995solar escape trajectory
1973-019AIMAGING PHOTOPOLARIMETER (IPP)CameraPIONEER 111fixed to the probeEOM, defunctSeptember 30, 1995solar escape trajectory
1973-019ASNAP-19 RTG (SYSTEMS FOR NUCLEAR AUXILIARY POWER, RADIOISOTOPIC THERMOELECTRIC GENERATOR)Nuclear power sourcePIONEER 114fixed to the probeintactSeptember 30, 1995solar escape trajectory
1973-019APLUTONIUM-238 FUEL DISCSNuclear fuelPIONEER 1168inside RTGsintactSeptember 30, 1995solar escape trajectory
1973-019ARHU (RADIOISOTOPE HEATER UNIT)Nuclear heat sourcePIONEER 1112inside the probeintactSeptember 30, 1995solar escape trajectory
1973-019APLUTONIUM-238 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelPIONEER 1112inside RHUsintactSeptember 30, 1995solar escape trajectory
1973-019APIONEER PLAQUE 2Commemorative itemsPIONEER 111fixed to the probeintactSeptember 30, 1995solar escape trajectory
1973-047APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsMARS 4?fixed to the orbiterintactFebruary 10, 1974solar orbit
1973-049APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsMARS 5?fixed to the orbiterintactFebruary 28, 1974mars orbit
1973-052DGAMMA X-RAY SPECTROMETERScientific instrumentMARS 61fixed to the lander, deployed on the surface?EOM, defunctMarch 12, 1974mars surface
1973-052DPENNANTSCommemorative itemsMARS 62?fixed to the landerintactMarch 12, 1974mars surface
1973-053DPENNANTSCommemorative itemsMARS 72?fixed to the landerintactAugust 9, 1973solar orbit
1974-037APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsLUNA 22?fixed to the orbiterscatteredNovember 5, 1975moon surface
1974-084ASURFACE SAMPLING DRILLGeological toolLUNA 231fixed to the landerdamagedNovember 6, 1974moon surface
1974-084APENNANTSCommemorative itemsLUNA 232?fixed to the landerintactNovember 6, 1974moon surface
1975-050APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsVENERA 9?fixed to the orbiterintactMarch 26, 1976venus orbit
1975-050DGAMMA-RAY SOIL DENSITOMETERScientific instrumentVENERA 91fixed to the lander, deployed on the surfaceEOM, defunctOctober 22, 1975venus surface
1975-050DPENNANTSCommemorative itemsVENERA 92?fixed to the landerintactOctober 22, 1975venus surface
1975-054APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsVENERA 10?fixed to the orbiterintactMarch 26, 1976venus orbit
1975-054DGAMMA-RAY SOIL DENSITOMETERScientific instrumentVENERA 101fixed to the lander, deployed on the surfaceEOM, defunctOctober 25, 1975venus surface
1975-054DPENNANTSCommemorative itemsVENERA 102?fixed to the landerintactOctober 25, 1975venus surface
1975-075CFURLABLE BOOM + COLLECTOR HEADGeological toolVIKING 11fixed to the landerEOM, defunctJuly 20, 1976mars surface
1975-075CSNAP-19 RTG (SYSTEMS FOR NUCLEAR AUXILIARY POWER, RADIOISOTOPIC THERMOELECTRIC GENERATOR)Nuclear power sourceVIKING 12fixed to the probeEOM, defunctJuly 20, 1976mars surface
1975-075CPLUTONIUM-238 FUEL DISCSNuclear fuelVIKING 134inside RTGsEOM, defunctJuly 20, 1976mars surface
1975-075CVIKING MISSION PERSONNEL MICROFICHECommemorative itemVIKING 11fixed to the landerintactJuly 20, 1976mars surface
1975-083CFURLABLE BOOM + COLLECTOR HEADGeological toolVIKING 21fixed to the landerEOM, defunctApril 12, 1980mars surface
1975-083CSNAP-19 RTG (SYSTEMS FOR NUCLEAR AUXILIARY POWER, RADIOISOTOPIC THERMOELECTRIC GENERATOR)Nuclear power sourceVIKING 22fixed to the probeEOM, defunctSeptember 3, 1976mars surface
1975-083CPLUTONIUM-238 FUEL DISCSNuclear fuelVIKING 234inside RTGsEOM, defunctSeptember 3, 1976mars surface
1975-083CVIKING MISSION PERSONNEL MICROFICHECommemorative itemVIKING 21fixed to the landerintactSeptember 3, 1976mars surface
NONEPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsLUNA 24A, LUNA 1975A?fixed to the landerincinerated upon atmospheric entryOctober 16, 1975earth's atmosphere
1976-081ASURFACE SAMPLING DRILLGeological toolLUNA 241fixed to the lander, deployed on the surface?EOM, defunctAugust 18, 1976moon surface
1976-081APENNANTSCommemorative itemsLUNA 242?fixed to the landerintactAugust 18, 1976moon surface
1977-076AIMAGING SCIENCE SYSTEM (ISS)CamerasVOYAGER 22fixed to the probeEOM, defunctDecember 5, 1989solar escape trajectory
1977-076ARADIO SCIENCE SYSTEM (RSS)Scientific instrumentVOYAGER 21fixed to the probeEOM, defunctsolar escape trajectory
1977-076AINFRARED INTERFEROMETER SPECTROMETER AND RADIOMETER (IRIS)Scientific instrumentVOYAGER 21fixed to the probeEOM, defunctFebruary 1, 2007solar escape trajectory
1977-076AULTRAVIOLET SPECTROMETER (UVS)Scientific instrumentVOYAGER 21fixed to the probeEOM, defunctNovember 12, 1998solar escape trajectory
1977-076ATRIAXIAL FLUXGATE MAGNETOMETER (MAG)Scientific instrumentVOYAGER 21fixed to the probeactiveAugust 20, 1977solar escape trajectory
1977-076APLASMA SPECTROMETER (PLS)Scientific instrumentVOYAGER 21fixed to the probeEOM, defunctSeptember 26, 2024solar escape trajectory
1977-076ALOW ENERGY CHARGED PARTICLE INSTRUMENT (LECP)Scientific instrumentVOYAGER 21fixed to the probeactiveAugust 20, 1977solar escape trajectory
1977-076ACOSMIC RAY SYSTEM (CRS)Scientific instrumentVOYAGER 21fixed to the probeactiveAugust 20, 1977solar escape trajectory
1977-076APLANETARY RADIO ASTRONOMY INVESTIGATION (PRA)Scientific instrumentVOYAGER 21fixed to the probeEOM, defunctFebruary 21, 2008solar escape trajectory
1977-076APHOTOPOLARIMETER SYSTEM (PPS)Scientific instrumentVOYAGER 21fixed to the probeEOM, defunctApril 3, 1991solar escape trajectory
1977-076APLASMA WAVE SUBSYSTEM (PWS)Scientific instrumentVOYAGER 21fixed to the probeactiveAugust 20, 1977solar escape trajectory
1977-076AMHW-RTG (MULTIHUNDRED-WATT RADIOISOTOPIC THERMOELECTRIC GENERATOR)Nuclear power sourceVOYAGER 23fixed to the probeintactAugust 20, 1977solar escape trajectory
1977-076APLUTONIUM-238 FUEL SPHERESNuclear fuelVOYAGER 272inside RTGsintactAugust 20, 1977solar escape trajectory
1977-076ARHU (RADIOISOTOPE HEATER UNIT)Nuclear heat sourceVOYAGER 29inside the probeintactAugust 20, 1977solar escape trajectory
1977-076APLUTONIUM-238 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelVOYAGER 29inside RHUsintactAugust 20, 1977solar escape trajectory
1977-076ASMALL DACRON U.S. FLAGCommemorative itemsVOYAGER 21fixed to the probeintactAugust 20, 1977solar escape trajectory
1977-076AVOYAGER GOLDEN RECORD 1Time capsuleVOYAGER 21fixed to the probeintactAugust 20, 1977solar escape trajectory
1977-076ACONTENTData filesVOYAGER 2see data assets tablepart of the Voyager Golden Record 1intactAugust 20, 1977solar escape trajectory
1977-084AIMAGING SCIENCE SYSTEM (ISS)CamerasVOYAGER 12fixed to the probeEOM, defunctFebruary 14, 1990solar escape trajectory
1977-084ARADIO SCIENCE SYSTEM (RSS)Scientific instrumentVOYAGER 11fixed to the probeEOM, defunctsolar escape trajectory
1977-084AINFRARED INTERFEROMETER SPECTROMETER AND RADIOMETER (IRIS)Scientific instrumentVOYAGER 11fixed to the probeEOM, defunctJune 3, 1998solar escape trajectory
1977-084AULTRAVIOLET SPECTROMETER (UVS)Scientific instrumentVOYAGER 11fixed to the probeEOM, defunctApril 19, 2016solar escape trajectory
1977-084ATRIAXIAL FLUXGATE MAGNETOMETER (MAG)Scientific instrumentVOYAGER 11fixed to the probeactiveSeptember 5, 1977solar escape trajectory
1977-084APLASMA SPECTROMETER (PLS)Scientific instrumentVOYAGER 11fixed to the probeEOM, defunctApril 11, 2007solar escape trajectory
1977-084ALOW ENERGY CHARGED PARTICLE INSTRUMENT (LECP)Scientific instrumentVOYAGER 11fixed to the probeactiveSeptember 5, 1977solar escape trajectory
1977-084ACOSMIC RAY SYSTEM (CRS)Scientific instrumentVOYAGER 11fixed to the probeactiveSeptember 5, 1977solar escape trajectory
1977-084APLANETARY RADIO ASTRONOMY INVESTIGATION (PRA)Scientific instrumentVOYAGER 11fixed to the probeEOM, defunctJanuary 16, 2008solar escape trajectory
1977-084APHOTOPOLARIMETER SYSTEM (PPS)Scientific instrumentVOYAGER 11fixed to the probeEOM, defunctJanuary 29, 1980solar escape trajectory
1977-084APLASMA WAVE SUBSYSTEM (PWS)Scientific instrumentVOYAGER 11fixed to the probeactiveSeptember 5, 1977solar escape trajectory
1977-084AMHW-RTG (MULTIHUNDRED-WATT RADIOISOTOPIC THERMOELECTRIC GENERATOR)Nuclear power sourceVOYAGER 13fixed to the probeintactSeptember 5, 1977solar escape trajectory
1977-084APLUTONIUM-238 FUEL SPHERESNuclear fuelVOYAGER 172inside RTGsintactSeptember 5, 1977solar escape trajectory
1977-084ARHU (RADIOISOTOPE HEATER UNIT)Nuclear heat sourceVOYAGER 19inside the probeintactSeptember 5, 1977solar escape trajectory
1977-084APLUTONIUM-238 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelVOYAGER 19inside RHUsintactSeptember 5, 1977solar escape trajectory
1977-084ASMALL DACRON U.S. FLAGCommemorative itemsVOYAGER 11fixed to the probeintactSeptember 5, 1977solar escape trajectory
1977-084AVOYAGER GOLDEN RECORD 2Commemorative itemsVOYAGER 11fixed to the probeintactSeptember 5, 1977solar escape trajectory
1977-084ACONTENTData filesVOYAGER 1see data assets tablepart of the Voyager Golden Record 2intactSeptember 5, 1977solar escape trajectory
1978-084DPENNANTSCommemorative itemsVENERA 112?fixed to the landerintactDecember 25, 1978venus surface
1978-084DDRILL & SURFACE SAMPLERGeological toolVENERA 111fixed to the lander, deployed on the surfaceEOM, defunctDecember 25, 1978venus surface
1978-084DPrOP-V SOIL PENETROMETERScientific instrumentVENERA 111fixed to the lander, deployed on the surfaceEOM, defunctDecember 25, 1978venus surface
1978-086CPENNANTSCommemorative itemsVENERA 122?fixed to the landerintactDecember 21, 1978venus surface
1978-086CDRILL & SURFACE SAMPLERGeological toolVENERA 121fixed to the lander, deployed on the surfaceEOM, defunctDecember 21, 1978venus surface
1978-086CPrOP-V SOIL PENETROMETERScientific instrumentVENERA 121fixed to the lander, deployed on the surfaceEOM, defunctDecember 21, 1978venus surface
1981-106DPENNANTSCommemorative itemsVENERA 132?fixed to the landerintactMarch 1, 1982venus surface
1981-106DDRILL & SURFACE SAMPLERGeological toolVENERA 131fixed to the lander, deployed on the surfaceEOM, defunctMarch 1, 1982venus surface
1981-106DPrOP-V SOIL PENETROMETERScientific instrumentVENERA 131fixed to the lander, deployed on the surfaceEOM, defunctMarch 1, 1982venus surface
1981-110DPENNANTSCommemorative itemsVENERA 142?fixed to the landerintactMarch 5, 1982venus surface
1981-110DDRILL & SURFACE SAMPLERGeological toolVENERA 141fixed to the lander, deployed on the surfaceEOM, defunctMarch 5, 1982venus surface
1981-110DPrOP-V SOIL PENETROMETERScientific instrumentVENERA 141fixed to the lander, deployed on the surfaceEOM, defunctMarch 5, 1982venus surface
1983-053APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsVENERA 151?fixed to the orbiterintactJuly 10, 1984venus orbit
1983-054APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsVENERA 161?fixed to the orbiterintactJuly 10, 1984venus orbit
1984-125EPENNANTSCommemorative itemsVEGA 12?fixed to the landerintactJune 11, 1985venus surface
1984-125EDRILL & SURFACE SAMPLERGeological toolVEGA 11fixed to the lander, deployed on the surface?EOM, defunctJune 11, 1985venus surface
1984-125EGAMMA-RAY SOIL SPECTROMETERScientific instrumentVEGA 11fixed to the lander, deployed on the surface?EOM, defunctJune 11, 1985venus surface
1984-125EPrOP-V SOIL PENETROMETERScientific instrumentVEGA 11fixed to the lander, deployed on the surface?EOM, defunctJune 11, 1985venus surface
1984-128EPENNANTSCommemorative itemsVEGA 22?fixed to the landerintactJune 15, 1985venus surface
1984-128EDRILL & SURFACE SAMPLERGeological toolVEGA 21fixed to the lander, deployed on the surface?EOM, defunctJune 15, 1985venus surface
1984-128EGAMMA-RAY SOIL SPECTROMETERScientific instrumentVEGA 21fixed to the lander, deployed on the surface?EOM, defunctJune 15, 1985venus surface
1984-128EPrOP-V SOIL PENETROMETERScientific instrumentVEGA 21fixed to the lander, deployed on the surface?EOM, defunctJune 15, 1985venus surface
1988-058APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsFOBOS 1, PHOBOS 1?fixed to the orbiterintactSeptember 2, 1988solar orbit
1988-058APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsFOBOS 1, PHOBOS 1?fixed to the lander?intactSeptember 2, 1988solar orbit
1988-059APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsFOBOS 2, PHOBOS 21?fixed to the orbiterintactMarch 27, 1989mars orbit
1988-059GPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsFOBOS 2, PHOBOS 21?fixed to the landerintactMarch 27, 1989mars orbit
1989-084ELWRHU (LIGHT WEIGHT RADIOISOTOPE HEATING UNIT)Nuclear heat sourceGALILEO17inside the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entryDecember 7, 1995jupiter's atmosphere
1989-084EPLUTONIUM-238 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelGALILEO17inside RHUsincinerated upon atmospheric entryDecember 7, 1995jupiter's atmosphere
1989-084BGPHS-RTG (GENERAL PURPOSE HEAT SOURCE RADIOISOTOPIC THERMOELECTRIC GENERATOR)Nuclear power sourceGALILEO2fixed to the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 21, 2003jupiter's atmosphere
1989-084BPLUTONIUM-238 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelGALILEO144inside RTGsincinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 21, 2003jupiter's atmosphere
1989-084BLWRHU (LIGHT WEIGHT RADIOISOTOPE HEATING UNIT)Nuclear heat sourceGALILEO103inside the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 21, 2003jupiter's atmosphere
1989-084BPLUTONIUM-238 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelGALILEO103inside RHUsincinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 21, 2003jupiter's atmosphere
1990-090BGPHS-RTG (GENERAL PURPOSE HEAT SOURCE RADIOISOTOPIC THERMOELECTRIC GENERATOR)Nuclear power sourceULYSSES1fixed to the probeEOM, defunctJune 30, 2009solar orbit
1990-090BPLUTONIUM-238 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelULYSSES72inside RTGsEOM, defunctJune 30, 2009solar orbit
1996-064ARTG (RADIOISOTOPE THERMOELECTRIC GENERATORS)Nuclear power sourceMARS 8, MARS 964inside the landers, survived reentry?EOM, defunctNovember 17, 1996along a pacific ocean to bolivia ground track
1996-064APLUTONIUM-238 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelMARS 8, MARS 964inside RHUs, survived reentry?EOM, defunctNovember 17, 1996along a pacific ocean to bolivia ground track
1996-064ARTG (RADIOISOTOPE THERMOELECTRIC GENERATORS)Nuclear power sourceMARS 8, MARS 962inside the penetrators, survived reentry?EOM, defunctNovember 17, 1996along a pacific ocean to bolivia ground track
1996-064APLUTONIUM-238 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelMARS 8, MARS 962inside RHUs, survived reentry?EOM, defunctNovember 17, 1996along a pacific ocean to bolivia ground track
1996-064APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsMARS 8, MARS 96?fixed to each landerintact?November 17, 1996earth's atmosphere
1996-064AVISIONS OF MARS PLANETARY SOCIETY DVD DISCDigital time capsuleMARS 8, MARS 962?fixed to each landerintact?November 17, 1996earth's atmosphere
1996-064ACONTENTData filesMARS 8, MARS 96see data assets tablepart of the Visions To Mars DVD discintact?November 17, 1996earth's atmosphere
1996-064AMAPEX (MICROELECTRONICS AND PHOTONICS EXPERIMENT)Scientific instrumentMARS 8, MARS 962?fixed to each Visions To Mars DVD discEOM, defunctNovember 17, 1996earth's atmosphere
1996-064ASEND YOUR NAME TO MARS PLANETARY SOCIETY FLASH MEMORY CHIPDigital time capsuleMARS 8, MARS 96-within the MAPEXintact?November 17, 1996earth's atmosphere
1996-064ACONTENTData filesMARS 8, MARS 96see data assets tablepart of the Send Your Name To Mars flash memory chipintact?November 17, 1996earth's atmosphere
1996-068AMAPEX (MICROELECTRONICS AND PHOTONICS EXPERIMENT)Scientific instrumentMARS PATHFINDER (DISCOVERY 1)1fixed to the landerEOM, defunctSeptember 27, 1997mars surface
1996-068ASEND YOUR NAME TO MARS PLANETARY SOCIETY FLASH MEMORY CHIPDigital time capsuleMARS PATHFINDER (DISCOVERY 1)1within the MAPEXintactSeptember 27, 1997mars surface
1996-068ACONTENTData filesMARS PATHFINDER (DISCOVERY 1)see data assets tablepart of the Send Your Name To Mars flash memory chipintactSeptember 27, 1997mars surface
1996-068ALWRHU (LIGHT WEIGHT RADIOISOTOPE HEATING UNIT)Nuclear heat sourceMARS PATHFINDER (DISCOVERY 1)3inside the roverEOM, defunctSeptember 27, 1997mars surface
1996-068APLUTONIUM-238 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelMARS PATHFINDER (DISCOVERY 1)3inside RHUsEOM, defunctSeptember 27, 1997mars surface
1996-068AAPXS (ALPHA PARTICLE X-RAY SPECTROMETER)Scientific instrumentMARS PATHFINDER (DISCOVERY 1)1fixed to the rover, set on the surface?EOM, defunctSeptember 27, 1997mars surface
1997-061CHUYGENS ATMOSPHERIC STRUCTURE INSTRUMENT (HASI)Scientific instrumentCASSINI-HUYGENS1fixed to the Huygens probeEOM, defunctJanuary 14, 2005titan surface
1997-061CDOPPLER WIND EXPERIMENT (DWE)Scientific instrumentCASSINI-HUYGENS1fixed to the Huygens probeEOM, defunctJanuary 14, 2005titan surface
1997-061CDESCENT IMAGER/SPECTRAL RADIOMETER (DISR)Scientific instrumentCASSINI-HUYGENS1fixed to the Huygens probeEOM, defunctJanuary 14, 2005titan surface
1997-061CGAS CHROMATOGRAPH MASS SPECTROMETER (GC/MS)Scientific instrumentCASSINI-HUYGENS1fixed to the Huygens probeEOM, defunctJanuary 14, 2005titan surface
1997-061CAEROSOL COLLECTOR AND PYROLYSER (ACP)Scientific instrumentCASSINI-HUYGENS1fixed to the Huygens probeEOM, defunctJanuary 14, 2005titan surface
1997-061CSURFACE SCIENCE PACKAGE (SSP)Scientific instrumentCASSINI-HUYGENS1fixed to the Huygens probeEOM, defunctJanuary 14, 2005titan surface
1997-061CLWRHU (LIGHT WEIGHT RADIOISOTOPE HEATING UNIT)Nuclear heat sourceCASSINI-HUYGENS35fixed to the Huygens probeEOM, defunctJanuary 14, 2005titan surface
1997-061CPLUTONIUM-238 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelCASSINI-HUYGENS35fixed to the Huygens probeEOM, defunctJanuary 14, 2005titan surface
1997-061AGPHS-RTG (GENERAL PURPOSE HEAT SOURCE RADIOISOTOPIC THERMOELECTRIC GENERATOR)Nuclear power sourceCASSINI-HUYGENS3fixed to the Casini probeincinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 15, 2017saturn's atmosphere
1997-061APLUTONIUM-238 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelCASSINI-HUYGENS216inside RTGsincinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 15, 2017saturn's atmosphere
1997-061ALWRHU (LIGHT WEIGHT RADIOISOTOPE HEATING UNIT)Nuclear heat sourceCASSINI-HUYGENS82inside the probeincinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 15, 2017saturn's atmosphere
1997-061APLUTONIUM-238 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelCASSINI-HUYGENS82inside RHUsincinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 15, 2017saturn's atmosphere
1997-061ASEND YOUR SIGNATURE TO SATURN PLANETARY SOCIETY DVD DISCCommemorative itemsCASSINI-HUYGENS1fixed to the Cassini probeincinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 15, 2017saturn's atmosphere
1997-061ACONTENTData filesCASSINI-HUYGENSsee data assets tablepart of the Send Your Signature to Saturn DVD discincinerated upon atmospheric entrySeptember 15, 2017saturn's atmosphere
1998-001ACELESTIS MEMORIAL SPACEFLIGHT #2 PAYLOAD, LUNA SERVICE #1, LUNA 01 FLIGHTContainerLUNAR PROSPECTOR, DISCOVERY 41fixed to the orbiterscatteredJuly 31, 1999moon surface
1998-001AEUGENE SHOEMAKER FUNERAL CAPSULEMemorial itemLUNAR PROSPECTOR, DISCOVERY 51inside Celestis containerscatteredJuly 31, 1999moon surface
1999-001ATHE PLANETARY SOCIETY MICROPHONEMicrophoneMARS POLAR LANDER/DEEP SPACE 2 (MPL, MARS SURVEYOR '98 LANDER)1fixed to the landerEOM, defunctDecember 3, 1999mars surface
1999-001ASEND YOUR NAME TO MARS, KIDS NAMES GOING TO MARS CD-ROM DISCDigital time capsuleMARS POLAR LANDER/DEEP SPACE 2 (MPL, MARS SURVEYOR '98 LANDER)1fixed to the landerintactDecember 3, 1999mars surface
1999-001ACONTENTData filesMARS POLAR LANDER/DEEP SPACE 2 (MPL, MARS SURVEYOR '98 LANDER)see data assets tablepart of the Send Your Name To Mars CD-ROM discintactDecember 3, 1999mars surface
1999-003DSEND YOUR NAME, LIST OF CROWD SOURCED NAMES PLANETARY SOCIETY ENGRAVED SILICON CHIPCommemorative itemsSTARDUST, DISCOVERY 4, NEXT (NEW EXPLORATION OF TEMPEL 1)1fixed to the return capsuleintactJanuary 15, 2006displayed in a museum
2003-019ALET'S MEET WITH LE PETIT PRINCE! MILLION CAMPAIGN, LIST OF CROWD SOURCED NAMES PLANETARY SOCIETY ENGRAVED PLATECommemorative itemsHAYABUSA, MUSES C1fixed to Target Marker 3incinerated upon atmospheric entryJune 13, 2010earth's atmosphere
2003-022CPAW (PAYLOAD ADJUSTABLE WORKBENCH)Robotic armMARS EXPRESS/BEAGLE 21fixed to the lander, deployed on the surface?EOM, defunctDecember 25, 2003mars surface
2003-022CPLUTO (PLANETARY UNDERSURFACE TOOL)Scientific instrumentMARS EXPRESS/BEAGLE 21fixed to the lander, deployed on the surface?EOM, defunctDecember 25, 2003mars surface
2003-027ARED ROVER GOES TO MARS PLANETARY SOCIETY DVD DISCDigital time capsuleMARS EXPLORATION ROVER 2 (MER-A/MER-2, SPIRIT)1fixed to the landerintactJanuary 4, 2004mars surface
2003-027ACONTENTData filesMARS EXPLORATION ROVER 2 (MER-A/MER-2, SPIRIT)see data assets tablepart of the Red Rover Goes to Mars DVD discintactJanuary 4, 2004mars surface
2003-027ASECRET CODED MESSAGECommemorative itemMARS EXPLORATION ROVER 2 (MER-A/MER-2, SPIRIT)1engraved on the Red Rover Goes to Mars DVD discintactJanuary 4, 2004mars surface
2003-027ALEGO ASTROBOT BIFF STARLING PLAQUECommemorative itemMARS EXPLORATION ROVER 2 (MER-A/MER-2, SPIRIT)1fixed over the Red Rover Goes to Mars DVD discintactJanuary 4, 2004mars surface
2003-027AALUMINUM LEGO BRICKSCommemorative itemMARS EXPLORATION ROVER 2 (MER-A/MER-2, SPIRIT)3fixed to the landerintactJanuary 4, 2004mars surface
2003-027AU.S. OFFICIALS SIGNATURES PLAQUECommemorative itemMARS EXPLORATION ROVER 2 (MER-A/MER-2, SPIRIT)1fixed to the landerintactJanuary 4, 2004mars surface
2003-027ALWRHU (LIGHT WEIGHT RADIOISOTOPE HEATING UNIT)Nuclear heat sourceMARS EXPLORATION ROVER 2 (MER-A/MER-2, SPIRIT)8inside the roverEOM, defunctMarch 22, 2010mars surface
2003-027APLUTONIUM-238 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelMARS EXPLORATION ROVER 2 (MER-A/MER-2, SPIRIT)8inside RHUsEOM, defunctMarch 22, 2010mars surface
2003-027AROVER IDD (INSTRUMENT DEPLOYMENT DEVICE)Scientific instrumentMARS EXPLORATION ROVER 2 (MER-A/MER-2, SPIRIT)1fixed to the roverEOM, defunctMarch 22, 2010mars surface
2003-032ARED ROVER GOES TO MARS PLANETARY SOCIETY DVD DISCDigital time capsuleMARS EXPLORATION ROVER 1 (MER-B/MER-1, OPPORTUNITY)1fixed to the landerintactJanuary 24, 2004mars surface
2003-032ACONTENTData filesMARS EXPLORATION ROVER 1 (MER-B/MER-1, OPPORTUNITY)see data assets tablepart of the Red Rover Goes to Mars DVD discintactJanuary 24, 2004mars surface
2003-032ASECRET CODED MESSAGECommemorative itemMARS EXPLORATION ROVER 1 (MER-B/MER-1, OPPORTUNITY)1engraved on the Red Rover Goes to Mars DVD discintactJanuary 24, 2004mars surface
2003-032ALEGO ASTROBOT SANDY MOONDUST PLAQUECommemorative itemMARS EXPLORATION ROVER 1 (MER-B/MER-1, OPPORTUNITY)1fixed over the Red Rover Goes to Mars DVD discintactJanuary 24, 2004mars surface
2003-032AALUMINUM LEGO BRICKSCommemorative itemMARS EXPLORATION ROVER 1 (MER-B/MER-1, OPPORTUNITY)3fixed to the landerintactJanuary 24, 2004mars surface
2003-032AU.S. OFFICIALS SIGNATURES PLAQUECommemorative itemMARS EXPLORATION ROVER 1 (MER-B/MER-1, OPPORTUNITY)1fixed to the landerintactJanuary 24, 2004mars surface
2003-032ALWRHU (LIGHT WEIGHT RADIOISOTOPE HEATING UNIT)Nuclear heat sourceMARS EXPLORATION ROVER 1 (MER-B/MER-1, OPPORTUNITY)8inside the roverEOM, defunctJune 10, 2018mars surface
2003-032APLUTONIUM-238 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelMARS EXPLORATION ROVER 1 (MER-B/MER-1, OPPORTUNITY)8inside RHUsEOM, defunctJune 10, 2018mars surface
2003-032AROVER IDD (INSTRUMENT DEPLOYMENT DEVICE)Scientific instrumentMARS EXPLORATION ROVER 1 (MER-B/MER-1, OPPORTUNITY)1fixed to the roverEOM, defunctJune 10, 2018mars surface
2004-006CAPXS (ALPHA PARTICLE X-RAY SPECTROMETER)Scientific instrumentROSETTA1fixed to the Philae landerEOM, defunctNovember 12, 2014comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006CCONSERT (COMET NUCLEUS SOUNDING EXPERIMENT BY RADIOWAVE TRANSMISSION)Scientific instrumentROSETTA1fixed to the Philae landerEOM, defunctNovember 12, 2014comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006ACOSAC (COMETARY SAMPLING AND COMPOSITION)Scientific instrumentROSETTA1fixed to the Philae landerEOM, defunctNovember 12, 2014comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006CMUPUS (MULTI-PURPOSE SENSORS FOR SURFACE AND SUB-SURFACE SCIENCE)Scientific instrumentROSETTA1fixed to the Philae landerEOM, defunctNovember 12, 2014comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006APTOLEMYScientific instrumentROSETTA1fixed to the Philae landerEOM, defunctNovember 12, 2014comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006AROMAP (ROSETTA LANDER MAGNETOMETER AND PLASMA MONITOR)Scientific instrumentROSETTA1fixed to the Philae landerEOM, defunctNovember 12, 2014comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006ASESAME (SURFACE ELECTRIC SOUNDING AND ACOUSTIC MONITORING EXPERIMENTS)Scientific instrumentROSETTA4fixed to the Philae landerEOM, defunctNovember 12, 2014comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006ACIVA SPECTROMETER (COMET NUCLEUS INFRARED AND VISIBLE ANALYSER)Scientific instrumentROSETTA1fixed to the Philae landerEOM, defunctNovember 12, 2014comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006ACIVA CAMERAS (COMET NUCLEUS INFRARED AND VISIBLE ANALYSER)CamerasROSETTA7fixed to the Philae landerEOM, defunctNovember 12, 2014comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006ACIVA MICROSCOPE (COMET NUCLEUS INFRARED AND VISIBLE ANALYSER)CameraROSETTA1fixed to the Philae landerEOM, defunctNovember 12, 2014comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006CROLIS (ROSETTA LANDER IMAGING SYSTEM)CameraROSETTA1fixed to the Philae landerEOM, defunctNovember 12, 2014comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006CSD2 (SAMPLING, DRILLING AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM)Geological toolROSETTA1fixed to the Philae landerEOM, defunctNovember 12, 2014comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006AALICEScientific instrumentROSETTA1fixed to the Rosetta probeEOM, defunctSeptember 30, 2016comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006AVIRTIS (VISIBLE AND INFRARED THERMAL IMAGING SPECTROMETER)Scientific instrumentROSETTA1fixed to the Rosetta probeEOM, defunctSeptember 30, 2016comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006AMIRO (MICROWAVE INSTRUMENT FOR THE ROSETTA ORBITER)Scientific instrumentROSETTA1fixed to the Rosetta probeEOM, defunctSeptember 30, 2016comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006ACONSERT (COMET NUCLEUS SOUNDING EXPERIMENT BY RADIOWAVE TRANSMISSION)Scientific instrumentROSETTA1fixed to the Rosetta probeEOM, defunctSeptember 30, 2016comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006ARSI (RADIO SCIENCE INVESTIGATION)Scientific instrumentROSETTA1fixed to the Rosetta probeEOM, defunctSeptember 30, 2016comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006AROSINA (ROSETTA ORBITER SPECTROMETER FOR ION AND NEUTRAL ANALYSIS)Scientific instrumentROSETTA4fixed to the Rosetta probeEOM, defunctSeptember 30, 2016comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006AMIDAS (MICRO-IMAGING DUST ANALYSIS SYSTEM)Scientific instrumentROSETTA1fixed to the Rosetta probeEOM, defunctSeptember 30, 2016comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006ACOSIMA (COMETARY SECONDARY ION MASS ANALYSER)Scientific instrumentROSETTA1fixed to the Rosetta probeEOM, defunctSeptember 30, 2016comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006AGIADA (GRAIN IMPACT ANALYSER AND DUST ACCUMULATOR)Scientific instrumentROSETTA1fixed to the Rosetta probeEOM, defunctSeptember 30, 2016comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006ARPC (ROSETTA PLASMA CONSORTIUM)Scientific instrumentROSETTA7fixed to the Rosetta probeEOM, defunctSeptember 30, 2016comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006AOSIRIS (OPTICAL, SPECTROSCOPIC, AND INFRARED REMOTE IMAGING SYSTEM)CamerasROSETTA3fixed to the Rosetta probeEOM, defunctSeptember 30, 2016comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006ANAVCAM (NAVIGATIONAL CAMERAS)CamerasROSETTA2fixed to the Rosetta probeEOM, defunctSeptember 30, 2016comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006AROSETTA DISC, LONG NOW FOUNDATION ROSETTA NANOFICHE DISCDigital time capsuleROSETTA1fixed to the Rosetta probeintactSeptember 30, 2016comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-006ACONTENTData filesROSETTAsee data assets tablepart of the Rosetta nanofiche disc time capsuleintactSeptember 30, 2016comet churyumov-gerasimenko surface
2004-030AMERCURY DUAL IMAGING SYSTEM (MDIS)CamerasMESSENGER, DISCOVERY 72fixed to the probescatteredApril 30, 2015mercury surface
2004-030AGAMMA-RAY SPECTROMETER (GRS)Scientific instrumentMESSENGER, DISCOVERY 71fixed to the probescatteredApril 30, 2015mercury surface
2004-030ANEUTRON SPECTROMETER (NS)Scientific instrumentMESSENGER, DISCOVERY 71fixed to the probescatteredApril 30, 2015mercury surface
2004-030AX-RAY SPECTROMETER (XRS)Scientific instrumentMESSENGER, DISCOVERY 71fixed to the probescatteredApril 30, 2015mercury surface
2004-030AMAGNETOMETER (MAG)Scientific instrumentMESSENGER, DISCOVERY 71fixed to the probescatteredApril 30, 2015mercury surface
2004-030AMERCURY LASER ALTIMETER (MLA)Scientific instrumentMESSENGER, DISCOVERY 71fixed to the probescatteredApril 30, 2015mercury surface
2004-030AMERCURY ATMOSPHERIC AND SURFACE COMPOSITION SPECTROMETER (MASCS)Scientific instrumentMESSENGER, DISCOVERY 71fixed to the probescatteredApril 30, 2015mercury surface
2004-030AENERGETIC PARTICLE AND PLASMA SPECTROMETER (EPPS)Scientific instrumentMESSENGER, DISCOVERY 71fixed to the probescatteredApril 30, 2015mercury surface
2004-030ARADIO SCIENCE (RS)Scientific instrumentMESSENGER, DISCOVERY 71fixed to the probescatteredApril 30, 2015mercury surface
2005-001AHRI (HIGH RESOLUTION IMAGER)CameraDEEP IMPACT, EPOXI, DISCOVERY 81fIxed to the probeEOM, defunctAugust 8, 2013solar orbit
2005-001AMRI (MEDIUM RESOLUTION IMAGER)CameraDEEP IMPACT, EPOXI, DISCOVERY 81fIxed to the probeEOM, defunctAugust 8, 2013solar orbit
2005-001AITS (IMPACT TARGET SENSOR)Scientific instrumentDEEP IMPACT, EPOXI, DISCOVERY 81fIxed to the probeEOM, defunctAugust 8, 2013solar orbit
2005-001DSEND YOUR NAME TO A COMET! PLANETARY SOCIETY CD-ROM DISCCommemorative itemDEEP IMPACT, EPOXI, DISCOVERY 81fixed to the impactorscatteredJuly 4, 2005comet tempel surface
2005-001DCONTENTData filesDEEP IMPACT, EPOXI, DISCOVERY 8see data assets tablepart of the Send Your Name To A Comet! CD-ROM discscatteredJuly 4, 2005comet tempel surface
2006-001ALONG-RANGE RECONNAISSANCE IMAGER (LORRI)CameraNEW HORIZONS, NEW FRONTIERS 11fixed to the probeactiveJanuary 19, 2006solar escape trajectory
2006-001AALICECameraNEW HORIZONS, NEW FRONTIERS 11fixed to the probeactiveJanuary 19, 2006solar escape trajectory
2006-001ARALPH TELESCOPETelescopeNEW HORIZONS, NEW FRONTIERS 11fixed to the probeactiveJanuary 19, 2006solar escape trajectory
2006-001ASOLAR WIND AROUND PLUTO (SWAP)Scientific instrumentNEW HORIZONS, NEW FRONTIERS 11fixed to the probeactiveJanuary 19, 2006solar escape trajectory
2006-001APLUTO ENERGETIC PARTICLE SPECTROMETER SCIENCE INVESTIGATION (PEPSSI)Scientific instrumentNEW HORIZONS, NEW FRONTIERS 11fixed to the probeactiveJanuary 19, 2006solar escape trajectory
2006-001AVENETIA BURNEY STUDENT DUST COUNTER (VBSDC)Scientific instrumentNEW HORIZONS, NEW FRONTIERS 11fixed to the probeactiveJanuary 19, 2006solar escape trajectory
2006-001ARADIO SCIENCE EXPERIMENT (REX)Scientific instrumentNEW HORIZONS, NEW FRONTIERS 11fixed to the probeactiveJanuary 19, 2006solar escape trajectory
2006-001AGPHS-RTG (GENERAL PURPOSE HEAT SOURCE RADIOISOTOPIC THERMOELECTRIC GENERATOR)Nuclear power sourceNEW HORIZONS, NEW FRONTIERS 11fixed to the probeintactJanuary 19, 2006solar escape trajectory
2006-001APLUTONIUM-238 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelNEW HORIZONS, NEW FRONTIERS 172inside RTGsintactJanuary 19, 2006solar escape trajectory
2006-001ACLYDE TOMBAUGH FUNERAL CAPSULEMemorial itemNEW HORIZONS, NEW FRONTIERS 11fixed to the probeintactJanuary 19, 2006solar escape trajectory
2006-001ASEND YOUR NAME TO PLUTO PLANETARY SOCIETY CD-ROM DISCDigital time capsuleNEW HORIZONS, NEW FRONTIERS 11fixed to the probeintactJanuary 19, 2006solar escape trajectory
2006-001ACONTENTData filesNEW HORIZONS, NEW FRONTIERS 1see data assets tablepart of the Send Your Name To Pluto CD-ROM discintactJanuary 19, 2006solar escape trajectory
2006-001ANEW HORIZONS PROJECT PERSONNEL IMAGES COLLECTION CD-ROM DISCDigital time capsuleNEW HORIZONS, NEW FRONTIERS 11fixed to the probeintactJanuary 19, 2006solar escape trajectory
2006-001ACONTENTData filesNEW HORIZONS, NEW FRONTIERS 1see data assets tablepart of the New Horizons Project Personnel Images Collection CD-ROM discintactJanuary 19, 2006solar escape trajectory
2006-001ASPACESHIP ONE CARBON PIECECommemorative itemsNEW HORIZONS, NEW FRONTIERS 11fixed to the probeintactJanuary 19, 2006solar escape trajectory
2006-001AU.S. FLAGSCommemorative itemsNEW HORIZONS, NEW FRONTIERS 12fixed to the probeintactJanuary 19, 2006solar escape trajectory
2006-001AFLORIDA STATE QUARTERCommemorative itemsNEW HORIZONS, NEW FRONTIERS 11fixed to the probeintactJanuary 19, 2006solar escape trajectory
2006-001AMARYLAND STATE QUARTERCommemorative itemsNEW HORIZONS, NEW FRONTIERS 11fixed to the probeintactJanuary 19, 2006solar escape trajectory
2006-001AUSPS STAMPCommemorative itemsNEW HORIZONS, NEW FRONTIERS 11fixed to the probeintactJanuary 19, 2006solar escape trajectory
2007-034AMARDI (MARS DESCENT IMAGER)CameraPHOENIX (MARS SCOUT 1)1fixed to the lander, never activatedEOM, defunctNovember 2, 2008mars surface
2007-034ATHE PLANETARY SOCIETY MICROPHONEMicrophonePHOENIX (MARS SCOUT 1)1fixed to the MARDI instrument, never activatedEOM, defunctNovember 2, 2008mars surface
2007-034ASSI (SURFACE STEREO IMAGER)CamerasPHOENIX (MARS SCOUT 1)2fixed to the landerEOM, defunctNovember 2, 2008mars surface
2007-034AROBOTIC ARMRobotic armPHOENIX (MARS SCOUT 1)1fixed to the landerEOM, defunctNovember 2, 2008mars surface
2007-034ASCOOP SAMPLER AND RASPGeological toolPHOENIX (MARS SCOUT 1)1fixed to the robotic arm, inserted into the groundEOM, defunctOctober 28, 2008mars surface
2007-034ARAC (ROBOTIC ARM CAMERA)CameraPHOENIX (MARS SCOUT 1)1fixed to the robotic armEOM, defunctNovember 2, 2008mars surface
2007-034ATECP (THERMAL AND ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY PROBE)Scientific instrumentPHOENIX (MARS SCOUT 1)1fixed to the robotic armEOM, defunctOctober 28, 2008mars surface
2007-034ARAATS (ROBOTIC ARM AIR TEMPERATURE SENSORS)Scientific instrumentPHOENIX (MARS SCOUT 1)1fixed to the robotic armEOM, defunctNovember 2, 2008mars surface
2007-034AMET MAIN MAST (METEOROLOGICAL PACKAGE)Scientific instrumentPHOENIX (MARS SCOUT 1)1fixed to the landerEOM, defunctNovember 2, 2008mars surface
2007-034AMET SUBMAST (METEOROLOGICAL PACKAGE)Scientific instrumentPHOENIX (MARS SCOUT 1)1fixed to the landerEOM, defunctNovember 2, 2008mars surface
2007-034ATEGA (THERMAL AND EVOLVED GAS ANALYSER)Scientific instrumentPHOENIX (MARS SCOUT 1)1fixed to the landerEOM, defunctNovember 2, 2008mars surface
2007-034ALIDAR (LIGHT DETECTION AND RANGING)Scientific instrumentPHOENIX (MARS SCOUT 1)1fixed to the landerEOM, defunctNovember 2, 2008mars surface
2007-034AVISIONS OF MARS PLANETARY SOCIETY DVD DISCDigital time capsulePHOENIX (MARS SCOUT 1)1fixed to the landerintactNovember 2, 2008mars surface
2007-034ACONTENTData filesPHOENIX (MARS SCOUT 1)see data assets tablepart of the Visions To Mars DVD discintactNovember 2, 2008mars surface
2007-043AFRAMING CAMERA (FC)CamerasDAWN, DISCOVERY 92fixed to the probeEOM, defunctNovember 1, 2018ceres orbit
2007-043AVISIBLE AND INFRARED SPECTROMETER (VIR)Scientific instrumentDAWN, DISCOVERY 91fixed to the probeEOM, defunctNovember 1, 2018ceres orbit
2007-043AGAMMA RAY AND NEUTRON DETECTOR (GRAND)Scientific instrumentDAWN, DISCOVERY 91fixed to the probeEOM, defunctNovember 1, 2018ceres orbit
2007-043ASEND YOUR NAME TO THE ASTEROID BELT! PLANETARY SOCIETY FLASH MEMORY CHIPDigital time capsuleDAWN, DISCOVERY 91fixed to the probeintactNovember 1, 2018ceres orbit
2007-043ACONTENTData filesDAWN, DISCOVERY 9see data assets tablepart of the Send Your Name To The Asteroid Belt! flash memory chipintactNovember 1, 2018ceres orbit
2009-031ASEND YOUR NAME TO THE MOON PLANETARY SOCIETY PLANETARY SOCIETY FLASH MEMORY CHIPDigital time capsuleLRO-LCROSS1fixed to the probeintactJune 23, 2009moon orbit
2009-031ACONTENTData filesLRO-LCROSSsee data assets tablepart of the Send Your Name To The Moon flash memory chipintactJune 23, 2009moon orbit
2009-011ASEND YOUR NAME AND MESSAGE TO SPACE DVD DISCDigital time capsuleKEPLER, DISCOVERY 101fixed to the probeintactNovember 15, 2018solar orbit
2009-011ACONTENTData filesKEPLER, DISCOVERY 10see data assets tablepart of the Send Your Name To Space DVD discintactNovember 15, 2018solar orbit
2010-020EMESSAGES FROM EARTH PLANETARY SOCIETY DVD DISCDigital time capsuleAKATSUKI1fixed to the probeintactMay 20, 2015solar orbit
2010-020ECONTENTData filesAKATSUKIsee data assets tablepart of the Messages from Earth DVD discintactMay 20, 2015solar orbit
2011-040AMWR (MICROWAVE RADIOMETER)Scientific instrumentJUNO, NEW FRONTIERS 21fixed to the probeEOM, defunct?February 7, 2018jupiter orbit
2011-040AJIRAM (JOVIAN INFRARED AURORAL MAPPER)Scientific instrumentJUNO, NEW FRONTIERS 21fixed to the probeEOM, defunct?September 1, 2017jupiter orbit
2011-040AMAG (MAGNETOMETER)Scientific instrumentJUNO, NEW FRONTIERS 21fixed to the probeactiveJuly 5, 2016jupiter orbit
2011-040AGS (GRAVITY SCIENCE)Scientific instrumentJUNO, NEW FRONTIERS 21fixed to the probeactiveJuly 5, 2016jupiter orbit
2011-040AJADE-E (JOVIAN AURORAL DISTRIBUTIONS EXPERIMENT - ELECTRONS)Scientific instrumentJUNO, NEW FRONTIERS 23fixed to the probeactiveJuly 5, 2016jupiter orbit
2011-040AJADE-I (JOVIAN AURORAL DISTRIBUTIONS EXPERIMENT - IONS)Scientific instrumentJUNO, NEW FRONTIERS 21fixed to the probeactiveJuly 5, 2016jupiter orbit
2011-040AJADE ELECTRONICS BOX (JOVIAN AURORAL DISTRIBUTIONS EXPERIMENT)Scientific instrumentJUNO, NEW FRONTIERS 21fixed to the probeactiveJuly 5, 2016jupiter orbit
2011-040AJEDI (JOVIAN ENERGETIC PARTICLE DETECTOR INSTRUMENT)Scientific instrumentJUNO, NEW FRONTIERS 23fixed to the probeactiveJuly 5, 2016jupiter orbit
2011-040AWAVES DIPOLE ANTENNA (RADIO AND PLASMA WAVE SENSOR)Scientific instrumentJUNO, NEW FRONTIERS 21fixed to the probeactiveJuly 5, 2016jupiter orbit
2011-040AWAVES DIPOLE MAGNETIC SEARCH COIL (RADIO AND PLASMA WAVE SENSOR)Scientific instrumentJUNO, NEW FRONTIERS 21fixed to the probeactiveJuly 5, 2016jupiter orbit
2011-040AUVS (ULTRAVIOLET SPECTROGRAPH, ULTRAVIOLET IMAGING SPECTROMETER)Scientific instrumentJUNO, NEW FRONTIERS 21fixed to the probeactiveJuly 5, 2016jupiter orbit
2011-040AJUNOCAMCameraJUNO, NEW FRONTIERS 21fixed to the probeactiveJuly 5, 2016jupiter orbit
2011-040ALEGO ALUMINUM FIGURINESCommemorative itemsJUNO, NEW FRONTIERS 23fixed to the probeintactJuly 5, 2016jupiter orbit
2011-040AGALILEO GALILEI PLAQUECommemorative itemsJUNO, NEW FRONTIERS 21fixed to the probeintactJuly 5, 2016jupiter orbit
2011-065FPENNANTS?Commemorative itemsFOBOS-GRUNT, PHOBOS-GRUNT?fixed to the landerincinerated upon atmospheric entryJanuary 15, 2012earth's atmosphere
2011-065FPHOBOS LIFE (LIVING INTERPLANETARY FLIGHT EXPERIMENT)Scientific instrumentFOBOS-GRUNT, PHOBOS-GRUNT1fixed to the return capsuleintact?January 15, 2012pacific ocean
2011-070AMMRTG (MULTI-MISSION RADIOISOTOPE THERMOELECTRIC GENERATOR)Nuclear power sourceMARS SCIENCE LABORATORY (MSL, CURIOSITY)1fixed to the roverEOM, defunctAugust 6, 2012mars surface
2011-070APLUTONIUM-238 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelMARS SCIENCE LABORATORY (MSL, CURIOSITY)32inside RTGEOM, defunctAugust 6, 2012mars surface
2011-070AU.S. OFFICIALS SIGNATURES PLAQUECommemorative itemMARS SCIENCE LABORATORY (MSL, CURIOSITY)1fixed to the roverintactAugust 6, 2012mars surface
2011-070ACURIOSITY NAMING CONTEST PARTICIPANTS NAMES PLAQUECommemorative itemMARS SCIENCE LABORATORY (MSL, CURIOSITY)1fixed to the roverintactAugust 6, 2012mars surface
2011-070ACURIOSITY NAMING CONTEST WINNER PLAQUE, CLARA MA AUTOGRAPHCommemorative itemMARS SCIENCE LABORATORY (MSL, CURIOSITY)1fixed to the roverintactAugust 6, 2012mars surface
2011-070AMEDALLIONSCommemorative itemMARS SCIENCE LABORATORY (MSL, CURIOSITY)4fixed to the roverintactAugust 6, 2012mars surface
2011-070ACOMMEMORATIVE ITEMSCommemorative itemsMARS SCIENCE LABORATORY (MSL, CURIOSITY)?fixed to the roverintactAugust 6, 2012mars surface
2011-070AMASTCAMCamerasMARS SCIENCE LABORATORY (MSL, CURIOSITY)2fixed to the roverEOM, defunctAugust 6, 2012mars surface
2011-070ACHEMCAM LIBS (LASER INDUCED BREAKDOWN SPECTROMETRY)Scientific instrumentMARS SCIENCE LABORATORY (MSL, CURIOSITY)1fixed to the roverEOM, defunctAugust 6, 2012mars surface
2011-070ANAVCAMS (NAVIGATION CAMERAS)CamerasMARS SCIENCE LABORATORY (MSL, CURIOSITY)4fixed to the roverEOM, defunctAugust 6, 2012mars surface
2011-070AREMS (ROVER ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING STATION)Scientific instrumentMARS SCIENCE LABORATORY (MSL, CURIOSITY)1fixed to the roverEOM, defunctAugust 6, 2012mars surface
2011-070AFRONT HAZCAMS (HAZARD AVOIDANCE CAMERAS)CamerasMARS SCIENCE LABORATORY (MSL, CURIOSITY)4fixed to the roverEOM, defunctAugust 6, 2012mars surface
2011-070AREAR HAZCAMS (HAZARD AVOIDANCE CAMERAS)CamerasMARS SCIENCE LABORATORY (MSL, CURIOSITY)4fixed to the roverEOM, defunctAugust 6, 2012mars surface
2011-070AROBOTIC ARMRobotic armMARS SCIENCE LABORATORY (MSL, CURIOSITY)1fixed to the roverEOM, defunctAugust 6, 2012mars surface
2011-070ASCOOP SAMPLER, SCOOPERGeological toolMARS SCIENCE LABORATORY (MSL, CURIOSITY)1fixed to the robotic armEOM, defunctAugust 6, 2012mars surface
2011-070APERCUSSION DRILLGeological toolMARS SCIENCE LABORATORY (MSL, CURIOSITY)1fixed to the robotic armEOM, defunctAugust 6, 2012mars surface
2011-070ADRT (DUST REMOVAL TOOL)Geological toolMARS SCIENCE LABORATORY (MSL, CURIOSITY)1fixed to the robotic armEOM, defunctAugust 6, 2012mars surface
2011-070AMAHLI (MARS HAND LENS IMAGER)CameraMARS SCIENCE LABORATORY (MSL, CURIOSITY)1fixed to the robotic armEOM, defunctAugust 6, 2012mars surface
2011-070AAPXS (ALPHA PARTICLE X-RAY SPECTROMETER)Scientific instrumentMARS SCIENCE LABORATORY (MSL, CURIOSITY)1fixed to the robotic armEOM, defunctAugust 6, 2012mars surface
2011-070ACHEMIN (CHEMISTRY AND MINERALOGY)Scientific instrumentMARS SCIENCE LABORATORY (MSL, CURIOSITY)1fixed to the roverEOM, defunctAugust 6, 2012mars surface
2011-070ASAM (SAMPLE ANALYSIS AT MARS)Scientific instrumentMARS SCIENCE LABORATORY (MSL, CURIOSITY)1fixed to the roverEOM, defunctAugust 6, 2012mars surface
2011-070ARAD (RADIATION ASSESSEMENT DETECTOR)Scientific instrumentMARS SCIENCE LABORATORY (MSL, CURIOSITY)1fixed to the roverEOM, defunctAugust 6, 2012mars surface
2011-070ADAN (DYNAMIC ALBEDO OF NEUTRONS)Scientific instrumentMARS SCIENCE LABORATORY (MSL, CURIOSITY)1fixed to the roverEOM, defunctAugust 6, 2012mars surface
2011-070AMARDI (MARS DESCENT IMAGER)CameraMARS SCIENCE LABORATORY (MSL, CURIOSITY)1fixed to the roverEOM, defunctAugust 6, 2012mars surface
2013-063AGOING TO MARS PLANETARY SOCIETY DVD DISCDigital time capsuleMAVEN, MARS SCOUT 21fixed to the probeintactSeptember 22, 2014mars orbit
2013-063ACONTENTData filesMAVEN, MARS SCOUT 2see data assets tablepart of the Going To Mars DVD discintactSeptember 22, 2014mars orbit
2013-070AULTRAVIOLET TELESCOPETelescopeCHANG'E 31inside the landeractiveDecember 14, 2013moon surface
2013-070ACAMERACameraCHANG'E 31inside the landeractiveDecember 14, 2013moon surface
2013-070ARHU (RADIOISOTOPE HEATER UNIT)Nuclear heat sourceCHANG'E 31inside the landeractiveDecember 14, 2013moon surface
2013-070APLUTONIUM-238 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelCHANG'E 31inside RHUsactiveDecember 14, 2013moon surface
2013-070ARHU (RADIOISOTOPE HEATER UNIT)Nuclear heat sourceCHANG'E 31?inside the roveractiveAugust 3, 2016moon surface
2013-070APLUTONIUM-238 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelCHANG'E 31?inside RHUsactiveAugust 3, 2016moon surface
2013-070AAPXS (ALPHA PARTICLE X-RAY SPECTROMETER)Scientific instrumentCHANG'E 31fixed to the rover, deployed on the surface?EOM, defunctAugust 3, 2016moon surface
2014-065B4M (MANFRED MEMORIAL MOON MISSION) AMATEUR RADIO BEACONScientific instrumentCHANG'E 5-T11fixed to the boosterscatteredMarch 4, 2022moon surface
2014-065B4M (MANFRED MEMORIAL MOON MISSION) IONIZING RADIATION DOSIMETERScientific instrumentCHANG'E 5-T11fixed to the boosterscatteredMarch 4, 2022moon surface
2014-076AOPTICAL NAVIGATION CAMERA (ONC-T)CameraHAYABUSA21fixed to the probeactiveDecember 5, 2020solar orbit
2014-076AOPTICAL NAVIGATION CAMERA (ONC-W1)CameraHAYABUSA21fixed to the probeactiveDecember 5, 2020solar orbit
2014-076AOPTICAL NAVIGATION CAMERA (ONC-W2)CameraHAYABUSA21fixed to the probeactiveDecember 5, 2020solar orbit
2014-076ANEAR-INFRARED CAMERA (NIR3)CameraHAYABUSA21fixed to the probeactiveDecember 5, 2020solar orbit
2014-076ATHERMAL-INFRARED CAMERA (TIR)CameraHAYABUSA21fixed to the probeactiveDecember 5, 2020solar orbit
2014-076ALIGHT DETECTION AND RANGING (LIDAR)Scientific instrumentHAYABUSA21fixed to the probeactiveDecember 5, 2020solar orbit
2014-076ASAMPLING DEVICE (SMP)Geological toolHAYABUSA21fixed to the probeactiveDecember 5, 2020solar orbit
2014-076ALET'S MEET WITH LE PETIT PRINCE! MILLION CAMPAIGN 2, LIST OF CROWD SOURCED NAMES PLANETARY SOCIETY ENGRAVED PLATECommemorative itemsHAYABUSA21fixed to target marker TM-BintactOctober 25, 2018asteroid ryugu surface
2014-076ALET'S MEET WITH LE PETIT PRINCE! MILLION CAMPAIGN 2, LIST OF CROWD SOURCED NAMES PLANETARY SOCIETY ENGRAVED PLATECommemorative itemsHAYABUSA21fixed to target marker TM-AintactMay 30, 2019asteroid ryugu surface
2014-076ALET'S MEET WITH LE PETIT PRINCE! MILLION CAMPAIGN 2, LIST OF CROWD SOURCED NAMES PLANETARY SOCIETY ENGRAVED PLATECommemorative itemsHAYABUSA21fixed to target marker TM-CintactSeptember 17, 2019asteroid ryugu surface
2014-076ALET'S MEET WITH LE PETIT PRINCE! MILLION CAMPAIGN 2, LIST OF CROWD SOURCED NAMES PLANETARY SOCIETY ENGRAVED PLATECommemorative itemsHAYABUSA21fixed to target marker TM-DintactSeptember 17, 2019asteroid ryugu surface
2014-076ATARGET MARKER TM-DTarget markerHAYABUSA21fixed to the probeintactDecember 5, 2020solar orbit
2014-076FSEND YOUR NAME TO SPACE PLANETARY SOCIETY FLASH MEMORY CHIPDigital time capsuleHAYABUSA21fixed to the return capsuleintactDecember 5, 2020current location unknown
2014-076FCONTENTData filesHAYABUSA2see data assets tablepart of the Send Your Name To Space flash memory chipintactDecember 5, 2020current location unknown
2014-076FMESSAGES FROM EARTH PLANETARY SOCIETY FLASH MEMORY CHIPDigital time capsuleHAYABUSA21fixed to the return capsuleintactDecember 5, 2020current location unknown
2014-076FCONTENTData filesHAYABUSA2see data assets tablepart of the Messages from Earth flash memory chipintactDecember 5, 2020current location unknown
2016-055AMESSAGES TO BENNU!, LIST OF CROWD SOURCED NAMES PLANETARY SOCIETY FLASH MEMORY CHIPDigital time capsuleOSIRIS-REX, NEW FRONTIERS 3, OSIRIS-APEX1fixed to the probeintactSeptember 25, 2023solar orbit
2016-055ACONTENTData filesOSIRIS-REX, NEW FRONTIERS 3, OSIRIS-APEXsee data assets tablepart of the Messages to Bennu! flash memory chipintactSeptember 25, 2023solar orbit
2016-055CASTEROID MISSION TIME CAPSULE PLANETARY SOCIETY FLASH MEMORY CHIPDigital time capsuleOSIRIS-REX, NEW FRONTIERS 31fixed to the return capsuleintactSeptember 24, 2023current location unknown
2016-055CCONTENTData filesOSIRIS-REX, NEW FRONTIERS 3see data assets tablepart of the Asteroid Mission Time Capsule flash memory chipintactSeptember 24, 2023current location unknown
2018-017ASTARMAN DUMMY ASTRONAUTInert payloadFALCON HEAVY DEMONSTRATION MISSION, FALCON HEAVY TEST FLIGHT1seated in the roadsterintactFebruary 6, 2018solar orbit
2018-017AHOTWHEELS MINIATURE ROADSTERCommemorative itemFALCON HEAVY DEMONSTRATION MISSION, FALCON HEAVY TEST FLIGHT1fixed to the roadsterintactFebruary 6, 2018solar orbit
2018-017ANOVEL BOOKCommemorative itemsFALCON HEAVY DEMONSTRATION MISSION, FALCON HEAVY TEST FLIGHT1inside the roadster's glove boxintactFebruary 6, 2018solar orbit
2018-017ATOWELCommemorative itemsFALCON HEAVY DEMONSTRATION MISSION, FALCON HEAVY TEST FLIGHT1inside the roadster's glove boxintactFebruary 6, 2018solar orbit
2018-017ATHE ARCH MISSION FOUNDATION SOLAR LIBRARY I NANOFICHE DISCDigital time capsuleFALCON HEAVY DEMONSTRATION MISSION, FALCON HEAVY TEST FLIGHT1inside the roadster's glove boxintactFebruary 6, 2018solar orbit
2018-017ACONTENTData filesFALCON HEAVY DEMONSTRATION MISSION, FALCON HEAVY TEST FLIGHTsee data assets tablepart the Solar Library I nanofiche discintactFebruary 6, 2018solar orbit
2018-017ACAR STEREOCar stereoFALCON HEAVY DEMONSTRATION MISSION, FALCON HEAVY TEST FLIGHT1fixed to the roadsterEOM, defunctFebruary 6, 2018solar orbit
2018-017ACAR STEREO FLASH MEMORYDigital time capsuleFALCON HEAVY DEMONSTRATION MISSION, FALCON HEAVY TEST FLIGHT1inside the car stereointactFebruary 6, 2018solar orbit
2018-017ACONTENTData filesFALCON HEAVY DEMONSTRATION MISSION, FALCON HEAVY TEST FLIGHTsee data assets tableinside the car stereo flash memoryintactFebruary 6, 2018solar orbit
2018-042ASEND YOUR NAME TO MARS, LIST OF CROWD SOURCED NAMES ENGRAVED SILICON CHIPSCommemorative itemsINSIGHT (DISCOVERY 12)2fixed to the landerintactNovember 26, 2018mars surface
2018-042AIDA (INSTRUMENT DEPLOYMENT ARM)Robotic armINSIGHT (DISCOVERY 12)1fixed to the landerEOM, defunctNovember 26, 2018mars surface
2018-042ASCOOP SAMPLER AND CLAWGeological toolINSIGHT (DISCOVERY 12)1fixed to the robotic armEOM, defunctNovember 26, 2018mars surface
2018-042AIDC (INSTRUMENT DEPLOYMENT CAMERA)CameraINSIGHT (DISCOVERY 12)1fixed to the landerEOM, defunctNovember 26, 2018mars surface
2018-042ARISE (ROTATION AND INTERIOR STRUCTURE EXPERIMENT)Scientific instrumentINSIGHT (DISCOVERY 12)1fixed to the landerEOM, defunctNovember 26, 2018mars surface
2018-042ALARRI (LASER RETROREFLECTOR FOR INSIGHT)Scientific instrumentINSIGHT (DISCOVERY 12)1fixed to the landerEOM, defunctNovember 26, 2018mars surface
2018-042AICC (INSTRUMENT CONTEXT CAMERA)CameraINSIGHT (DISCOVERY 12)1fixed to the landerEOM, defunctNovember 26, 2018mars surface
2018-065ASEND YOUR NAME TO THE SUN FLASH MEMORY CHIPDigital time capsulePARKER SOLAR PROBE, PSP1fixed to the probeintactAugust 12, 2018solar orbit
2018-065ACONTENTData filesPARKER SOLAR PROBE, PSPsee data assets tablepart of the Send Your Name to The Sun flash memory chipintactAugust 12, 2018solar orbit
2018-103ARHU (RADIOISOTOPE HEATER UNIT)Nuclear heat sourceCHANG'E 41inside the landeractiveJanuary 3, 2019moon surface
2018-103APLUTONIUM-238 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelCHANG'E 41inside RHUsactiveJanuary 3, 2019moon surface
2018-103ALUNAR MICRO ECOSYSTEMScientific instrumentCHANG'E 41fixed to the lander, EOM, defunctactiveJanuary 16, 2019moon surface
2018-103CRHU (RADIOISOTOPE HEATER UNIT)Nuclear heat sourceCHANG'E 41?inside the roveractiveJanuary 3, 2019moon surface
2018-103CPLUTONIUM-238 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelCHANG'E 41?inside RHUsactiveJanuary 3, 2019moon surface
2019-009BIMAGING SYSTEMCamerasBERESHEET 6fixed to the landerscatteredApril 11, 2019moon surface
2019-009BISRAELI FLAG PLAQUECommemorative itemBERESHEET 1fixed to the landerscatteredApril 11, 2019moon surface
2019-009BCOMMERCIAL PAYLOADSCommercial payloadsBERESHEET see commercial payloads tablefixed to the landerscatteredApril 11, 2019moon surface
2019-040AeROSITA TELESCOPETelescopeSPEKTRUM-RONTGEN-GAMMA, SPEKTR-RG, SRG, SXG1fixed to the probeactiveJuly 13, 2019Sun-Earth L2 Lagrange Point
2019-040AART-XC TELESCOPETelescopeSPEKTRUM-RONTGEN-GAMMA, SPEKTR-RG, SRG, SXG1fixed to the probeactiveJuly 13, 2019Sun-Earth L2 Lagrange Point
2020-049ASELFIE STICK + 2 CAMERAS?CameraTIANWEN-1, HUOXING-11fixed to the orbiter, deployedEOM, defunctJanuary 30, 2022mars orbit
2020-052AEDL PUC CAMERAS (ENTRY DESCENT AND LANDING PARACHUTE UPLOOK CAMERA)CamerasMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)3fixed to the backshellactiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052AEDL DDC CAMERA (ENTRY DESCENT AND LANDING DESCENT STAGE DOWNLOOK CAMERA)CameraMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the backshellactiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052AMMRTG (MULTI-MISSION RADIOISOTOPE THERMOELECTRIC GENERATOR)Nuclear power sourceMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the roveractiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052APLUTONIUM-238 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)32inside RTGactiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052ASEND YOUR NAME TO MARS PLAQUECommemorative itemsMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the roverintactFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052ASEND YOUR NAME TO MARS, LIST OF CROWD SOURCED NAMES SILICON CHIPCommemorative itemsMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)2fixed to the Send Your Name to Mars plaqueintactFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052ANAME THE ROVER CONTEST ENGRAVED SILICON CHIPCommemorative itemsMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the Send Your Name to Mars plaqueFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052AGEOCACHING IN SPACE TRACKABLE CODE DISCCommemorative itemsMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the calibration targetintactFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052AMARS METEORITECommemorative itemsMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the calibration targetintactFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052ATRIBUTE TO HEALTHCARE WORKERS PLAQUECommemorative itemsMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the roverintactFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052AFAMILY PORTRAIT OF NASA MARS ROVERS PLAQUECommemorative itemsMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the roverintactFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052ACOMMEMORATIVE ITEMSCommemorative itemsMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)?fixed to the roverintactFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052AMASTCAM-ZCamerasMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)2fixed to the roveractiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052ASUPERCAM RMI TELESCOPE (REMOTE MICRO IMAGER)TelescopeMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the roveractiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052ASUPERCAM LIBS (LASER INDUCED BREAKDOWN SPECTROMETRY)Scientific instrumentMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the roveractiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052ASUPERCAM MICROPHONEMicrophoneMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the roveractiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052ANAVCAMS (NAVIGATION CAMERAS)CamerasMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)2fixed to the roveractiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052AROBOTIC ARMRobotic armMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the roveractiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052AGDRT (GASEOUS DUST REMOVAL TOOL)Geological toolMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the robotic armactiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052AROTARY PERCUSSIVE DRILLGeological toolMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the robotic armactiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052AREGOLITH BITSampling bitMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the drillintactFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052ADRILL BITSSampling bitMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)6fixed to the drillintactFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052AABRADING BITSampling bitMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the drillintactFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052ASHERLOC (SCANNING HABITABLE ENVIRONMENTS WITH RAMAN AND LUMINESCENCE FOR ORGANICS AND CHEMICALS)Scientific instrumentMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the robotic armactiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052AWATSON (WIDE ANGLE TOPOGRAPHIC SENSOR FOR OPERATIONS AND ENGINEERING)CameraMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the SHERLOC instrumentactiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052AACI (ADVANCED CONTEXT IMAGER)CameraMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the SHERLOC instrumentactiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052APIXL (PLANETARY INSTRUMENT FOR X-RAY LITHOCHEMISTRY)Scientific instrumentMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the robotic armactiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052AMCC (MICRO CONTEXT CAMERA)CameraMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the PIXL instrumentactiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052AMOXIE (MARS OXYGEN ISRU EXPERIMENT)Scientific instrumentMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the roveractiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052ARIMFAX (RADAR IMAGER FOR MARS SUBSURFACE EXPERIMENT)Scientific instrumentMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the roveractiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052AMEDA (MARS ENVIRONMENTAL DYNAMICS ANALYSER)Scientific instrumentMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the roveractiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052AMEDA SKYCAMCameraMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the MEDA instrumentactiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052AFRONT HAZCAMS (HAZARD AVOIDANCE CAMERAS)CamerasMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)4fixed to the roveractiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052AREAR HAZCAMS (HAZARD AVOIDANCE CAMERAS)CamerasMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)2fixed to the roveractiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052ACACHECAMCameraMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the roveractiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052AEDL RUC CAMERA (ENTRY DESCENT AND LANDING ROVER UPLOOK CAMERA)CameraMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the roveractiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052AEDL RDC CAMERA (ENTRY DESCENT AND LANDING ROVER DOWNLOOK CAMERA)CameraMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the roveractiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052AEDL LCAM CAMERA (LANDER VISION SYSTEM CAMERA)CameraMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the roveractiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052ADESCENT MICROPHONEMicrophoneMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1fixed to the roveractiveFebruary 18, 2021mars surface
2020-052CSMALL PIECE FROM WRIGHT FLYER'S WING CLOTHCommemorative itemMARS 2020 (PERSEVERANCE)1attached underneath Ingenuity's solar panelintactApril 3, 2021mars surface
2021-110ADIDYMOS RECONNAISSANCE AND ASTEROID CAMERA FOR OPTICAL NAVIGATION (DRACO)CameraDART (DOUBLE ASTEROID REDIRECTION TEST)1fixed to the impactorscatteredSeptember 27, 2022asteroid dimorphos surface
2021-110CLEIA (LICIACUBE EXPLORER IMAGING FOR ASTEROID)CameraDART (DOUBLE ASTEROID REDIRECTION TEST)1fixed to the LuciaCube probeEOM, defunctSeptember 11, 2022solar orbit
2021-110CLUKE (LICIACUBE UNIT KEY EXPLORER)CameraDART (DOUBLE ASTEROID REDIRECTION TEST)1fixed to the LuciaCube probeEOM, defunctSeptember 11, 2022solar orbit
2022-070BARTEMIS GATEWAY PATHFINDERScientific instrumentsCAPSTONE?fixed to the boosterEOM, defunctJuly 4, 2022solar orbit
2022-094BLAUNCH YOUR PHOTO INTO DEEP SPACE ORBIT ENGRAVED PLAQUECommemorative itemDANURI1fixed to the booster?intactAugust 4, 2022solar orbit
2022-156ASEND YOUR NAME TO SPACE FLASH MEMORY CHIPDigital time capsuleARTEMIS I1inside the lunar orbital command moduleintactDecember 11, 2022current location unknown
2022-156ACONTENTData filesARTEMIS Isee data assets tablepart of the Send Your Name To Space flash memory chipintactDecember 11, 2022current location unknown
2022-168ACOMMERCIAL PAYLOADSCommercial payloadsHAKUTO-R M1see commercial payloads tablefixed to the landerscatteredApril 25, 2023moon surface
2023-098CCHASTE (CHANDRAS SURFACE THERMOPHYSICAL EXPERIMENT)Scientific instrumentCHANDRAYAAN-31fixed to the lander, deployed on the surfaceEOM, defunctSeptember 22, 2023moon surface
2023-098CILSA (INSTRUMENT FOR LUNAR SEISMIC ACTIVITY)Scientific instrumentCHANDRAYAAN-31fixed to the lander, deployed on the surfaceEOM, defunctSeptember 22, 2023moon surface
2023-098ARHU (RADIOISOTOPE HEATING UNIT)Nuclear heat sourceCHANDRAYAAN-32fixed to the probeEOM, defunctAugust 22, 2024HEO
2023-098AAMERICIUM-241 FUEL PELLETSNuclear fuelCHANDRAYAAN-32inside RHUsEOM, defunctAugust 22, 2024HEO
2023-118APENNANTS?Commemorative itemsLUNA 25, LUNA-GLOB LANDER?fixed to the landerscatteredAugust 19, 2023moon surface
2024-006ACOMMERCIAL PAYLOADSCommercial payloadsPEREGRINE MISSION ONE, PM1, CLPS 1, TO2-ABsee commercial payloads tablefixed to the landerincinerated upon atmospheric entryJanuary 8, 2024earth's atmosphere
2024-030ACOMMERCIAL PAYLOADSCommercial payloadsIM-1 MISSION, INTUITIVE MACHINES ONE, CLPS 2, TO2-IMsee commercial payloads tablefixed to the landerEOM, defunctFebruary 29, 2024moon surface
2024-083CDORN (DETECTION OF OUTGASSING RADON)Scientific instrumentCHANG'E 61fixed to the landerEOM, defunctJune 1, 2024moon surface
2024-083CINRRI (INSTRUMENT FOR LANDING-ROVING LASER RETROREFLECTOR INVESTIGATIONS)Scientific instrumentCHANG'E 61fixed to the landerEOM, defunctJune 1, 2024moon surface
2024-083CNILS (NEGATIVE IONS ON LUNAR SURFACE)Scientific instrumentCHANG'E 61fixed to the landerEOM, defunctJune 1, 2024moon surface
2024-179AMASS SIMULATORInert payloadVULCAN CENTAUR CERTIFICATION-2 MISSION1fixed to the boosterintactOctober 4, 2024solar orbit
2024-182AIN PRAISE FOR MYSTERY: A POEM FOR EUROPA PLAQUECommemorative itemEUROPA CLIPPER1fixed to the probeintactOctober 10, 2024solar orbit
2024-182ASEND YOUR NAME TO EUROPA, MESSAGE IN A BOOTLE FLASH MEMORY CHIPCommemorative itemsEUROPA CLIPPER1fixed to the probeintactOctober 10, 2024solar orbit
2024-182ACONTENTData filesEUROPA CLIPPERsee data assets tablepart of the Send Your Name to Europa flash memory chipintactOctober 10, 2024solar orbit
2025-010ACOMMERCIAL PAYLOADSCommercial payloadsBLUE GHOST MISSION ONE, BLUE GHOST M1, GHOST RIDERS IN THE SKY, CLPS 7, TO-19Dsee commercial payloads tablefixed to the landerJanuary 15, 2025
2025-010BCOMMERCIAL PAYLOADSCommercial payloadsHAKUTO-R M2see commercial payloads tablefixed to the landerJanuary 15, 2025