Non exhaustive list of artificial objects set on the surface of the Descartes Highlands by Apollo 16 astronauts J. Young and C. Duke in April 1972. The objects are listed in chronological order of deployment.

The COSPAR ID of the mission is 1972-031.

Over 650 artificial objects have been identified.

date/epoch (UT)name typequantitystatuslocation
April 21, 1972LUNAR SURFACE CONTACT LANDING PROBESAluminum rod3broken parts?next to LM foot pads
April 21, 1972LM-11 DPS ORIONLM descent stage1landed8.97¡S 15.50¡E
April 21, 1972DEBRIS?Little cabin debris?vented outside when opening the hatchnext to LM ladder strut
April 21, 1972MESA RELEASE LANYARD LOOP PIP PINPin1discarded?still attached to MESA lanyard?
April 21, 1972JETTISON BAGBag1jettisonedkicked under LM
April 21, 1972 ARMRESTS (CDR LH + LMP BOTH)Bracket3jettisonedinside jettison bag
April 21, 1972 ECS LIOH CANISTERAluminum can1jettisonedinside jettison bag
April 21, 1972 ECS LIOH CARTRIDGEAluminum can1jettisonedinside ECS LIOH canister
April 21, 1972 CDR OPS PALLETBracket1jettisonedinside jettison bag
April 21, 1972 LMP OPS PALLETBracket1jettisonedinside jettison bag
April 21, 1972 500MM CAMERA RESEAU COVERAluminium plaque?jettisonedinside jettison bag
April 21, 1972 LOOSE PADDINGWrapping?jettisonedinside jettison bag
April 21, 1972 500MM CAMERA BAGBag1jettisonedinside jettison bag
April 21, 1972MESA INSULATION BLANKETSThermal blanket?discarded?still attached to MESA?
April 21, 1972MESA WHITE BLANKETThermal blanket1left on the surfaceMESA
April 21, 1972???MESA offloadMESA
April 21, 1972ALSD PIP PINSPin?discarded?MESA
April 21, 1972LUNAR TV CAMERA TRIPODAluminium rod1left on the surfacenext to MESA
April 21, 1972LUNAR TV CAMERA POWER CABLECable1never deployedMESA
April 21, 1972???LRV offloadLM Quad I
April 21, 1972LRV THERMAL BLANKET PULL RINGSPin4discardedstill attached to LRV blanket?
April 21, 1972LRV THERMAL BLANKETThermal blanket?discardedunder LM Quad I?
April 21, 1972LRV FLAME BLANKETThermal blanket?discardedunder LM Quad I?
April 21, 1972LRV CONTINGENCY DEPLOYMENT TOOLHandtool?set asideLM +Z or -Y strut?
April 21, 1972LRV CENTER BRAKED REEL (LEFT) DEPLOYMENT TAPE NYLON BAGBag1discardedstill attached to SSE lower left support arm?
April 21, 1972LRV DEPLOYMENT CABLE TEFLON CLIPSPin?discardedstill attached to LRV left hand side center chassis?
April 21, 1972LRV DOUBLED BRAKED REEL (RIGHT) DEPLOYMENT TAPE NYLON BAGBag1discardedstill attached to SSE lower right support arm?
April 21, 1972LRV DEPLOYMENT D-RING PIP PINPin1discardedstill attached to D-handle?
April 21, 1972LRV LOWER RELEASE PINSPin2discardedstill attached to D-handle linkage?
April 21, 1972LRV APEX LOWER HALVESAluminum frame2discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972LRV UPPER RELEASE PINPin1discardedstill attached to D-handle linkage?
April 21, 1972LRV DOUBLED BRAKED REEL (RIGHT) DEPLOYMENT TAPEStrap1discardedstill fixed to LM SSE?
April 21, 1972LRV OUTER BRAKED REEL CABLE (RIGHT OUTRIGGER CABLE)Cable1discardedstill attached to doubled braked reel deployment tape?
April 21, 1972LRV PIN P8Pin1discardedstill attached to right outrigger cable?
April 21, 1972LRV OUTER BRAKED REEL CABLE (LEFT OUTRIGGER CABLE)Cable1discardedstill attached to doubled braked reel deployment tape?
April 21, 1972LRV PIN P1Pin1discardedstill attached to left outrigger cable?
April 21, 1972LRV DEPLOYMENT TAPEStrap1discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972LRV DEPLOYMENT TAPE RELEASE PIN P14Pin1discardedstill attached to deployment tape?
April 21, 1972LRV LEFT REAR WHEEL PACKING MATERIALWrapping?discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972LRV LEFT REAR WHEEL LOCK STRUTAluminum rod1discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972 LRV LEFT REAR WHEEL LOCK STRUT RETAINING TETHERCable1discardedstill attached to LR wheel lock strut
April 21, 1972 LRV LEFT REAR WHEEL LOCK STRUT PIN AND CABLE (CHASSIS)Cable w/ pin1discardedstill attached to LR wheel lock strut
April 21, 1972 LRV LEFT REAR WHEEL LOCK STRUT PIN AND CABLE (WHEEL HUB)Cable w/ pin1discardedstill attached to LR wheel lock strut
April 21, 1972LRV RIGHT REAR WHEEL PACKING MATERIALWrapping?discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972LRV RIGHT REAR WHEEL LOCK STRUTAluminum rod1discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972 LRV RIGHT REAR WHEEL LOCK STRUT RETAINING TETHERMylar cable1discardedstill attached to RR wheel lock strut
April 21, 1972 LRV RIGHT REAR WHEEL LOCK STRUT PIN AND CABLE (CHASSIS)Cable w/ pin1discardedstill attached to RR wheel lock strut
April 21, 1972 LRV RIGHT REAR WHEEL LOCK STRUT PIN AND CABLE (WHEEL HUB)Cable w/ pin1discardedstill attached to RR wheel lock strut
April 21, 1972LRV CHASSIS DELATCH FITTING RELEASE PIN P15Pin1discardedstill attached to deployment tape?
April 21, 1972LRV CHASSIS DELATCH FITTINGAluminum frame1discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972LRV RIGHT TRIPOD RELEASE PIN P9Pin1discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972LRV RIGHT TRIPOD RELEASE PIN P10Pin1discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972LRV RIGHT TRIPOD RELEASE PIN P11Pin1discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972LRV RIGHT APEXAluminum frame1discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972LRV RIGHT TRIPOD RODSAluminum rod2discardedstill attached to tripod apex?
April 21, 1972LRV RIGHT TRIPOD RELEASE PIN P12Pin1discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972LRV ATTITUDE INDICATOR LOCK PINPin1discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972LRV C&W FLAG LOCK PINPin w/ flag1discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972LRV LEFT TRIPOD RELEASE PIN P3Pin1discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972LRV LEFT TRIPOD RELEASE PIN P4Pin1discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972LRV LEFT TRIPOD RELEASE PIN P5Pin1discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972LRV LEFT APEXAluminum frame1discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972LRV LEFT TRIPOD RODSAluminum rod2discardedstill attached to tripod apex?
April 21, 1972LRV LEFT TRIPOD RELEASE PIN P6Pin1discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972LRV PIN P2Pin1discardedstill attached to center outrigger cable?
April 21, 1972LRV FORWARD CHASSIS LOCK RELEASE PINSPin?discardedstill attached to center outrigger cable?
April 21, 1972LRV AFT CHASSIS LOCK RELEASE PINSPin?discardedstill attached to center outrigger cable?
April 21, 1972LRV SADDLEAluminum frame1discardedstill attached to the telescoping rods?
April 21, 1972LRV SSE TELESCOPING RODSAluminum rod2discardedstill attached to the LM SSE?
April 21, 1972LRV LEFT FRONT WHEEL PACKING MATERIALWrapping?discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972LRV LEFT FRONT WHEEL LOCK STRUTAluminum rod1discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972 LRV LEFT FRONT WHEEL LOCK STRUT RETAINING TETHERCable1discardedstill attached to LF wheel lock strut
April 21, 1972 LRV LEFT FRONT WHEEL LOCK STRUT PIN AND CABLE (CHASSIS)Cable w/ pin1discardedstill attached to LF wheel lock strut
April 21, 1972 LRV LEFT FRONT WHEEL LOCK STRUT PIN AND CABLE (WHEEL HUB)Cable w/ pin1discardedstill attached to LF wheel lock strut
April 21, 1972LRV RIGHT FRONT WHEEL PACKING MATERIALWrapping?discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972LRV RIGHT FRONT WHEEL LOCK STRUTAluminum rod1discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972 LRV RIGHT FRONT WHEEL LOCK STRUT RETAINING TETHERCable1discardedstill attached to RF wheel lock strut
April 21, 1972 LRV RIGHT FRONT WHEEL LOCK STRUT PIN AND CABLE (CHASSIS)Cable w/ pin1discardedstill attached to RF wheel lock strut
April 21, 1972 LRV RIGHT FRONT WHEEL LOCK STRUT PIN AND CABLE (WHEEL HUB)Cable w/ pin1discardedstill attached to RF wheel lock strut
April 21, 1972LRV GEOLOGY PALLET SUPPORT POST TIEDOWN TABAluminum plaque1?discarded?LM Quad I
April 21, 1972LRV SEAT TIEDOWN VELCRO STRAPVelcro tab1?discarded by LMPLM Quad I
April 21, 1972BUMPER GUARD BLACK DISK?1discarded by LMPNW of LM
April 21, 1972???Far UV camera offloadLM Quad III
April 21, 1972LM QUAD III INSULATION BLANKETSThermal blanket1?discardedhanging from LM quad III?
April 21, 1972LM QUAD III PAYLOAD PALLET PROTECTIVE BAGBag1?split in halfhanging from LM quad III?
April 21, 1972LM QUAD III PAYLOAD PALLET PINSPin?discardedLM Quad III
April 21, 1972???LCRU offloadMESA
April 21, 1972LCRU POWER CABLE ADAPTERBracket1discardedMESA
April 21, 1972???Far UV camera deploymentLM Quad I
April 21, 1972FAR UV CAMERA PINSPin4?discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972LM QUAD III PAYLOAD PALLETAluminum frame1discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972FAR UV CAMERA LEGS PINSPin3discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972FAR UV CAMERA BATTERY PINSPin2discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972FAR UV CAMERA ELEVATION PINSPin2discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972FAR UV CAMERA AZIMUT PINPin1discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972FAR UV CAMERA PLATE PINPin1discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972FAR UV CAMERA DUST COVERDust cover1discardedLM Quad I
April 21, 1972FAR UV CAMERA/SPECTROGRAPH (UVC)Scientific instrument1left on the surface, probably down after LM ascent stage ignitionLM Quad I
April 21, 1972FAR UV CAMERA BATTERYBattery1left on the surfaceS of LM
April 21, 1972FAR UV CAMERA BATTERY CABLECable1left on the surfaceconnected to Far UV camera
April 21, 1972???LCRU installation on LRVN of LM
April 21, 1972LCRU POWER CABLE ADAPTERBracket1discardedN of LM
April 21, 1972LRV GCTA RECEPTACLE DUMMY CONNECTORDust cover1discardedN of LM
April 21, 1972LRV HGA RECEPTACLE DUMMY CONNECTORDust cover1discardedN of LM
April 21, 1972???GCTA (TCU) offloadMESA
April 21, 1972GCTA (TCU) PIP PIN RELEASE CABLECable w/ pin1?discarded?MESA
April 21, 1972LCRU/GTCA PALLETAluminum frame1discarded?MESA
April 21, 1972???GCTA (TCU) installation on LRVN of LM
April 21, 1972???TV camera offloadMESA
April 21, 1972MESA TV STOWAGE BRACKETBracket1discardedMESA
April 21, 1972???TV camera installation on LRVN of LM
April 21, 1972???16mm camera offloadMESA
April 21, 197216MM CAMERA BRACKET PINSPin?discardedMESA
April 21, 197216MM CAMERA STAFF BRACKET PINSPin?discardedMESA
April 21, 1972???LGA & HGA offloadMESA
April 21, 1972???LGA & HGA installation on LRVN of LM
April 21, 1972RAKE BRACKETBracket1discardedMESA
April 21, 1972LGA & HGA UPPER HALF CANISTERAluminum can1discardedMESA
April 21, 1972LGA & HGA LOWER HALF CANISTERAluminum can1discardedMESA
April 21, 1972LGA & HGA CANISTER FOAM BLOCKSFoam block2?discarded, probably blew up, scatteredMESA
April 21, 1972 LGA & HGA CANISTER OPENING PIP PINSPin3discardedattached to LGA & HGA canister opening lanyard
April 21, 1972LGA & HGA CANISTER HINGED HOOKSHook7?discardedMESA
April 21, 1972HGA YELLOW BRACKETBracket1discardedN of LM
April 21, 1972HGA VELCRO STRAPStrap1discardedN of LM
April 21, 1972TV SYSTEM CABLES CAPSDust cover?discardedN of LM
April 21, 1972HGA OPTICAL SIGHT RETAINING CLAMPClamp1discardedN of LM
April 21, 1972ANTENNA CONTAINER BRACKETSBracket?discardedMESA
April 21, 1972???LRV aft pallet offloadLM Quad III
April 21, 1972LM QUAD III INSULATION BLANKETSThermal blanket1?discardedhanging from LM quad III?
April 21, 1972LM QUAD III LRV AFT PALLET PIP PINSPin?discardedLM Quad III
April 21, 1972LRV AFT PALLET LEFT PIP PIN LANYARDStrap1discardedLM Quad III
April 21, 1972 LRV AFT PALLET LEFT PIP PINSPin2discardedattached to Geology pallet left lanyard
April 21, 1972LRV AFT PALLET HANDRAILS PIP PINSPin?discardedN of LM
April 21, 1972LRV AFT PALLET HANDRAILSAluminum rod2discardedN of LM
April 21, 1972OUTBOARD PENETROMETER LANYARDSStrap2discardedN of LM
April 21, 1972PENETROMETER PIP PINSPin3discardedN of LM
April 21, 1972HTC STOWAGE PIP PINSPin5?discardedLM Quad III
April 21, 1972HTC STOWAGE BRACKETBracket1discardedLM Quad III
April 21, 1972???MESA offloadMESA
April 21, 1972PENETROMETER CONES COVERDust cover1?discardedN of LM
April 21, 1972LRCU PALLETAluminum frame1discardedMESA
April 21, 1972SRC TEFLON SPACERSeal1fell on the surfaceMESA
April 21, 1972???flag offloadMESA
April 21, 1972FLAG MESA PINSPin2discardedMESA
April 21, 1972FLAG THERMAL SHROUDThermal blanket1discardedMESA
April 21, 1972FLAG THERMAL COVERWrapping1discardedMESA
April 21, 1972FLAG LOWER POLEAluminum rod1stuck on the surface, still aloft after LM ascent stage ignitionN of LM
April 21, 1972 FLAG UPPER SHAFTAluminum rod1stuck on the surface, still aloft after LM ascent stage ignitionattached to lower staff
April 21, 1972 FLAG HORIZONTAL SHAFTAluminum rod1stuck on the surface, still aloft after LM ascent stage ignitionattached to upper staff
April 21, 1972 UNITED STATES FLAGFlag1stuck on the surface, still aloft after LM ascent stage ignitionattached to horizontal shaft
April 21, 1972???ALSEP offloadLM Quad II
April 21, 1972SEQ ALUMINIZED KAPTON SHEETThermal blanket1discardedLM Quad II
April 21, 1972SEQ LOWER BAY DOOR THERMAL INSULATION PIECEThermal blanket1discardedLM Quad II
April 21, 1972SEQ LOWER BAY DOOR VELCRO STRAPSStrap2discardedLM Quad II
April 21, 1972SEQ LOWER BAY DOOR RELEASE CLAWSPin?discardedLM Quad II
April 21, 1972PKG 1 LOCK PINSPin1?discardedLM Quad II
April 21, 1972PKG 1 HOCKEY STICK AND LANYARDStrap1?discardedLM Quad II
April 21, 1972PKG 1 TOOL RESTRAIN PINSPin?thrown away by LMPSE of LM
April 21, 1972PKG 1 TOOL BRACKETBracket1thrown away by LMPSE of LM
April 21, 1972PKG 2 LOCK PINSPin1?discardedLM Quad II
April 21, 1972PKG 2 HOCKEY STICK AND LANYARDStrap1?discardedLM Quad II
April 21, 1972PLSS LIOH CANISTER PIP PINSPin?discardedLM Quad II
April 21, 1972PRIMARY LIOH CANISTER BANDStrap1discarded?MESA
April 21, 1972RTG DUST COVERDust cover1thrown away by CDRSE of LM
April 21, 1972DOME RETRIEVAL TOOLHandtool1discardedunder LM Quad II
April 21, 1972 FUEL CAPSULE DOMEGraphite half sphere1discardedstill fixed on the DRT
April 21, 1972FTT TOOLHandtool1thrown away by LMPSE of LM
April 21, 1972???CRE deploymentLM Quad II
April 21, 1972CRE (COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENT) PLATE RED RINGPin w/ ring1broke, discarded by CDRLM Quad II
April 21, 1972???ALSEP deploymentALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972HFE VELCROED PULL RINGSPin w/ ring2discarded?ALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972HFE PIP PINSPin3discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972M/P BASE PIN #1Pin1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972M/P COVER TAPETape1discarded?ALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972M/P COVERDust cover1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972M/P BASE PIN #2Pin1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972HFE SUBPALLET PIP PINPin1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972HFE BOYD BOLTSFastener w/ springs2discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972HFE ELECTRONICS BOXScientific instrument1left on the surfaceALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972HFE PROBE BOX BOYD BOLTSFastener w/ springs4discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972HFE PROBE BOX VELCRO STRAPSStrap2discarded?ALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972RTG CABLE REEL BOYD BOLTSFastener w/ springs3discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972RTG CONNECTOR PIP PINPin1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972RTG CABLE AND REELCable1left on the surfaceconnected to RTG
April 21, 1972RTG (RADIOISOTOPIC THERMOELECTRIC GENERATOR)Scientific instrument1left on the surfaceALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972PKG 2 SUBPALLET BOYD BOLTSFastener w/ springs2discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972ANTENNA & AIM MECHANISM BOYD BOLTSFastener w/ springs2discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972PSE LEVELLING STOOL BOYD BOLTFastener w/ springs1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972PSE STOOLAluminum frame1left on the surfaceunder PSE
April 21, 1972PKG 1 DUST COVERDust cover1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972???PSE deploymentALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972PSE PKG 1 SUBPALLET BOYD BOLTSFastener w/ springs4discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972PSE BOYD BOLTSFastener w/ springs4discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972PSE GIRDLE PIP PINPin1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972PSE GIRDLEDust cover1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972PSE CABLE AND REELCable1left on the surfaceconnected to PSE
April 21, 1972PSE (PASSIVE SISMIC EXPERIMENT)Scientific instrument1left on the surfaceALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972???ALSD deploymentALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972ALSD PIP PIN #2Pin1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972ALSD BATTERY PIN LANYARDPin1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972ALSD HANDLE PIP PINSPin?discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972ALSD CORE STEM RACK BRACKET?Bracket?discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972ALSD TREADLE PIP PINSPin?discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972ALSD BORE STEMS RACK LEGS PIP PINSPin?discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972ALSD PIP PIN #5Pin1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972ALSD BRACKET?Bracket?discarded?ALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972ALSD CORE STEM TOP BAGBag1thrown away by LMPALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972ALSD BATTERY THERMAL SHROUDDust cover1thrown away by LMPALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972???HFE deploymentALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972HFE BORE STEM #1 (FIRST HOLE, WESTERN)Stem1drilled into the surfaceALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972HFE BORE STEM #2 (FIRST HOLE, WESTERN)Stem1drilled into the surfaceALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972HFE BORE STEM #3 (FIRST HOLE, WESTERN)Stem1drilled into the surfaceALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972T/G SUBPALLET BOYD BOLTFastener w/ springs1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972T/G DUST COVERDust cover1thrown away by CDRN of ALSEP site
April 21, 1972HFE HALF PROBE BOX #1Dust cover1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972HFE PROBE (WESTERN)Scientific instrument1left on the surfaceinserted into the HFE bore hole
April 21, 1972HFE PROBE THERMAL SHIELDThermal blanket1left on the surfaceinserted into the HFE bore hole
April 21, 1972HFE PROBE THERMAL SHIELDThermal blanket1left on the surfaceinserted into the HFE bore hole
April 21, 1972HFE PROBE SUNSHIELDThermal blanket1left on the surfaceleft on the HFE bore hole
April 21, 1972HFE PROBE CABLECable1left on the surfaceALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972M/P BOYD BOLTS?Fastener w/ springs?discarded?ALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972M/P SOCKET PULL RINGPin w/ ring1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972HFE HALF PROBE BOX #2Dust cover1left on the surfaceALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972 HFE PROBE (EASTERN)Scientific instrument1never deployedinside Half Probe Box #2
April 21, 1972 HFE PROBE THERMAL SHIELDThermal blanket1never deployedinside Half Probe Box #2
April 21, 1972 HFE PROBE THERMAL SHIELDThermal blanket1never deployedinside Half Probe Box #2
April 21, 1972 HFE PROBE SUNSHIELDThermal blanket1never deployedinside Half Probe Box #2
April 21, 1972HFE PROBE CABLECable1left on the surfaceconnected to eastern probe
April 21, 1972HFE SUBPALLETAluminum frame1left on the surfaceALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972 HFE ELECTRONICS BOX DUST COVERDust cover1never deployedattached to the HFE subpallet
April 21, 1972 HFE ELECTRONICS BOXScientific instrument1never deployedattached to the HFE subpallet
April 21, 1972HFE CABLE AND REELCable1left on the surface, severedconnected to HFE electronics box
April 21, 1972UHT (UNIVERSAL HAND TOOL)Handtool1discardedleft on the HFE electronics box?
April 21, 1972LSM CENTRAL STATION BOYD BOLTSFastener w/ springs2discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972???C/S deploymentALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972CENTRAL STATION SOUTH SIDE BOYD BOLTSFastener w/ springs5discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972CENTRAL STATION EAST SIDE BOYD BOLTSFastener w/ springs4discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972CENTRAL STATION ANTENNA BOYD BOLTFastener w/ springs1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972CENTRAL STATION REAR CURTAIN COVERDust cover1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972CENTRAL STATION ANTENNA BRACKETBracket1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972CENTRAL STATION NORTH SIDE BOYD BOLTSFastener w/ springs3discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972CENTRAL STATION WEST SIDE BOYD BOLTSFastener w/ springs4discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972CENTRAL STATION ANTENNA BOYD BOLTFastener w/ springs1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972CENTRAL STATION NORTH INTERIOR BOYD BOLTSFastener w/ springs2discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972CENTRAL STATION CENTER BOYD BOLTFastener w/ springs1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972CENTRAL STATION SIDE CURTAINS COVERSDust cover3discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972PKG 2 SUBPALLETAluminum frame1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972CENTRAL STATIONScientific instrument1left on the surfaceALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972???LSM deploymentALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972LSM STOWAGE BRACKETBracket1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972LSM FOAM PACKAGINGFoam block?discarded, probably blew up, scatteredALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972LSM SENSORS DUST COVERSDust cover?discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972LSM PRA COVER STRIPED PULL RINGPin w/ ring1discarded?ALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972LSM PRA COVERDust cover1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972LSM CABLE AND REELCable1left on the surfaceconnected to LMS
April 21, 1972LSM (LUNAR SURFACE MAGNETOMETER)Scientific instrument1left on the surfaceALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972ALSD TREADLEAluminum frame1thrown away by LMPALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972 DEEP CORE JACKHandtool1thrown away by LMPstill fixed to treadle?
April 21, 1972ALSD RAMMERHandtool1inserted into the deep core holeALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972ALSD CORE STEM RACKAluminum frame1left on the surfaceALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972ALSD CORE STEM BAGBag1left on the stems rackALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972 ALSD BORE STEMSStem9?never deployedinside core stem bag?
April 21, 1972ALSD WRENCHHandtool1discardedleft on the stems rack?
April 21, 1972ALSD (APOLLO LUNAR SURFACE DRILL)Handtool1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972 ALSD DRILL CHUCKHandtool1discardedfixed to the ALSD
April 21, 1972???T/G deploymentALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972T/G ANCHORStake w/ flag1stuck into the surfacenext to the Central Station
April 21, 1972T/G GEOPHONE #1 CLIPClip1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972T/G GEOPHONE #1Geophone1burried into the surfaceALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972T/G GEOPHONE #2 CLIPClip1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972T/G GEOPHONE #2Geophone1burried into the surfaceALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972T/G ANCHORStake w/ flag1stuck into the surfaceALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972T/G GEOPHONE #3 CLIPClip1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972T/G GEOPHONE #3Geophone1burried into the surfaceALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972T/G GEOPHONE #3 FLAGStake w/ flag?1stuck into the surfaceALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972T/G POWER CABLE AND REELCable1left on the surfaceALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972T/G GEOPHONE CABLECable1left on the surfaceconnected to C/S
April 21, 1972T/G THUMPER ASSEMBLYScientific instrument1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972???M/P deploymentALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972M/P BASE PIN #3Pin1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972M/P BASE LEGS PIN #4Pin1discardedALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972M/P POWER CABLE AND REELCable1left on the surfaceconnected to M/P
April 21, 1972M/P DATA CABLECable1left on the surfaceconnected to M/P
April 21, 1972M/P BASEAluminum plaque1left on the surfaceunder M/P
April 21, 1972M/P (MORTAR PACKAGE)Scientific instrument1left on the surface, one mortar still insideALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972M/P GRENADEExplosive1left on the surfaceinside M/P mortar package
April 21, 1972SAMPLE BAG DISPENSER SUPPORT RINGRing1broke and fell on the surface?ALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972SAMPLE BAG DISPENSER FLAT HEAD SCREWSScrew3broke and fell on the surface?ALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972SAMPLE BAG #358Empty sample bag1probably lost when sample bag dispenser ring broke offALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972SAMPLE BAG #359Empty sample bag1probably lost when sample bag dispenser ring broke offALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972SAMPLE BAG #360Empty sample bag1probably lost when sample bag dispenser ring broke offALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972SAMPLE BAG #361Empty sample bag1probably lost when sample bag dispenser ring broke offALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972SAMPLE BAG #1Empty sample bag1probably lost when retrieving sample bag #2station 1
April 21, 1972SAMPLE BAG #365Empty sample bag1probably lost when retrieving a sample bagstation 1
April 21, 1972SAMPLE BAG #366Empty sample bag1probably lost when retrieving a sample bagstation 1
April 21, 1972SAMPLE BAG #367Empty sample bag1probably lost when retrieving a sample bagstation 1
April 21, 1972SAMPLE BAG DISPENSER ASSEMBLYAluminum plaque1discardedstation 1
April 21, 1972 SAMPLE BAG #370Empty sample bag1discardedfixed on sample bag dispenser
April 21, 1972???broke and fell on the surface?station 1
April 21, 1972SAMPLE BAG #3Empty sample bag1probably lost when retrieving sample bag #4station 1
April 21, 1972LPM PIP PINSPin2discardedstation 2
April 21, 1972SAMPLE BAG #8Empty sample bag1fell on the surface, discarded by LMPstation 2
April 21, 1972M/P ARMING PINSPin3?discarded?ALSEP site SW of LM
April 21, 1972???SWC deploymentMESA
April 21, 1972SWC STOWAGE CANAluminum can1discardedMESA
April 21, 1972LEC (LUNAR EQUIPMENT CONVEYOR)Strap1thrown away by CDRnext to LM ladder strut
April 21, 1972SRC PACKING MATERIAL (YORK MESH)Wrapping?left on MESA?MESA
April 21, 1972SRC BETA CLOTH SEAL PROTECTORDust cover1discarded?MESA
April 21, 1972EVA-1 PALLET PIP PINS?discardedMESA
April 21, 1972???EVA-1 pallet offloadLM cabin
April 21, 1972EVA-1 PALLETAluminum frame1discardednext to LM ladder strut
April 22, 1972DEBRIS?Little cabin debris?vented outside when opening the hatchnext to LM ladder strut
April 22, 1972JETTISON BAGBag1jettisonedunder LM Quad I
April 22, 1972 FOOD WRAPPINGWrapping?jettisonedinside jettison bag
April 22, 1972 DRINK BAGSWrapping2jettisonedinside jettison bag
April 22, 1972 ECS LIOH CARTRIDGE BRACKET?Bracket1jettisoned?inside jettison bag
April 22, 1972 ECS LIOH CANISTER?Aluminum can1jettisoned?inside jettison bag
April 22, 1972 ECS LIOH CARTRIDGE?Aluminum can1jettisoned?inside jettison bag
April 22, 1972 PLSS BATTERIESBattery2jettisonedinside jettison bag
April 22, 1972 PLSS LIOH CANISTERSAluminum can2jettisonedinside jettison bag
April 22, 1972 PLSS LIOH CARTRIDGESAluminum can2jettisonedinside PLSS LIOH canisters
April 22, 1972 UTILITY TOWELSCloth?jettisoned?inside jettison bag?
April 22, 1972 UCTA (URINE COLLECTION AND TRANSFERT ASSEMBLIES)Bag?jettisoned?inside jettison bag?
April 22, 1972SAMPLE BAG #?Empty sample bag1fell on the surface, discarded by CDR?SW of LM
April 22, 1972PENCILPencil1fell either on the LRV LMP seat pan or on the surfaceSW of LM
April 22, 1972???SRP deploymentstation 4
April 22, 1972SRP REFERENCE PAD RETAINER BANDStrap1discarded?station 4
April 22, 1972SRP REFERENCE PAD RETAINER PIP PINPin1discarded?station 4
April 22, 1972SRP SHAFT TIP PROTECTORDust cover1discarded?station 4
April 22, 1972LOWER CORE TUBE #38 UPPER PIP PINPin1discardedstation 4
April 22, 1972LOWER CORE TUBE #38 BITCap1discardedstation 4
April 22, 1972GNOMON STAFFAluminum rod1discarded by LMP?station 6
April 22, 1972LOWER CORE TUBE #36 UPPER PIP PINPin1discardedstation 8
April 22, 1972LOWER CORE TUBE #36 BITCap1discardedstation 8
April 22, 1972SAMPLE BAG DISPENSER ASSEMBLYAluminum plaque1discarded?station 8
April 22, 1972LRV REAR RIGHT EXTENSION FENDERFiberglass fender1broke by CDR, discardedstation 8
April 22, 1972UHT (UNIVERSAL HAND TOOL)Handtool1thrown away by CDRstation 9
April 22, 1972CSVC (CORE SAMPLE VACUMM CONTAINER) SHIELDSeal?1?discarded?station 9
April 22, 1972SAMPLE BAG DISPENSER ASSEMBLYAluminum plaque1losteither station 9 or inbound station 10
April 22, 1972 SAMPLE BAGS #?Empty sample bag?lostfixed on sample bag dispenser
April 22, 1972SAMPLE BAGS #?Full sample bag?fell off SCB #4?if lost, inbound station 10
April 22, 1972LOWER CORE TUBE #04 UPPER PIP PINPin1discardedstation 10
April 22, 1972LOWER CORE TUBE #04 BITCap1discardedstation 10
April 22, 1972SRC PACKING MATERIAL (YORK MESH)Wrapping?left on MESA?MESA
April 22, 1972SRC BETA CLOTH SKIRTDust cover1discarded?MESA
April 22, 1972SRC TEFLON SPACERSeal1discarded?MESA
April 22, 1972CORE TUBES CAPS DISPENSERAluminum plaque1discarded?MESA
April 22, 1972EVA-2 PALLET PIP PINSPin?discardedMESA
April 22, 1972???EVA-2 pallet offloadLM cabin
April 22, 1972??1?thrown off LM cabin by LMPnext to LM ladder strut
April 22, 1972PLSS LIOH CANISTER PIP PINSPin?discardedMESA
April 22, 1972PRIMARY LIOH CANISTER BANDStrap1discardedMESA
April 22, 1972EVA-2 PALLETAluminum frame1discardednext to LM ladder strut
April 22, 1972CDR OPS ANTENNA PIECEAntenna1discardedprobably next to LM ladder strut
April 23, 1972DEBRIS?Little cabin debris?vented outside when opening the hatchnext to LM ladder strut
April 23, 1972LHSSC (LEFT HAND SIDE STOWAGE COMPARTMENT)Bag1jettisoned, hit the MESAnext to LM ladder strut
April 23, 1972 PLSS BATTERIESBattery2jettisonedinside LHSSC
April 23, 1972 PLSS LIOH CANISTERSAluminum can2jettisonedinside LHSSC
April 23, 1972 PLSS LIOH CARTRIDGESAluminum can2jettisonedinside PLSS LIOH canisters
April 23, 1972 ECS LIOH CARTRIDGE BRACKETBracket1jettisonedinside LHSSC
April 23, 1972 ECS LIOH CANISTERAluminum can1jettisonedinside LHSSC
April 23, 1972 ECS LIOH CARTRIDGEAluminum can1jettisonedinside ECS LIOH canister
April 23, 1972 HAMMOCKSCloth sheet2jettisonedinside LHSSC
April 23, 1972 SLEEP RESTRAINSStrap2jettisonedinside LHSSC
April 23, 1972 SPARE LCG (LIQUID COOLED GARMENT)Cloth2jettisonedinside LHSSC
April 23, 1972 ICG JACKETS (INFLIGHT COVERALL GARMENT)Cloth2jettisonedinside LHSSC
April 23, 1972 ICG TROUSERS (INFLIGHT COVERALL GARMENT)Cloth2jettisonedinside LHSSC
April 23, 1972 ICG BOOTS (INFLIGHT COVERALL GARMENT)Boots4jettisonedinside LHSSC
April 23, 1972 USED FOOD CONTAINERSWrapping?jettisonedinside LHSSC
April 23, 1972 DRINK BAGSWrapping2jettisonedinside LHSSC
April 23, 1972 LCG ADAPTERS (LIQUID COOLED GARMENT)Cloth2jettisonedinside LHSSC
April 23, 1972 SPARE LCGsCloth?jettisonedinside LHSSC
April 23, 1972 DEFECATION COLLECTION DEVICESBag?jettisonedinside LHSSC
April 23, 1972LCRU BATTERY #2 PIP PINSPin?discarded?MESA
April 23, 1972SCB BAG #2 OR #8Bag1fell enroute, discarded by the crewinbound station 11
April 23, 1972 SESC (SPECIAL ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLE CONTAINER)Aluminum can1fell enroute, discarded by the crewinside SCB bag
April 23, 1972 CORE TUBE #?Aluminum can1?fell enroute, discarded by the crewinside SCB bag?
April 23, 1972???fell on the surface, discarded by CDR?station 11
April 23, 1972SAMPLE BAG DISPENSER ASSEMBLYAluminum plaque1loststation 11
April 23, 1972 SAMPLE BAGS #?Empty sample bag20?lostfixed on sample bag dispenser
April 23, 1972SAMPLE BAG #414Empty sample bag1discarded by LMPstation 11
April 23, 1972SAMPLE BAG #424Empty sample bag1discarded by LMPstation 11 next to House Rock
April 23, 1972SAMPLE BAG #393Empty sample bag1probably lost when retrieving sample bag #392 or #394station 11 next to House Rock
April 23, 1972???fell on the surfacestation 11
April 23, 1972POLARIZING FILTERCamera filter1discardedstation 11
April 23, 1972PADDED BAGS VELCRO HOOK PATCHESVelcro tab2?discarded?station 11
April 23, 1972LOWER CORE TUBE #32 UPPER PIP PINPin1discardedstation 10'
April 23, 1972LOWER CORE TUBE #32 BITCap1discardedstation 10'
April 23, 1972RAKE HEADGeology tool1thrown away by LMPstation 10'
April 23, 1972SAMPLE BAG #?Empty sample bag1discarded by CDRstation 10'
April 23, 1972SAMPLE BAG #12Empty sample bag1either used or discardedstation 10'
April 23, 1972SAMPLE BAG #14Empty sample bag1either used or discardedstation 10'
April 23, 1972SAMPLE BAG #16Empty sample bag1either used or discardedstation 10'
April 23, 1972GNOMON LEGSAluminum frame1broke, discarded?station 10'
April 23, 1972 SAMPLE BAG #19Empty sample bag1probably lost when retrieving sample bag #20station 10'
April 23, 1972SAMPLE BAG DISPENSER ASSEMBLYAluminum plaque1thrown away by LMPstation 10'
April 23, 1972EXTENSION HANDLEGeology tool1thrown away by LMPstation 10'
April 23, 1972 SCOOP HEADGeology tool1thrown away by LMPfixed on extension handle
April 23, 1972PLSS TOOL CARRIERS QUICK RELEASE PINSPin2?discardedstation 10'
April 23, 1972PLSS TOOL CARRIERSHarness2discardedstation 10'
April 23, 1972???CRE stowageMESA
April 23, 1972CRE WHITE RINGPin w/ ring1discardedMESA
April 23, 1972CRE BLUE RINGPin w/ ring1discardedMESA
April 23, 1972DUKE FAMILY PORTRAITCommemorative item1left on the surfaceN of LM
April 23, 197264-C HANDWRITTEN BETA CLOTHCommemorative item1left on the surfaceN of LM
April 23, 1972USAF 25TH ANNIVERSARY MEDAILLONCommemorative item1left on the surfaceN of LM
April 23, 1972TIE TACK?Commemorative item1?left on the surfaceN of LM
April 23, 1972MISSION STAFF AND TECHNICIANS PRIVATE BELONGINGSCommemorative item?left on the surfaceinside LM descent stage?
April 23, 1972PLIERSGeology tool1discarded?next to MESA
April 23, 1972CRE (COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENT) FRAME CASEScientific instrument1thrown away by CDRMESA?
April 23, 1972SWC (SOLAR WIND COMPOSITION) STAFFScientific instrument1thrown away by LMPN of LM
April 23, 1972???SWC stowageMESA
April 23, 1972???SRP recording drum stowageN of LM
April 23, 1972SRP UPPER HOUSING ASSEMBLYDust cover1discardedN of LM
April 23, 1972SCB BAG #2 OR #8Bag1discardedkicked under LM
April 23, 1972LMP HEDC (HASSELBLAD ELECTRIC DATA CAMERA)Camera1thrown away by LMPN of LM
April 23, 1972 HEDC BRACKETBracket1thrown away by LMPfixed on HEDC camera
April 23, 1972 HEDC HANDLE WITH TRIGGERCamera handle1thrown away by LMPfixed on HEDC camera
April 23, 1972 HEDC 60MM LENSLens1thrown away by LMPfixed on HEDC camera
April 23, 1972LRV-2 (LUNAR ROVING VEHICULE)Lunar wheeled vehicule1left on the surfaceLRV VIP site E of LM
April 23, 1972 SUN COMPASSNavigation tool1left on LRV?LRV
April 23, 1972 MAP HOLDERNavigation tool1left on LRV?LRV
April 23, 1972 HORIZON/RETURN CHARTNavigation tool1left on LRV?LRV
April 23, 1972 BAG DISPENSER BRACKETBracket1left on LRV?LRV console?
April 23, 1972 ROVER SCHEMATICBook1left on LRV?LRV
April 23, 1972 LRV CHECKLISTBook1left on LRV?LRV
April 23, 1972 LENS BRUSHHandtool2?left on LRV?LRV
April 23, 1972 16MM SEQUENCE CAMERA (LDAC)Camera1left on LRV?LRV
April 23, 1972 16MM SEQUENCE CAMERA BRACKETBracket1left on MESA?LRV
April 23, 1972 16MM SEQUENCE CAMERA HANDLECamera handle1left on LRV?fixed on 16mm camera
April 23, 1972 16MM SEQUENCE CAMERA BATTERYBattery1left on LRV?fixed on 16mm camera
April 23, 1972 16MM SEQUENCE CAMERA LENSLens1left on LRV?fixed on 16mm camera
April 23, 1972 16MM SEQUENCE CAMERA LENS CAPCap?left on LRV?fixed on 16mm camera
April 23, 1972 LCRU (LUNAR COMMUNICATIONS RELAY UNIT)Electronics box1left on LRVLRV
April 23, 1972 LCRU BATTERY #1Battery1left on LRVconnected to LCRU
April 23, 1972 TCU (TELEVISION CONTROL UNIT)Electronics box1left on LRVLRV
April 23, 1972 HGA (HIGH GAIN ANTENNA)Antenna1left on LRVLRV
April 23, 1972 LGA (LOW GAIN ANTENNA)Antenna1left on LRVLRV
April 23, 1972 HTC (HAND TOOL CARRIER)Handtool1left on LRVLRV Geology pallet
April 23, 1972 GEOLOGY PALLETAluminum frame1left on LRVLRV
April 23, 1972 VISEGeology tool1left on LRVLRV Geology pallet
April 23, 1972 TONGSGeology tool1left on LRVLRV Geology pallet
April 23, 1972 EXTENSION HANDLEGeology tool1left on LRVLRV Geology pallet
April 23, 1972 SRP (SELF RECORDING PENETROMETER)Scientific instrument1left on LRVLRV Geology pallet
April 23, 1972 SRP REFERENCE PAD ASSEMBLYBracket1left on LRV?fixed on the SRP?
April 23, 1972 SRP CONE AND PLATE STOWAGE ASSEMBLYAlunimum cone1left on LRV?fixed on the SRP?
April 23, 1972 SRP 1.29-CM2 CONEAlunimum cone1left on LRV?fixed on the SRP?
April 23, 1972 SRP 3.22-CM2 CONEAlunimum cone1left on LRV?fixed on the SRP?
April 23, 1972 SRP 6.45-CM2 CONEAlunimum cone1left on LRV?fixed on the SRP?
April 23, 1972 SRP PLATEAluminum plaque1left on LRV?fixed on the SRP?
April 23, 1972 CDR SEATAluminum frame1left on LRVLRV
April 23, 1972 GNOMON BAGBag1left on LRVLRV CDR seat
April 23, 1972 LCRU BATTERY #2Battery1left on LRV under LRV CDR seat
April 23, 1972 HEDC 500MM (HASSELBLAD ELECTRIC DATA CAMERA)Camera1left on LRV under LRV CDR seat
April 23, 1972 HEDC 500MM BRACKETBracket1left on LRVfixed on HEDC 500mm camera
April 23, 1972 HEDC 500MM HANDLE WITH TRIGGERCamera handle1left on LRVfixed on HEDC 500mm camera
April 23, 1972 HEDC 500MM LENSLens1left on LRVfixed on HEDC 500mm camera
April 23, 1972 HEDC 500MM LENS CAPCap1left on LRVfixed on HEDC 500mm camera
April 23, 1972 LMP SEATAluminum frame1left on LRVLRV
April 23, 1972GCTA SUNSHIELDSunshade1thrown away by CDRLRV VIP site E of LM
April 23, 1972TONGSGeology tool1left on the surfaceLRV VIP site E of LM
April 23, 1972LCRU 65-PERCENT THERMAL BLANKETThermal blanket1torn and placed over LRV LCRU panelLRV VIP site E of LM
April 23, 1972LPM SENSOR PACKAGE (LUNAR PORTABLE MAGNETOMETER)Scientific instrument1left on the surfaceLRV VIP site E of LM
April 23, 1972 LPM TRIPODAluminum rod1left on the surfaceattached to LPM
April 23, 1972 LPM 50 FT CABLE AND REELCable1left on the surfaceattached to LPM
April 23, 1972 LPM METER (ELECTRONICS BOX)Scientific instrument1left on the surfacefixed on LRV HTC
April 23, 1972CORE TUBES RAMMERAluminum rod1?left on MESA?MESA?
April 23, 1972CORE TUBES CAPS DISPENSERAluminum plaque?left on MESA?MESA?
April 23, 1972 CORE TUBE CAPSCap?left on MESA?MESA?
April 23, 1972SCB #8 (SAMPLE COLLECTION BAG)Bag?left on MESA?MESA?
April 23, 1972SCB #1 SPACERWrapping1left on MESA?MESA?
April 23, 1972SAMPLE BAG DISPENSER ASSEMBLYAluminum frame2?left on MESA?MESA?
April 23, 1972 SAMPLE BAGSEmpty sample bag?left on MESA?fixed on sample bag dispenser
April 23, 1972HAMMERGeology tool1discarded or left on MESA?MESA?
April 23, 1972RESEAU PLATE COVERAluminum plaque?left on MESA?MESA?
April 23, 1972LUNAR TV CAMERA 100 FT CABLE ASSEMBLYCable1never deployedMESA
April 23, 1972 HEDC BRACKETBracket1left on MESA?fixed on HEDC camera
April 23, 1972 HEDC HANDLE WITH TRIGGERCamera handle1left on MESA?fixed on HEDC camera
April 23, 1972 HEDC 60MM LENSLens1left on MESA?fixed on HEDC camera
April 23, 1972FAR UV CAMERA CASSETTE PIP PINPin1?discardednext to LM ladder strut
April 23, 1972????next to LM ladder strut
April 23, 1972DUST BRUSHHandtool1left on MESA?MESA?
April 23, 1972LEC (LUNAR EQUIPMENT CONVEYOR)Strap1discardedunder MESA
April 23, 1972LM LADDER STRUT COMMEMORATIVE PLAQUE COVER PULL PINPin1?discarded?next to LM ladder strut
April 23, 1972LM LADDER STRUT COMMEMORATIVE PLAQUE COVER & LATCHCurved hinged metal cover1?discarded?next to LM ladder strut
April 23, 1972LM LADDER STRUT COMMEMORATIVE PLAQUECommemorative item1left on the surfacefixed to LM ladder strut
April 23, 1972DEBRIS?Little cabin debris?vented outside when opening the hatchnext to LM ladder strut
April 23, 1972LMP PLSS (PORTABLE LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM)Back pack1jettisonednext to ladder pad
April 23, 1972CDR PLSS (PORTABLE LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM)Back pack1jettisonednext to ladder pad
April 23, 1972ISS (INTERIM STORAGE SHELF)Bag1jettisonednext to ladder pad
April 23, 1972 HELMET BAGBag?jettisonedinside ISS
April 23, 1972 CDR LUNAR OVERSHOESBoots2jettisonedinside ISS
April 23, 1972 LMP LUNAR OVERSHOESBoots2jettisonedinside ISS
April 23, 1972 RCU (REMOTE CONTROL UNIT)Chest pack1jettisonedinside ISS
April 23, 1972 RCU (REMOTE CONTROL UNIT)Chest pack1jettisonedinside ISS
April 23, 1972 ARMREST (CDR RH)Bracket1jettisonedinside ISS
April 23, 1972 YO-YO (EVA RETRACTABLE TETHER)Strap2?jettisonedinside ISS
April 24, 1972DEBRIS?Kapton, Mylar and Inconel debris??blown off at LM ascent?LM landing site
April 24, 1972MESA BLANKETSThermal blanket?blown off at LM ascent?LM landing site
April 24, 1972PORCH PLATEAluminum platform1?blown off at LM ascent?LM landing site
April 24, 1972RCS DEFLECTOR PLATES AND STRUTS Aluminum rod?blown off at LM ascent?LM landing site
May 23, 1972M/P GRENADESExplosive3scatteredW of ALSEP